Descrição do Produto: Bluebonnet Nutrition Rainforest Animalz Vitamin C
As vitaminas são essenciais para o crescimento e desenvolvimento saudável das crianças, e as Bluebonnet Nutrition Rainforest Animalz Vitamin C são a escolha perfeita para garantir que os pequenos recebam a nutrição necessária de forma divertida e saborosa. Cada comprimido mastigável em forma de animal contém 250 mg de Vitamina C, uma quantidade ideal para apoiar o sistema imunológico e promover a saúde geral. Formuladas com uma base de superfrutas e vegetais, essas vitaminas não apenas oferecem um sabor delicioso, mas também proporcionam proteção antioxidante, ajudando a combater os radicais livres que podem prejudicar a saúde das crianças.
Com 90 comprimidos em cada embalagem, os pais podem ficar tranquilos sabendo que têm um suprimento suficiente para 45 porções. Além disso, essas vitaminas são isentas de soja, glúten, laticínios e são certificadas como kosher e veganas, tornando-as uma opção segura para crianças com restrições alimentares. A fórmula é livre de leite, ovos, peixes, crustáceos, nozes, amendoins, trigo, soja e gergelim, assim como de glúten, cevada, arroz e sódio, garantindo que todos possam desfrutar dos benefícios sem preocupações.
– Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: A Vitamina C é conhecida por fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando as crianças a se manterem saudáveis durante todo o ano.
– Antioxidantes Naturais: A presença de superfrutas e vegetais fornece antioxidantes que protegem as células contra danos.
– Fácil de Consumir: Com formato divertido e sabor agradável, as crianças adoram mastigar os comprimidos, tornando a suplementação uma parte prazerosa da rotina.
– Adequado para Diversas Dietas: A fórmula livre de alérgenos comuns e vegana é ideal para crianças com restrições alimentares, garantindo que todos possam se beneficiar.
– Praticidade: Com 90 comprimidos, os pais têm a conveniência de um suprimento duradouro, facilitando a administração diária.
Recomenda-se que as crianças mastiguem 2 comprimidos por dia, preferencialmente durante uma refeição para melhor absorção dos nutrientes. Os comprimidos podem ser consumidos sozinhos ou acompanhados de água. É importante armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se a criança tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver sob medicação.
Rachel –
I keep restocking on these vitamins for my kids. Their effectiveness is super! I see a great difference in their health with daily intake. It’s a small chewable in fun different animal shapes. The tablets have a powdery finish and lots of excess inside the bottle.. Taste is fine though.
Joy –
I like the flavor of these. I know, they’re for kids, but I hate swallowing pills, and these are not sour like most vitamin C.
Also, I usually use coconut oil for an ear infection and have never had it not work until a couple weeks ago. After days of it staying the same or getting worse, I took a vitamin C and sucked on it on that side. I was surprised when the pain went away by the time it was gone. Every time the pain came back, I’d take another with the same result. Finally, I just kept taking one as soon as the last one dissolved. Within a few hours I noticed my tonsils – which have been enlarged since childhood – were much smaller than they have ever been, and my ear, that had been swollen pretty much shut, was now draining. Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor, just telling what my experience was.
Sarah P. –
So I usually just put vitamin c in honey and give it to my children that way, but sometimes that’s not an option and these are a great alternative. Great ingredients, but I gave it just 4 stars because I wish it didn’t have ANY cane sugar in it. Some healthier sweetener would have been preferred. But at least it wasn’t HFCS!
A Castle –
Great vitamins! My 4 year old and picky 2 year old take them with no problem. I’ve tried them out too, they taste fine…a bit hard but hasn’t been an issue for us. I really like that these have a buffered form of vitamin C (associated with higher absorption efficiency) and bioflavonoids. I have found that hard to find in a children’s chewable vitamin C form. Highly recommend!
F. Branch –
This is a brand that I trust. I’ve tried other chewables for my daughter, but these are the easiest to chew and taste good. Another brand that was highly rated caused my daughter to break a piece of a tooth.
Joanna –
A tasty way to get kids take their vitamins. Shapes are fun to choose and they are peanut/tree nut free! Delivery was on time.
I spent quite some time looking for a vitamin C for my kids to use in addition to a multivitamin. I did not want gummies and I did not want something with artificial sweetener. I came across this product and it is everything we were hoping for. Each vitamin contains 125 mg vitamin C, 1 gram of sugar (cane), among other things like fruits & veggies. The taste is a bit sour and tart and they are quite crunchy. My kids love them and always ask for more. The only thing I could say is that I wish the serving size was 1 instead of 2.
My kid is 5. He would eat this whole darn jar if I let him, lol!
The flavor is good (citrus-like) and hard, but doesn’t take much to crunch on it as soon as you pop it in your mouth.
I’m actually writing this before I add another jar to my cart!