O Conjunto de 30 Máscaras Faciais de Argila com 4 Presilhas de Cabelo é a solução perfeita para homens que buscam uma limpeza profunda e eficaz da pele. Com 30g cada, essas máscaras são formuladas com argila de alta qualidade, proporcionando uma limpeza intensa que remove impurezas e controla a oleosidade, combatendo acne e cravos de forma eficiente. O conjunto inclui uma variedade de máscaras, como Rosa, Cúrcuma, Chá Verde, Abacate, Mar Morto, OURO 24K, Tea Tree e Berinjela, permitindo que você escolha a máscara ideal de acordo com suas necessidades específicas.
As máscaras são embaladas individualmente em cápsulas, o que garante praticidade e higiene, tornando-as ideais para uso em casa ou em viagens. O design portátil facilita o transporte e o uso único, evitando desperdícios. A aplicação é simples: basta limpar e secar a pele, aplicar a máscara com um pincel, aguardar de 10 a 15 minutos e, em seguida, remover com uma toalha de papel antes de enxaguar o rosto com água morna.
Além de promover uma limpeza profunda, as máscaras de argila contêm extratos de plantas que ajudam a melhorar os sinais de envelhecimento, iluminam o tom da pele e mantêm o equilíbrio de hidratação. Este conjunto é uma excelente opção para quem enfrenta problemas como rugas, manchas escuras e poros dilatados, proporcionando uma pele mais limpa, suave e livre de imperfeições.
- Variedade de máscaras de argila que atendem diferentes necessidades da pele.
- Embalagem individual que garante praticidade e higiene em cada uso.
- Fácil aplicação e remoção, tornando o processo de cuidados com a pele mais conveniente.
- Ingredientes naturais e extratos de plantas que promovem cuidados eficazes e saudáveis.
- Solução para problemas comuns da pele, como rugas, manchas e acne, melhorando a aparência geral.
Para obter os melhores resultados, comece limpando e secando bem o rosto. Escolha a máscara de argila desejada e aplique-a uniformemente com um pincel, evitando a área dos olhos. Deixe a máscara agir por 10 a 15 minutos, permitindo que os ingredientes penetrem na pele. Após o tempo de espera, remova a máscara com uma toalha de papel e enxágue o rosto com água morna. Seque delicadamente a pele. Recomenda-se o uso de 1 a 2 vezes por semana para maximizar os benefícios e manter a pele saudável e revitalizada.
Amazon Customer –
This is a really nice set that comes with 10 pods, which are 5 sets of two masks. It’s a great set to give as a gift, and I think anyone would appreciate it. This one is for me, but I plan to get a few more as gifts for friends and family. I love that they are individual masks, allowing me to change them up depending on my skin’s needs. The masks feel nice and do not irritate my skin, which is a big plus for me. They leave my skin feeling refreshed and hydrated. Overall, it’s a versatile and thoughtful gift set that I highly recommend.
Nancy –
I like Freeman’s face mask better but OK
nancykou –
Ok so I know these are 10 pods for one time uses, but they’re alot smaller than I was anticipating lol. I was thinking I could let my toddler try some with me but she would need a whole pod wouldn’t be able to share. I think it’s barely just enough in one pod for a thin layer for the whole face. The product itself is good and smells nice. Would have loved a littleeee bit more product in each pod so I could be more generous with it. These are more like travel size pods. They’re only 8.99$ though so actually they’re worth it!
Yana –
Amazon Customer –
OMG I’ve had a bad experience with this seller’s facial product. My face turned all red and started itching like never before! I suggest a different brand! I knew I shouldn’t have trusted the price… 👎👎
Destrey –
These are small as the samples they give you in Sephora, I mean each type comes with two but still not worth it. But I mean this product leaves you’re skin very smooth.
patricia m buttell –
This face mask comes in five plastic packets with peel off top. The packets include five very pleasant scents — rose, turmeric, green tea, avocado and dead sea (ocean scent?). The moist “mud” glides over your skin, settles into your pores and then dries in 15 minutes. It is easy to remove with a warm cloth and leaves your face smooth and hydrated. I follow it up with moisturizer. It leaves my skin feeling clean and smooth. Each individual container has enough clay/mud for two applications. I like this product and would order it again.
woodworker –
This is a lovely set of clay facial masks, two each of five different spa like types. Each is sealed in an individual little pod with enough for one use. There is a little brush included to help with the application. I tried the avocado one and it left my skin feeling soft and refreshed. One nice thing I noticed was that the package indicated that it was manufactured Aug 2024 (2 months ago) and has an expiration date of Aug 2027, telling me this product is very fresh.
I also think the price is a good value.