Electrolyte Concentrate | Liquid Electrolytes Drink Mix w/Sodium, Potassium
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Fórmula de Tripla Força – Com 42 anos de pesquisa em hidratação, o Lyte Balance apresenta uma fórmula completa e prática que facilita a obtenção dos eletrólitos líquidos de que você precisa diariamente. Nosso suplemento mineral oferece mais potássio e magnésio do que qualquer bebida esportiva líder, com a quantidade certa de sódio para equilíbrio corporal total!
- Bebida Repositora de Eletrólitos para Todos – Essa fórmula verdadeiramente equilibrada é perfeita para esportes, atletas ou hidratação diária e recuperação para qualquer pessoa que precise. O mix de bebida de eletrólitos Lyte Balance pode aumentar a energia e o desempenho, além de ajudar a corrigir desequilíbrios de eletrólitos causados pela perda de eletrólitos e, é claro, pela transpiração!
- Ingredientes 100% Puros – NOVA EMBALAGEM. MESMA FÓRMULA HÁ 42 ANOS! Os NOVOS REQUISITOS DE ROTULAGEM mostram valores elementares e compostos. Não contém conservantes, adoçantes, aromatizantes, cafeína ou calorias. Nossos sais minerais 100% puros e de origem natural são livres de transgênicos e glúten. O concentrado líquido conveniente mistura-se facilmente em água, leite, smoothies e bebidas proteicas, transformando qualquer bebida de sua escolha em uma poderosa bebida de hidratação.
- Hidratação Personalizada + Suporte Imunológico – Ao contrário de pós de hidratação e gotas minerais, nossa fórmula vem pronta para ser servida diretamente da garrafa. Basta despejar uma tampa em sua bebida de escolha para hidratação diária! Não contém cálcio, portanto, pode ser usado em substituição ao sal em sopas, ensopados – até mesmo em sua aveia! O sabor salgado natural permite que você saiba quando usar mais ou menos, para que você possa avaliar por si mesmo quanto precisará em qualquer dia.
- LYTE BALANCE – Beba, coma e suplemente com Lyte Balance para nutrição personalizada. Combinado com 30 anos de experiência na indústria de nutracêuticos, estamos aqui para fornecer educação, suporte e produtos para usar seus sentidos de olfato e paladar para ajudá-lo a fazer escolhas mais inteligentes de suplementos e alimentos. O presente dessa abordagem é a percepção de que nossos corpos podem nos guiar na construção de uma saúde ideal.
Para obter os benefícios da hidratação e reposição de eletrólitos, basta adicionar uma tampa do concentrado líquido Lyte Balance em sua bebida de escolha. A quantidade pode ser ajustada de acordo com suas necessidades individuais. Recomendamos consumir diariamente para manter o equilíbrio e a saúde do corpo.
fan of Kate Chopin –
Arrived on time. Excellent quality. Priced better than at the store.
Amazon Customer –
I purchased this because I use another liquid electrolyte product but this has a very unpleasant taste that I have been unable to get used to. I’ll go back to my old brand
It was stuck on my chest had too gently pull off and I ended up with irritated skin for a week like a burn 🤨😐 –
Easy to put in a glass of juice
SomeSmallBusinessOwner –
My cousin turned me on to Lyte Balance a couple years ago and sadly it languished on my shelf. I’d take a cap-full here or there if I wanted to recover from a rough weekend or on a hot day. It was good!
But when I started my weight loss journey and trying to cure some nasty bloating issues, I *really* discovered the power of Lyte Balance. It went from good to GREAT.
I started intermittent fasting, and trying to kick my body into ketosis. For whatever reason, I simply don’t enjoy drinking water – but it’s extremely important for fasting. I started popping a couple cap-fulls into my big water jug and noticed quickly – I didn’t get hungry at all. I had an extreme energy level. My bloating ceased within a few weeks. The combination of electrolytes with water is so simple – but so effective.
I’ve gone from buying a bottle at a time to a case at a time. This product is so much better than the powdered supplements for me because it lets me do fast dosing when I’m on the run – no spoons, just a quick pour into a water jug and fill ‘er up with tap/filtered water – then I’m off to the races. I’m a pretty busy guy, so the convenience factor here with a liquid vs powder makes a ton of difference. It just seems to taste better, too.
Looking forward to trying the other Lyte Balance products because clearly these guys have some secret sauce that the rest of the industry doesn’t seem to grasp – GREAT stuff and will be telling all my friends who are getting into IF/OMAD or just trying to get keto kicked into gear.
Beverly K. –
Edit: Wanted to add something as I’m going to purchase my 5th bottle and saw some of these reviews saying it tastes disgusting and salty? You are either putting in way too much or not using enough liquid to mix it. I cannot taste it AT ALL and I’m someone who hates the “salty” taste of Gatorade. Don’t talk bad about product if you’re mixing it incorrectly 🤦🏼♀️
Amazing. People saying it doesn’t “work”… like, what? It’s electrolytes. Yes it works. Best part is it’s concentrated and ACTUALLY flavorless.
I add about 1.5 caps to my large water bottle when I do hot yoga. I used to get wicked headaches from the dehydration after yoga but not anymore. I use it probably 3-4 times a week and it lasts about 3 months. Great quality and great value.
fan of Kate Chopin –
I first tried this concentrate while traveling in France. It does have a bit of a taste, but not so bad that u can’t drink it. Easy to take with you for these scorched days of summer
Debby Newpol –
I began rolling extended fasting (7+ days) and noticed quickly I needed to supplement with electrolytes but the flavored options with Stevia caused crazy, bizarre, insatiable cravings. So here I go down the rabbit hole of no artificial sweetened electrolyte replacements… pure madness! I settle on this liquid electrolyte supplement, it was delivered very early next day (maybe 12 hrs after I placed the order), bottle cap taped, packed in box to prevent shifting around and ZERO TASTE (mixed 1 capful) and not even a hint salty chemical flavor detected. We drink water fasting anyways, so why not reconstitute so that there is zero issues to our palates. Absolute home run!!!! Will absolutely make this part of my fasting journey.
Update: added 2 capfuls … zero taste
SomeSmallBusinessOwner –
I use this Electrolye Concentrate to help with muscle camping after workouts
Bert. H –
I noticed that adding a tiny little bit to my water bottle helps overall hydration. The minerals hydrate and deliver directly to cells where needed. Recently I started adding also to my dog’s water. I am very pleased with this product.
Lolomerry heart –
I’m on the carnivore diet and this really helps