O Standard Process Congaplex (Chewable) é um suplemento alimentar inovador que combina a sabedoria da natureza com a ciência moderna, oferecendo uma fórmula rica em RNA de alimentos integrais. Este produto é projetado para fornecer suporte imunológico robusto, promovendo a saúde geral do organismo. Com uma mistura poderosa de ingredientes, incluindo pó de cogumelo Shiitake e Reishi, batata-doce orgânica e gérmen de trigo, o Congaplex não apenas nutre, mas também protege as células do corpo contra os danos dos radicais livres.
- Fornece ingredientes com atividade antioxidante, ajudando a neutralizar os radicais livres e a proteger as células do estresse oxidativo.
- Suporta a glândula timo, essencial para a produção de células T, que desempenham um papel crucial na resposta imunológica.
- Contém ácido ribonucleico (RNA), que o corpo utiliza para construir novas células, promovendo a regeneração celular e a saúde a longo prazo.
- Standard Process: produtos de alta qualidade que funcionam da maneira que a natureza pretendia, garantindo eficácia e segurança.
1. Apoio Imunológico: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças e infecções.
2. Regeneração Celular: O RNA presente na fórmula auxilia na construção de novas células, promovendo a recuperação e a saúde celular.
3. Atividade Antioxidante: Os ingredientes antioxidantes protegem o corpo contra o estresse oxidativo, contribuindo para a longevidade e bem-estar.
4. Saúde da Glândula Timo: O suporte à glândula timo é fundamental para a produção de células T, essenciais para uma resposta imunológica eficaz.
5. Fórmula Natural e Orgânica: Com ingredientes de origem natural e orgânica, o Congaplex é uma escolha saudável e segura para quem busca qualidade em suplementos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 a 4 comprimidos mastigáveis por dia, preferencialmente entre as refeições. É importante mastigar bem os comprimidos para facilitar a absorção dos nutrientes. Para pessoas com necessidades específicas ou condições de saúde, é aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar o uso do produto. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Julie W –
Wow what a big difference these have made on my son. He has had a swollen lympth node behind his right ear (about a 1/4 raised from the rest of the skin an somewhat firm but not rock hard most of the time). Its been an on going this as well as his horrible gag reflex he would make him self through up even thinking about eat many food especial certain textures. I was really hard to get him to eat much of anything besides pureed baby food. This was a big issue for us and him.
I thankful for congaplex as it has been an answer to prayer!! Our son now eat mostly everything and only has an issue if he stuffs his mouth to full of food ( like a whole chicken nugget) (and no we dont eat fast foods only applegates organic nuggets)We a diet rich in healthly fats and organic foods on the weston a price diet so not junk.
Also my sons lymph node has shunk down now and is hardly visible anymore!!! His energy is up not that is was bad before, but you can tell he is feeling so much better taking congaplex. We give him 6-9 chewables a day as the label says 3 per meal a day. Plus he also takes Garden of Life brand chewable multivitamins and gets fermented cod liver oil at least once a week also.
I also have noticed he has not been getting sick like he used to now that he is on congaplex and we go to a really large church house (about 500 people and a ton of kids) twice a week and we also do a lot of shopping. So he is exposed to a ton of sick kids all the time and the most we had all winter is a runny nose and a one degree fever. While most of the church caught the flu virus. Thank you Lord!
Amazon Customer –
My son who is 6 could NOT get a break from being sick constantly with ear infections/strep, colds etc. he was constantly sick and missing school and life. I started giving him this consistently. 3 tabs for breakfast 2 for dinner and it has changed our life! He hasn’t gotten sick since. I will say be consistent- if your child is in school they will need this consistently. I stopped it for one day and forgot to give it to him and he got SICK the next. Fever 102, ear infection.. gave it to him once again and the next day he was fine no fever no symptoms.
Melissa Pool –
This helps my kids greatly! They enjoy the taste and willingly take it as needed.
J. Terracina –
Congaplex and Catalyn chewables were recommended by a nutritionist/chiropractor for my older children a long time ago. Congaplex was for strengthening immune function. We used both with great results for our older children, and now our younger children are benefitting from them as well. The recommendation was 3 a Day. When they are running a fever, we give one every hour until the fever breaks, which only takes a few hours with Congaplex. I give them double the daily recommendation if they seem to be getting sick or are around sick siblings or other children. We really saw the power of Congaplex when our 5 year old contracted a horrible case of mononucleosis. The Doctor couldn’t believe how quickly she bounced back. In that case, i gave 2 or 3 of the Congaplex every few hours for a week. She was well in less than 2 weeks (liver and spleen completely back to normal, glands not enlarged) when the doctor had originally projected that she’d be sick for at least a month. The best part—no side effects and an all-natural way to boost the immune system.
Amazon Customer –
Bought for my grand child. Easy to take and taste good.
The Southern Review –
A friend introduced me to Congaplex when my usual herbs weren’t kicking my kid’s cough. This is definitely not a supplement for vegetarians or vegans, since it contains bovine & veal ingredients.
When someone is feeling a respiratory illness coming on, they get 3 of these chewable tablets 3-4 times a day. My kids tolerate the taste. I’ve tried them and they don’t taste very good to me. I prefer the capsules myself.
I’m not sure how all the ingredients work, but the supplement, along with the other herbs and essential oils I use, does seem to lessen the duration and severity of respiratory illness. It’s not something we take everyday, just a week or two at a time. I pay less at my loval chiropractor’s office, but sometimes they don’t have it in stock.
Andrea Moulin –
We’ve been using supplements from Standard Process for a couple of months now and they work great! Both my children, who are 5 and 2, take these chewables. They don’t taste like candy, but they aren’t horrible…my kids take them with no problem. I give my 2 year old 2 tabs a day when well and the 5 year old 4 tabs. Since my 5 year old started kinder, she was bringing home every germ out there and she had this persistent cough – nothing major – but it lingered and then once we started the Congaplex, within a couple of days she no longer coughed and has been totally well since. About a month ago my 2 year old woke up with a high fever (104) and runny nose, etc. For the next three days I gave her several doses (5-6 times a day) of the Congaplex. We ran out of the chewables a few days before she got sick, so upon a chiro’s recommendation, I gave her 3/4 of a capsule of the adult Congaplex mixed with 1/8 teaspoon of the Calcium Lactate from Standard Process, which helps with fever reduction – WORKS GREAT!. In addition to these supplements, she took 3 mils 2x a day of the Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil. Amazon has the capsules Green Pasture’s Blue Ice Fermented Cod Liver Oil – 120 Capsules. We take it in oil form, getting it from Green Pastures…hopefully Amazon will start selling the oil as well! Anyway, my 2 year old was 80% well after the 3 days (fever totally gone with 36 hours of it starting) and completely well after a week. I could not have been more pleased with the results as some of my friend’s children battled a similiar bug and it took them several weeks to get over it. I told them about the Congaplex, but they didn’t listen ;). As a side note, many days I suffer from fibromyalgia type symptoms and these supplements, ESPECIALLY the Blue Ice, have helped me tremendously. Don’t be fooled, no other cod live oil can compare to the Blue Ice. It’s REAL and unfiltered…not like others out there that are processed with chemical solvents, etc. It’s not cheap, but WELL WORTH IT! Best to you all!