Descrição do Produto: Ionic Zinc Plus Copper Liquid Concentrate 240 Servings
O Ionic Zinc Plus Copper Liquid Concentrate é um suplemento inovador que combina a potência do zinco e do cobre em uma forma líquida altamente biodisponível. Este concentrado de zinco iônico é formulado com sulfato de zinco iônico equilibrado com sulfato de cobre iônico, garantindo uma proporção ideal entre esses minerais essenciais. Essa combinação não apenas maximiza a absorção do zinco, mas também previne desequilíbrios de cobre, promovendo uma saúde robusta e equilibrada.
Diferente dos suplementos em cápsulas, que precisam ser processados pelo sistema digestivo, a forma líquida do Ionic Zinc Plus Copper permite que os minerais sejam absorvidos imediatamente na corrente sanguínea. Isso significa que você experimentará os benefícios de forma mais rápida e eficaz. Com 240 porções em cada frasco, este produto oferece um excelente custo-benefício, permitindo que você ajuste a dosagem conforme as necessidades de cada membro da sua família.
O zinco é um mineral essencial que desempenha um papel crucial na imunidade, no humor, na função cerebral, no desenvolvimento infantil, na digestão, na saúde da tireoide e na função ocular. Ele está envolvido em mais de 300 processos biológicos. O cobre, por sua vez, é um mineral igualmente essencial e um potente antioxidante que contribui para a saúde imunológica, a saúde cerebral, a saúde cardiovascular e o bem-estar geral.
– Absorção Rápida: A forma líquida permite uma absorção imediata, proporcionando resultados mais rápidos em comparação com cápsulas.
– Proporção Balanceada: A combinação ideal de zinco e cobre evita desequilíbrios e maximiza os benefícios de ambos os minerais.
– Versatilidade de Dosagem: Com 240 porções, é fácil ajustar a dosagem para atender às necessidades individuais de cada membro da família.
– Suporte à Imunidade: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra doenças.
– Saúde Geral: Contribui para a saúde do cérebro, tireoide e função ocular, promovendo um bem-estar geral.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar 1 colher de sopa (aproximadamente 15 ml) do Ionic Zinc Plus Copper Liquid Concentrate diariamente. O produto pode ser consumido puro ou diluído em água ou suco, conforme sua preferência. Agite bem antes de usar para garantir a homogeneidade da solução. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos.
Alex T. –
I buy many supplements from Amazon Per Month, and I do not review most of them as there are already accuracy reviews.
However, this Zinc supplement has been one of the worst supplements that I’ve ever tried, and people need to know about this.
While I want to give the company the benefit of the doubt, it has several fundamental mistakes that earn it an Extremely low rating. Here are a few points in summary:
-The default dosage is too low to be effective. There is a reason many zinc capsules go from 30mg to 50mg, because that is where the supplement becomes effective. 5-10mg is the default doseage of this brand and that is virtually ineffective, particularly for a cold, preventing one, or lessening symptoms.
-If you increase the doseage/number of drops to a more effective range, the taste becomes so powerfully ‘vitamin-like’, and it sticks to your tongue, that it makes your mouth start to produce Saliva because you want to throw-up/vomit. I have a strong stomach, but this is a very unpleasant feeling, especially coming from a supplement. It was a major eye-opener for me. What were the chemists thinking that formulated this product? That everyone suffices with the minimal doseage?
-This is very suspect, but when I increased doseage to 30-40mg of this product, it didn’t seem to help as much with my cold as the high-absorption zinc capsules I took before. I won’t discredit this product for that, because it is hard to gauge if it’s really helping, because each ‘cold’ you get will be slightly different. However, if you cannot drink-down the correct amount of Zinc each day consistently as needed to lessen cold symptoms, then what is the point of this Zinc supplement? It’s essentially failed in a critical aspect of its design.
-Why does this supplement have so much Copper when it is advertised as a Zinc supplement? I don’t understand what the makers were thinking.
I will NOT be reordering this. I also noticed other Reviewers mention that they didn’t feel it was effective at the default doseage. No surprise there.
I am personally going back to normal high-bioavailable Zinc capsules that I was successfully using before. The only reason I tried this ‘liquid zinc’ is because the zinc capsules I normally purchased were out of stock.
Customer –
I have no idea if it has helped. First, I’m an idiot, I had pink eye and got the bright idea to put a drop in each eye. Don’t do it. If it’s goo for something else well I don’t know but my eye’s burnt like heck and tearing didn’t help, washing my eyes not much either but it did help to close my eyes so I slept or tried. But don’t put it in your eyes at all!!!!!Very bad idea!!
Lynn –
Zinc supplements upset my stomach but not this one. I put it in my beverage that I have with my lunch.
AB –
I usually buy just their zinc. I decided to buy it with copper in the mix. It works great but remember to take it with food. It upset my stomach on the first day because I was used to taking the zinc on an empty stomach with no problems. Nope, not with copper, it did a number on me. Been fine ever since taking it with food.
Michelle –
Clean supplement mix in coffee. Not sure what it is supposed to do but I love this brand
mercedes rodriguez –
Había probado otras marcas y me quedé con esta es muy buen producto mi hijo de 12 años lo toma tambien
Edie W. –
It’s the only product I found, that has copper in it. My Dr. told me that I shouldn’t take Zinc without copper, as Zinc depletes the body of copper. We usually put it in our Ensure drink or juice ~ anything cold. We have tried it with coffee but found that the hot coffee takes on a slight metallic taste.
Isis R. Pastrana –
At first I had a hard communicating with their AI then they did realized it. Now I’m getting a replacement & they’re given me a discount code. It was the ionic zinc & copper