Descrição do Produto: Fargelin Pills, Hua Zhi Ling Wan, 200 Pills, Plum Flower
Fargelin Pills, também conhecido como Hua Zhi Ling Wan, é um suplemento tradicional da medicina chinesa, apresentado em uma embalagem com 200 pílulas. Este produto é formulado com uma combinação de ervas naturais que visam promover a saúde do fígado e a desintoxicação do organismo. As pílulas são elaboradas pela renomada marca Plum Flower, conhecida por sua qualidade e eficácia em produtos de fitoterapia. Fargelin Pills é especialmente indicado para aqueles que buscam um suporte adicional para a digestão, alívio de desconfortos gastrointestinais e promoção do bem-estar geral. A fórmula é cuidadosamente balanceada para ajudar na regulação do fluxo de energia (Qi) e na eliminação de toxinas, proporcionando uma sensação de leveza e vitalidade.
1. Desintoxicação Eficiente: Auxilia na eliminação de toxinas acumuladas no organismo, promovendo uma limpeza interna.
2. Saúde Digestiva: Contribui para a melhora da digestão e alívio de desconfortos gastrointestinais, como inchaço e gases.
3. Equilíbrio do Qi: Ajuda a regular o fluxo de energia vital, proporcionando mais disposição e energia ao longo do dia.
4. Suporte ao Fígado: Fortalece a função hepática, essencial para a metabolização de substâncias e manutenção da saúde geral.
5. Praticidade de Uso: Apresentado em forma de pílulas, é fácil de transportar e consumir, ideal para a rotina agitada.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 6 a 8 pílulas de Fargelin Pills, duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições. As pílulas devem ser consumidas com um copo de água morna para facilitar a absorção dos princípios ativos. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às necessidades individuais. Para melhores resultados, o uso contínuo por um período de 4 a 6 semanas é sugerido, permitindo que os efeitos benéficos se manifestem plenamente.
LL –
Things are getting better but not sure if its because of Fargelin or the cocunut oil. Either way, no ill effects noticed. So, 4-star for uncertainty. Easy to take, no recognized side effects.
Patricia A Depiro –
It does make you sleepy it does help with somewhat for hemroids
sixteyfour –
Natural remedy for shrinking hemorrhoids. Seemed to lessen the swelling of my hemmi but I am not sure if it was the Fargelin.
Sumerian –
I used it for my hemmeroid flare ups. It works very well except the pills used to be much smaller. This time it was quit large balls. I am hoping they didn’t change it! I noticed it takes longer to get better. That is way I gave 4 stars.
Patti –
This product really calms the entire canal, and may actually strengthen it. I was having a lot of inflammation after a banded prolapsed hemorrhoid (that had plagued me for many years) fell off. I wasn’t even sure it would ever calm down and feel normal again. This stuff did it, and I felt it by the end of the first day. I took four pills 3x a day for 4 days and the problem was so much better I cut back to a maintenance dose. I tried not taking the maintenance dose, but I felt the difference immediately. I didn’t have any problem with side effects of any kind. I didn’t change my diet in any way. I would recommend these pills without hesitation.
Joshua B. –
I was skeptical about Chinese herbs being the answer to my burning, constantly aching, and mildly bleeding hemorrhoid problem. Oh, but I had no reason to be! Within taking the pills as 6 three times a day, by the end of the first day the majority of the burning was gone and the aching had entirely disappeared. By day 3 all of my symptoms including the bleeding had ceased. I still can’t believe how incredible this has worked out. I have had surgery 5 times to fix hemorrhoid issues within the last 10 yrs and, man that is one hell-of-a painful recovery!!!!!!! So, for me these have proven to be a blessing. I am still taking the pills over a week later, but I have cut back to 4 pills 3 times a day and I have no reason for complaint. However, I don’t know if my symptoms will return after I stop taking the pills. That remains to be seen. I did order the ‘Musk..something…cream’ also which everyone seems to rave about, but it still hasn’t arrived. All I have to go by are these little purple pills and have saved me from so much pain and discomfort. I highly recommend that anyone with less than ‘severe’ (mine were mild to aggravating) symptoms give this a try. Look at it like I did, all you have to loose is $12 bucks and some change. In reality I lost a bleeding burning pain in my ass, and I think that is a small price to pay! Good luck to you!
Iceman –
Had an external problem for a little over a year. I’ve tried other herbal products with no affects. About the last 3 months it slowly got worse and I went to the doctor to discuss surgery. Surgery was scheduled for 1 1/2 months out. I was at a point where about every 2 hours I would have to use Tucks or Prep H in addition of Ibuprofen just to tolerate them. Could not make it through the night without waking up. While I was waiting for surgery I found this product on Amazon. Took 3 the first morning, after 2pm went about 5 hours with no Tucks, no Prep H. Took 3 more pills before bed. Each day the time frame between local application of Tucks and/or Prep H grew. That was about a month ago.
I’ve cancelled my surgery and now take 2 pills in the morning and 2 pills at night. Will work toward 1 each time. I am also keeping a maintenance routine of fiber pills and using Tucks after going to the restroom. Other than that, absolutely no itching or burning or need for topical application. However, if I miss my morning doss, I notice around noon a slight itch. I take the pills and within an hour the itch is gone.
As the title stated it worked for me. The other herbal remedies I tried worked for the people that recommended them. So if this doesn’t work for you, don’t give up try a different herb.
Last thing, I have trouble swallowing pills. These are about the size of a small pea. Very easy to swallow.
This product is a miracle drug…or has been for me. I’ve been in pain for about 6 months. I started taking this about 3 weeks ago and the improvement has been amazing. I am still not 100%, but I have noticed such a major improvement, that I just bought a second bottle. No product works for everyone, but I would definitely recommend trying this. I’ve been taking the maximum dosage which seems like a lot (6 pills, 3 times a day), but they are small. I seem to have side effects from everything, but this has caused me no side effects at all.