O Conjunto de Máscaras Reutilizáveis Pacifica – Silicone para Área dos Olhos é a solução ideal para quem busca cuidar da delicada região ao redor dos olhos. Composto por silicone de alta qualidade, este produto inovador não apenas é reutilizável, mas também proporciona um tratamento eficaz contra o inchaço e as olheiras. Ao aplicar as máscaras, você sentirá uma sensação refrescante e relaxante, enquanto a pele ao redor dos olhos se rejuvenescida e revitaliza.
As máscaras criam um selo semelhante a um vácuo entre o seu sérum favorito e a pele, potencializando a absorção dos ingredientes ativos e aumentando a hidratação. A textura perfeitamente aderente das máscaras permite um leve levantamento e nivelamento da pele, minimizando a aparência de linhas finas e rugas. Além de serem fáceis de usar, as máscaras são práticas para lavar, armazenar e reutilizar, garantindo durabilidade e economia. Acompanha uma lata de armazenamento respirável, que facilita a conservação do produto, mantendo-o limpo e pronto para uso. Com uma fórmula livre de produtos químicos agressivos, como parabenos e ftalatos, as Máscaras Reutilizáveis Pacifica oferecem uma experiência segura e livre de irritações.
- Hidratação intensa: O selo criado pela máscara potencializa a absorção do sérum, garantindo uma hidratação profunda e duradoura.
- Redução de linhas finas e rugas: A textura aderente ajuda a suavizar a pele, reduzindo visivelmente as marcas do tempo.
- Economia a longo prazo: A reutilização das máscaras evita o desperdício e proporciona uma alternativa econômica em comparação com máscaras descartáveis.
- Armazenamento prático: A lata de armazenamento respirável mantém as máscaras protegidas e prontas para uso, facilitando o dia a dia.
- Fórmula segura: Livre de produtos químicos agressivos, a máscara é ideal para todos os tipos de pele, garantindo uma aplicação segura e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, comece aplicando o seu sérum favorito na área dos olhos. Em seguida, posicione a Máscara Reutilizável Pacifica – Silicone para Área dos Olhos sobre a pele, pressionando suavemente para criar um selo aderente. Deixe a máscara agir por 10-15 minutos, permitindo que os ingredientes penetrem profundamente na pele. Após o tempo de aplicação, remova a máscara e massageie suavemente o excesso de sérum na pele até que seja completamente absorvido. Para resultados ideais, recomenda-se o uso de 2 a 3 vezes por semana.
SisterToAll –
✅ They are reusable and came with a little tin box for easy storage.
❌ Unsure which way to apply but figured out which fit best for my face. (Small side towards nose)
✅ Easy to apply, stayed stuck
✅ Easy to clean
✅ Comfortable
Unsure how well they work yet, will attempt to remember to update after daily use for a couple weeks.
Autumn L. Malone –
I think this is a great idea, but for what it is 20 isnt worth it.
They feel nice and are comfortable but it’s literally 3 pieces of silicone and a metal tin than doesn’t really fit all the pieces in it all that well.
You have to figure out how long to wait after applying serums and then when you can apply these masks on top of them. If not perfectly balanced they will not stick and continue to fall off.
I am really not a huge fan of the eye patches because they feel heavy and like they are pulling my eyelids down if I am standing with the mask on.
These do smooth lines and lock in moisture but don’t expect to do other things but relax while these are on. Great for chilling in bed at night and watching tv tho
H Smith –
I’ve had deep forehead furrows since my late teens. Now in my 30s, I had just accepted them as a fact of life. That is, until I tried this forehead mask. After 10 minutes using regular old Cetaphil Moisturizing Cream under this mask, my forehead furrows looked better than they did back in my teens!
I purchased the eye and forehead mask combo set, and while my fine lines around the corners of my eyes haven’t gone away, my under eyes are looking significantly more plumb and rejuvenated. Overall, I am extremely pleased with this set.
– The masks are large for my face, so they stick out at the corners where they go past my cheekbones and around my forehead temples.
– They are VERY sticky. If you don’t use enough product underneath, the mask will instead act as a skin peel. (this is also a bit of a plus because you know the mask isn’t going to sloth off while wearing it)
Stephanie –
I was so excited for these. Day one was really great. In the morning I took them off and cleaned them like the box said. Night two they did not stick as good. Really upset.
Zareph Lae –
These are super affordable, easy to clean, and stay on your eyes well. They help incorporate your serums and other products into your eyes better.
Amazon Customer –
These patches are a bit thicker/heavier than another set of eye patches that I purchased. They tend to want to slide around on my face so I only use them when I have time to lay flat for a bit.
Jessi –
These are such an amazing product; reusable, washable, super sticky (but no adhesive!), and really effective at smoothing out my under eye wrinkles. I’ve only been using them for four days and the difference under my eyes is so drastic; it’s what my under eyes looked like 10 years ago, hand to God. If you are a side sleeper who creases your under eyes when sleeping and wake up with more pronounced fine lines because of it, I cannot recommend buying these enough. They are awesome.
Amazon Customer –
I love that any under eye serum/cream instantly becomes more of a treatment when used with these reusable eye patches over top. Less product evaporation, better delivery to the delicate skin around the eyes. I will never need to buy single-use under eye masks again. Highly recommend
Eden Fam –
100% a HG! 10/10. Keep them in the freezer and IME they will de-puff like no other product you’ve tried. Stick them on the area you like after applying your favorite eye product and go about your morning! They are so relaxing and the cooling sensation really wakes me up in the morning and makes me feel refreshed. It’s like my morning coffee. They come with a cute purple storage tin that even has holes in the sides to allow for ventilation.
Results IME:
I struggle with serious puffiness around the eyes due to allergies and just have a really sensitive eye area in general. These masks (after being stored in the freezer) are a total game changer. I STG after using these consistently for months, I look like a whole new person and my eye area isn’t always inflamed and irritated. They’re like a ice pack for the eye area when it comes to soothing inflammation/ swelling. After a few months of use, I noticed I dont wake up with SUCH puffy eyes anymore. I think this is because I’ve finally gotten to the point that I’ve completely sootherd the inflammation that was there so now I can use these daily to just maintain my under eyes natural state instead of trying to un-do weeks of inflammation in the morning. I also have hooded eyes naturally, that combined with excessive inflammation of the area just was not ideal. But these masks really calm the whole eye area, not just where they’re places so I’ve noticed improvement in the puffiness above my eyes too. They also allow skincare products to absorb better and I do feel that I’ve gotten better results from my products that I use under them. Even my cheek bones which are also under the masks are SO bright, plump and even toned after using these, all thanks to the serums that I layer under them.
My Experience:
I struggle with serious puffiness and I’ve tried tons of disposable and reusable eye masks. I wanted a reusable eye mask that would mimic the de-puffing effects the gel disposable patches have after being put in the fridge. I tried a few options from various brands but they were all just paper thin and didn’t hold onto cold temps even after being in the freezer over night OR wouldn’t stay on the face and had to be used while lying down. THIS product, is the ONLY one of its kind that genuinely acts as an ice pack to soothe inflammation AND stays put. My OG pair even stays put still and I’ve been using washing and freezing that pair daily for over 5 months, the designs haven’t even faded. These patches are REALLY sticky at first, so just make sure you have a good amount of product underneath so that they don’t pull at your skin when you remove them. You can also wash them a few times before use if they’re too sticky for your liking and it’ll tone down the stickiness while still allowing a nice hold that doesn’t EVER slide down your face. They aren’t sticky when being washed with water so you can also wet the area for easy removal during the first few uses.
How I use them:
These are essential for my morning routine. It’s like my morning coffee and daily de-puffer soI have 3 pairs I rotate. ( a person doesn’t need that many I just HAVE to have these lol) I use one while I get dressed for the day after applying my serums, then once those are no longer cold, I rinse with warm water and anti-bacterial hand soap and lay them sticky side up to dry on a clean towel. Then I pull a second pair out of the freezer and wear them on my commute to work when I need an extra boost of depuffing/ a extra pick me up. They come in a nice tin for easy storage, just make sure you store them sticky side up. When I get to work I put them in their tin, and wash them when I get home and put the ones from earlier that have been drying all day in the tin and back in the freezer. In the morning I put the ones I worse OTW to work in their tin and back in the freezer but I still have two already frozen. AND repeat. (:
Tara Schjeldahl –
The forehead one stuck for a little while but started peeling off quickly. After I was tired of trying to keep it on my face I took off and noticed my forehead felt extremely dry. I used the same moisturizer I always use and never feel dry after using it. I’m guessing it had something to do with the “adhesive”