Conjunto de Funil para Pó de Proteína – 4 Unidades Garrafa Portátil com Funil | Ideal para Pré-Treino, BCAA’s e Pó de Proteína | Sem Bagunça, Recipiente de Pó com Chaveiro para Treino, Fitness
O Conjunto de Funil para Pó de Proteína é a solução perfeita para quem busca praticidade e eficiência na hora de transportar seus suplementos. Composto por quatro funis de tamanhos variados, este conjunto é ideal para pré-treino, BCAA, creatina e qualquer outro pó que você precise levar para o seu treino. Cada funil é projetado para se encaixar perfeitamente na boca de garrafas de água e shakers, garantindo que você não tenha mais problemas com derramamentos indesejados. O design compacto e portátil, que inclui um mosquetão chaveiro, permite que você prenda os funis à sua bolsa, tornando-os um verdadeiro aliado no seu estilo de vida ativo.
Além de sua praticidade, os funis são feitos de materiais livres de BPA, assegurando que você esteja utilizando um produto seguro e de alta qualidade. A limpeza é simples e rápida, podendo ser feita à mão ou na máquina de lavar louça. Com duas unidades pretas e duas brancas, cada funil tem capacidade para 100ml, tornando-se o recipiente ideal para atletas e entusiastas do fitness que buscam uma maneira eficiente de aumentar sua ingestão de proteínas sem bagunça.
- 💪 Fácil e Conveniente: Quatro tamanhos de funis para atender a todas as suas necessidades de suplementos.
- ✈️ Amigo de Viagem: Compatível com shakers e garrafas de água, ideal para o estilo de vida em movimento.
- 🔒 Livre de BPA: Feito de materiais seguros, garantindo a saúde e bem-estar do usuário.
- 🎁 Ótimo Presente: Um presente prático e útil para atletas e amantes do fitness.
- ✅ Satisfação Garantida: Compromisso com a qualidade e a satisfação do cliente.
Para utilizar o Conjunto de Funil para Pó de Proteína, escolha o tamanho do funil que melhor se adapta ao seu suplemento. Encaixe o funil na boca da garrafa de água ou shaker e despeje o pó de proteína ou outro suplemento desejado. Deixe o pó escorregar suavemente para dentro da garrafa, garantindo que não haja desperdício. Após o uso, lave os funis com água e sabão ou coloque-os na máquina de lavar louça para uma limpeza eficiente. Certifique-se de fechar bem a tampa da garrafa antes de agitar ou consumir o líquido, garantindo assim a integridade do seu suplemento e a praticidade do seu treino.
Jennifer W. –
These little containers are a nice way to pre-measure and take your protein with you. FYI my ghost protein powder is the largest “serving” size, and this held a whole scoop (39g) with some room to spare. The top opening is large so you can fill it, and the bottom is small enough to fit into a 16 oz water bottle. The screw top and bottom are easy to screw on and off. It makes taking an extra serving with you much easier than trying to take a ziploc baggie and hoping it doesn’t come open.
Sara –
This was the first time using these funnels, I noticed a lot of different situations where I needed to store my supps on the go but only used ziplock bags. This was very handy and easy to use, they were the perfect size for single servings of protein or carbohydrate powders. Very satisfied with my purchase.
Spoogey –
I’ve been wanting these for my on the go protein needs.
They hold a full scoop and even come with carabiners for easy transport with any gym bag/backpack.
The funnel makes for a clean and easy way to load a blender bottle.
Would recommend for any gym goer or anyone looking to carry supps around with them throughout the day.
Sayira –
Shipping took way too long. Product was not what I excepted. It is made from a cheap like plastic. The lid does not screw on tight enough. They keychain feel cheap and has a metal smell on your fingers.
Jennifer W. –
These are the perfect size for 1 scoop of protein powder. Double sided caps make it easy to put the large scoop in. Smaller side allows for no mess when emptying the powder into the blender. Comes with a small carribeaner if you need to attach it to a bag. Came with 4.
These funnel containers are good for getting protein powder into bottles, specially 500ml water bottles.
I like this design because the bottom portion of the funnel has a screw on cap. This is different than some other options which have a rubber plug. Their are pros and cons to both; for example, the screw on one is more secure but sometimes powder gets into the grooves of the cap and it’s hard to twist it on straight.
These are a little small so the protein powders that have a bigger serving size, may require two funnels to store one scoop.
Also one difficulty is that when filling these funnels it can be hard to stand them up. Basically I think you either try to avoid the mess by either using a shaker bottle and then deal with cleaning that later or deal with the mess early, with these funnels and save yourself the headache later. I prefer the latter.
If you find cleaning protein bottles a chore, these are a great alternative to use with disposable water bottles.
Alan H. –
This set of funnel/containers are a perfect size to pack your pre-workout or protein powder until you are ready to add it to your bottle. The container keeps things inside very well and the funnel is a perfect size for any bottle. The carabiner attached will keep the container attached to your bag or you drink cup.
You get 4 of these so you don’t have to wash them daily, but, since they are dishwasher safe, you shouldn’t have and issue, even if you are sharing them your significant person.
The price is awesome, so, pick them up and give them a go. I am happy with them, I bet you will be too!
icekitty –
These are pretty nice. You can fill them with pre-measured powder, clip them on your bag, and fill your shaker when you arrive where you’re going. In addition, you can also keep it empty and use it simply as a funnel for pre-measured mixes. No more trying to empty powder into a tiny water bottle opening.
My favorite part of this is that I only need to bring once shaker for multiple different powdered drinks.