Condicionador Nourishing Baby Hair Balm para Desembaraçar Fácil 3, 250ml – Com Camomila
O Condicionador Nourishing Baby Hair Balm para Desembaraçar Fácil é especialmente formulado para cuidar suavemente dos cabelos do seu filho. Como um desembaraçador de cabelo, ele facilita o pentear, tornando-o perfeito como condicionador para cabelos cacheados de bebês, especialmente para aqueles com cabelos delicados, além de ser um condicionador infantil para cabelos cacheados.
Ideal como condicionador infantil para meninas e meninos, este produto oferece a nutrição necessária para os cabelos cacheados. Ele se destaca entre os produtos condicionadores infantis, garantindo cachos macios e fáceis de pentear, sem embaraços, tornando-se um condicionador infantil de qualidade.
O Condicionador Nourishing Baby Hair Balm para Desembaraçar Fácil é seguro e natural, priorizando o cuidado com o seu filho. Como parte dos nossos produtos para cabelos de bebês, ele é um condicionador desembaraçante e condicionador infantil para cabelos cacheados, livre de produtos químicos agressivos, oferecendo ingredientes seguros e atuando como um condicionador infantil sem lágrimas.
Infundido com Extrato de Camomila e Proteína de Trigo, nosso condicionador infantil é um desembaraçante eficaz. É a escolha ideal como condicionador para cabelos de bebês e produtos para cabelos infantis, fortalecendo e hidratando os cabelos a cada uso, e também funciona como um condicionador infantil para crianças pequenas.
Alinhado aos princípios de um desembaraçante honesto, nosso condicionador infantil é ecologicamente correto. Ele não é apenas um condicionador para cabelos cacheados; é parte da nossa missão de apoiar a sustentabilidade ambiental, atuando como um condicionador infantil e até mesmo como um condicionador para bebês.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Cuidado Suave para os Cabelos: Nosso condicionador infantil foi projetado para cuidar suavemente dos cabelos do seu filho, facilitando o pentear e tornando-o perfeito para cabelos cacheados, especialmente os mais delicados.
- Especializado em Cabelos Cacheados: Ideal como condicionador infantil para meninas e meninos, este produto fornece a nutrição necessária para os cabelos cacheados, garantindo cachos macios e fáceis de pentear.
- Natural e Seguro: Como parte dos nossos produtos para cabelos de bebês, nosso condicionador é livre de produtos químicos agressivos, oferecendo ingredientes seguros e atuando como um condicionador sem lágrimas.
- Fortalece e Hidrata: Infundido com Extrato de Camomila e Proteína de Trigo, nosso condicionador infantil fortalece e hidrata os cabelos, tornando-o uma escolha ideal para bebês e crianças pequenas.
- Compromisso com o Meio Ambiente: Nosso condicionador infantil é ecologicamente correto, apoiando a sustentabilidade ambiental e atuando como um condicionador para cabelos cacheados e até mesmo para bebês.
– Após lavar o cabelo do seu filho com o shampoo adequado, aplique uma quantidade adequada do Condicionador Nourishing Baby Hair Balm para Desembaraçar Fácil nos cabelos úmidos. Massageie suavemente e deixe agir por alguns minutos. Em seguida, enxágue bem. Para obter melhores resultados, use regularmente.
Aymez🌼🌿🏵🦋 –
I am pretty impressed with this ‘ECOLATIER’ Nourishing Baby Hair Balm, which is supposed to help with detangling and nourishing hair. I was a bit confused, as in the listing, the bottle has a pump-push type dispenser-and the one I got does not. I think having a push-pump top would be helpful, especially for parents who are trying to take care of their children’s hair (and with experience, this can be challenging and when you have your hands full, having an easy-to-use pump is super helpful).
As far as the product itself, it has the consistency of that of a lotion and it has a light fragrance that is pleasant (in my opinion). This does have chamomile extract and wheat protein that helps to moisturize and soften hair; so I think that the product smells a bit like chamomile-but not strong scent, so would be okay *in my opinion* for folks who may not like a strong fragrance. I really like that this product contains natural ingredients, and is vegan; these are all important factors to me when choosing hair and body care products (or anything really).
I think this is a nice choice for caring for hair, and does help to detangle and moisturized the hair. I think perhaps the style of the label could be a bit confusing to some; it has a look of a baby (newborn or very young baby) product.. but is meant for children 3 years or older. So, maybe rebranding it a bit would help those who are looking for a hair care product that’s age appropriate for their child. Just a thought..
I actually like this for my own hair, and I like the way it moisturizes my hair and detangles my curly/wavy hair. I know I’m not the demographic that this is aimed towards, but I can say it does work well. I think the pricing is fairly reasonable for something of this size and quality (in my personal opinion). I really like this product, and would recommend it to others. 😊
Fanolius –
I wish I had paid attention to this being for kids over 3. I ended up trying it on my 6 year olds hair and it worked nice as a detangler but it’s not what we had in mind. Just be aware it’s not for kids under 3 even though it says baby hair balm. I don’t know why.
Katlynn –
This detangles so well and the ingredients are very clean. Just a quarter size goes a long way. Does not irritate my kids’ sensitive skins. Smells great!
Allison –
My daughter never lets me brush her hair, so it becomes a total nightmare to brush. She doesn’t like me to brush it because it hurts.
Been using this balm for 2 weeks and it’s like a dream. It gets out the tangles, she lets me brush it in the shower, and then she actually can brush it on her own after the shower.
Yulia –
This product works really well, I never try anything on my children before trying it on myself first as I also have very sensitive skin.
Pros: doesn’t irate sensitive skin, vegan, not tested on animals, smells amazing- it says chamomile and wheat protein but has almost a soft fruity scent, nourishes hair and less tangled
Cons: Very confusing advertising- labeling it baby with a teddy bear on it- but intended for kids 3 years and over. It’s not intended for babies. Also, it advertises that it comes with a pump but it does not! It would be way easier with a pump.
Simona C. –
Der Conditionor kommt schnell und sicher bei einem an. Er befindet sich in einer angenehmen Pumpflasche, welche die Dosierung während des Badens erleichtert und das Produkt nachgiebiger macht.
Die Verpackung ist sehr niedlich gestaltet und gefiel auch unserem Kind direkt sehr gut.
Enthalten sind:
Cocos Nucifera Oil (Kokosöl) enthält Laurinsäure, Myristinsäure und Palmitinsäure und wirkt nährend, feuchtigkeitsspendend, schützend und reinigend sowie weichmachend. Es macht die Haare geschmeidig und glänzend und verleiht Volumen und zugleich Leichtigkeit. Schließlich unterstützt es das Haarwachstum.
Kamillenblütenextrakt beruhigt die Haut, lindert Juckreiz und hat eine schmerzlindernde Wirkung. Blondem Haar verleiht es besondere Leuchtkraft.
Hydrolisiertes Weizengluten bindet Keratin im Haar und stärkt die Spannkraft der Haare, wodurch Haarbruch vorgebeugt wird.
Der Conditonor besteht aus 96,8 % Inhaltsstoffen natürlichen Ursprungs und ist daher besser verträglich.
Er lässt sich sehr gut verteilen und hilft, das lockige Haar zu entwirren und macht es tatsächlich leichter kämmbar. Zudem finde ich den Geruch sehr angenehm, welcher auch einige Tage im Haar anhält.
Insgesamt bin ich begeistert von dem Produkt.
Deshalb vergebe ich klare 5 Sterne und eine Kaufempfehlung.
Lola –
It seems like baby shampoo (just shampoo not that combined body wash stuff) and conditioner are nonexistent but I finally found this company and omg it’s amazing smells amazing makes my daughters hair so soft love it absolutely recommend
Jennifer –
Dank Amazon Vine konnte ich dieses Produkt testen.
In dieser Rezension geht es um:
ECOLATIER Organischer Baby-Conditioner für einfache Entwirren 3+, 250 ml – Kamille- und Weizenprotein-Formel – 96,8 % natürlichen Ursprungs – Vegan zertifiziert.
eine sanfte und natürliche Haarspülung, geeignet für Kinder ab 3 Jahren, die das Haar weich macht und es entwirrt.
Mir gefällt, dass es sich um ein sicheres und reines Produkt mit überwiegend natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen handelt. Zu den Inhaltsstoffen gehören:
Kamillenextrakte, Kokosnussöl und Weizenproteine.
Es enthält keine gefährlichen Substanzen wie Parabene, außer dass es geringe Mengen Alkohol und Parfüm enthält.
Der Duft ist frisch und süß, nicht übermäßig stark und nicht besonders langanhaltend, ich mag ihn wirklich.
Die Dosierung erfolgt durch die Flasche mit Druckspender einfach und präzise.
Nach dem, was ich testen konnte, verursachte es keine Rötungen oder Allergien, ich empfehle jedoch immer, es an einer kleinen Hautstelle zu testen.
Ein Pluspunkt finde ich auch, dass es sich um ein Produkt handelt, das auf die Umwelt und Tiere achtet. ECOLATIER-Produkte sind vegan und werden nicht an Tieren getestet.
Zusammenfassend halte ich es für ein Produkt von guter Qualität, mit natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen und sehr praktisch in der Anwendung.
Honest Reviewer –
This review is for: Ecolatier Nourishing Baby Hair Balm for Easy Detangling, 250ml
Both my girls are swimmers and I hate for their hair to get damaged from the chlorine or salt water. I will sometimes put leave-in conditioner in their hair before swim but lately they’re forgetting so this detangler comes in handy. The downside was that there were no instructions or direction for use on the bottle. I wasn’t sure if this was a leave-in product or if it needed to be rinsed off. We just use it for after they’ve showered, on clean hair, like a leave-in conditioner. It’s a creamy looking formulation. Reminds me of hair conditioner to be honest so that’s why we were unsure of whether it needed to be left in or rinsed out.
Aymez🌼🌿🏵🦋 –
This conditioner lather well and is thick. It has a nice smell to it. It doesn’t get all the tangles out of longer hair, but it does make my hair soft. It’s OK, but not great.