Descrição do Produto:
As Tablets são um suplemento alimentar em forma de comprimidos mastigáveis, disponíveis em frascos de 100 unidades. Este produto é formulado para uso oral, proporcionando uma maneira prática e saborosa de incorporar nutrientes essenciais à sua dieta diária. As tablets são projetadas para serem mastigadas, facilitando a absorção dos ingredientes ativos e tornando a experiência de consumo mais agradável. A embalagem alterna entre o novo e o antigo design, mantendo a qualidade e eficácia do produto, enquanto oferece uma apresentação visualmente atraente.
- Para uso oral.
- Frasco com 100 unidades.
- Comprimidos mastigáveis.
1. Fácil de Consumir: As tablets mastigáveis são ideais para quem tem dificuldade em engolir comprimidos, tornando a suplementação mais acessível.
2. Praticidade: Com um frasco contendo 100 unidades, é fácil levar as tablets para qualquer lugar, garantindo que você nunca perca uma dose.
3. Sabor Agradável: A formulação saborosa das tablets torna o consumo diário de nutrientes uma experiência prazerosa, especialmente para crianças e adultos que preferem evitar comprimidos tradicionais.
4. Versatilidade: Podem ser utilizadas como um complemento à dieta, ajudando a suprir deficiências nutricionais e melhorando a saúde geral.
5. Qualidade Garantida: A alternância entre as embalagens nova e antiga não compromete a qualidade do produto, assegurando que você receba sempre um suplemento eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 a 4 tablets por dia, conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. As tablets devem ser mastigadas completamente antes de serem engolidas, permitindo uma melhor absorção dos nutrientes. É aconselhável consumir as tablets durante as refeições para maximizar a eficácia e minimizar qualquer desconforto gastrointestinal. Mantenha o frasco bem fechado em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade do produto.
QiyeT LyriQue –
I initially got this pill because my pit has HORRIBLE gas. He farts like a grow a$$ man I swear! I also started taking them just to make sure they work. I give my pit one tablet a day and I take one every night. So now when I hear him pass gas there’s no stench that follows, not to mention I am literally odorless now! I can honestly say my *ish doesn’t stink!
Some have reported as a side effect is a black-ish tongue/spit but what I noticed is if I just swallow the pill instead of chewing it I don’t have that problem. Other side effects that I noticed is our stools are darker than normal but nothing to be alarmed about.
C. Sykes –
Ok, so due to weight-loss surgery in the past, I am prone to less than flowery smelling gas at times. I read about this stuff and wanted to try it out. The instructions call for taking two at a time up to four times a day. Didn’t take me long to realize this could mean this bottle could be for only 25 days at $22. That is going to add up quickly. You can not take this after you notice stinky farts and expect immediate results. It takes time and multiple doses for results. I tried taking two a day with very little results. I went to twice a day with some improvement in gas smells and even amount of gas. I might could have gone to three times a day and had very good results. However, the side effects were becoming an issue. My stool turned very dark. I also have to take iron supplements some which cause the same thing. The Devrom seemed to worsen the constipation issues, so I opted to stop taking it for now. I may try it again, but suspect that I would have to take it three or four times for optimal results and would have to also add in a stool softener. That makes for a very expensive regimen.
Cindy Satterlee –
I bought this product because I was told by my Doctor that it would help eliminate the smell from excess gas being I am a Gastric Bypass patient I now have A LOT of embarrassing gas and it really smells! Well I have taken these pills now for almost a month and I still have very smelly gas….they do not work! Don’t waste your money on them.
Doug Wyse –
Good product, no side effects. It works
Dawn Gill –
Product is great, and it does not interact with my other meds. It has a pleasant taste.
ladyvaleria9 –
I had RNY gastric bypass surgery two years ago, hence the occasional need for some relief from flatulence odor, particularly when I am going to be in public a long time, like on airplanes or at social events. These pills work very well, but be prepared- you must plan ahead so that you have them ‘on board’ at least 48 hours before you need them to work. Also, I thought the price was high considering that the dose is two – four pills 4X per day, so they go fast. For occasional use when it is vital to have odor control, it’s worth the money, but not for regular everyday use.
J. Lee –
Tmi…..but my #2 doesn’t smell like a backed up sewer tank
B. Allen –
Good product to eliminate odor. Good flavor.