Descrição do Produto: Boiron Coldcalm Cold Relief Quick Dissolving Tablets – 60 ct
As pastilhas Boiron Coldcalm são uma solução eficaz e prática para o alívio dos sintomas do resfriado. Com uma fórmula homeopática, essas pastilhas se dissolvem rapidamente na boca, proporcionando um alívio suave e eficaz. Cada embalagem contém 60 pastilhas, com uma dosagem recomendada de 2 pastilhas por vez. A composição do produto é cuidadosamente elaborada para ajudar a aliviar os sintomas comuns do resfriado, como congestão nasal, dor de garganta, espirros e coriza.
As pastilhas são isentas de açúcar e não contêm corantes ou conservantes artificiais, tornando-as uma opção segura para toda a família. A conveniência das pastilhas de rápida dissolução permite que você as leve para qualquer lugar, garantindo que você tenha alívio ao seu alcance, seja em casa, no trabalho ou em viagem. A eficácia do Boiron Coldcalm é respaldada por anos de pesquisa e desenvolvimento na área de medicamentos homeopáticos, oferecendo uma alternativa natural para o tratamento dos sintomas do resfriado.
– Alívio Rápido: As pastilhas se dissolvem rapidamente, proporcionando alívio quase imediato dos sintomas do resfriado.
– Fórmula Homeopática: Com ingredientes naturais, é uma opção segura e eficaz para quem busca evitar medicamentos sintéticos.
– Sem Açúcar e Conservantes: Ideal para pessoas que buscam uma alternativa saudável, sem adição de açúcares ou substâncias artificiais.
– Praticidade: O formato em pastilhas permite fácil transporte e uso em qualquer lugar, facilitando o alívio em momentos de necessidade.
– Adequado para Toda a Família: Pode ser utilizado por adultos e crianças, tornando-se uma solução versátil para o alívio dos sintomas do resfriado.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 pastilhas de Boiron Coldcalm a cada 2 horas, até que os sintomas melhorem. As pastilhas devem ser colocadas na boca e deixadas dissolver completamente. É importante não exceder a dosagem recomendada e consultar um profissional de saúde em caso de persistência dos sintomas. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
shaun –
Works but as with any drug acts different with different people and different illnesses. Most of the time this works great. it’s handy to take on the go, just letting it dissolve in my mouth. no water necessary. Usually it works great, it treats the illness not just the symptoms. the drugs/herbs are specific to just what you need not a broad solution like acetaminophen and stuff. Only twice I’ve taken this and not had any effect. I really feel like it helps take away the “crappy” feeling associated with being sick. I usually take this along side with a non-drowsy cold med syrup taking shots throughout the day. This is non-drowsy and effective, but varies; my wife took it a few times for similar illnesses and she states that it didn’t really help her. It’s not a magical wonder drug, but is has a great combo of drugs/herbs to help with most common cold symptoms and it’s definitely worth a try to see how it works for you.
JC –
I don’t care what anyone says, these do work.
My husband was the lab rat with a horrible cold.
Thinking he was due for another round of antibiotics for a sinus infection that
never wanted to leave I gave him these.
He took these according to directions and by the next day he looked and sounded 100% better.
His nose wasn’t stuffy/gross and no more sore throat.
One additional day taking these and he really is better with no issues at all.
I bought these because Chestal worked extremely well for my son.
Boiron products have been great for us so far, I wouldn’t hesitate to try another one
if the need arises.
Doug Tufar –
I’ve always taken the standards for colds–Day-Quil, Nite-Quil, etc. They would work up to a point, but I just had to let the cold run its course and eventually I was better. These, however, stopped my cold right in its tracks. I was already 3 days into a nasty cold and not improving when I got these. By the end of the first day of taking Coldcalm, I was feeling so much better I almost forgot I had been miserable that morning. A couple weeks later I felt another cold coming on–sore throat, tiredness, a few sneezes here and there. I took two of the Coldcalm as directed and BAM..just like that, the symptoms were gone and I never developed the full-blown cold. I am stocking up on this stuff, especially from this Amazon seller, because a box of 16 cost $10 at my local pharmacy!
Mr. & Mrs. Science lover –
If you feel a cold coming on start taking these asap. If the cold sets in, they don’t work as well.
The directions tell you to take them in bulk and rapid fire, like a few every 20 minutes the first few hours, then slow down.
I don’t have scientific proof that it works, but for $6 it is worth giving it a try. I swear that it saved me this winter when I was exposed to the cold virus and felt it coming on. Later in the winter, I waited too long and didn’t take them until after the cold took hold and I didn’t find that they were effective.
Put a box in your medicine cabinet and see if it works for you.
mama2sons –
I saw this at Whole Foods while I was checking out and picked it up because I was beginning to get yet another cold. I popped 2 of them under my tongue every 15 minutes for about an hour and half and then got distracted so I forgot to take the last 2 doses. Turns out, I didn’t need them. After the second dose my sore throat had subsided and I was no longer sneezing. Not a sign of a cold after that.
A few weeks later I could feel another cold coming on (I have young kids so this happens frequently in our home). We were getting low because my husband had used them as well to conquer his cold, so I rationed them at just 2 doses. After the 2nd dose, there was no further sign of a cold. Homeopathy is great that way in that after the body has received an appropriate treatment for an ailment, usually the next time it hits and the same remedy is administered, the healing process is that much faster. Love this stuff and definitely won’t be without it in our home! That’s why I’ve ordered 8 boxes. Thinking they’ll make great gifts:)
Di Mack –
Crushed package inside shipping box. Taste is fine- almost flavorless. Dissolves quickly. Not sure about ability to fight a cold yet but hopeful.
MStapley –
Ok, truth be told, I don’t always use these as directed. They definitely work when used as directed. However, I’ve found that if other people in my office or family are sick, if I start taking them several times a day, I can actually avoid catching whatever bug is going around. For me, this is the best cold prevention drug out there! I’ve never experienced any side affects either. These are really cheap on Amazon. If you buy them locally you’ll pay about 4 times the price. So, order them online and always keep a package with you. The trick is to start taking them immediately when you feel sick or when others around you are sick. |Update 2/21/2012: For the last several days I’ve been exposed to family and friends with a horrible bought of colds turning into bronchitis. I started taking the cold calm right away when I realized they were sick and I have had zero symptoms. That was last friday. Today is Tuesday. Last night I ran out of cold calm pills over the weekend and had to wait the afternoon and overnight until I had access to my stash of them I keep at work. This morning I was starting to feel sick, but after several hours of getting back on them again, I feel fine. This are MIRACLE pills. I keep them on hand at all times. I’ll probably keep taking them for another day or two until I feel like I’m out of the woods. In the meantime my boyfriend has suffered for the last 4 days with agonizing chest pain and coughing… someday maybe he’ll listen to me.
Jane Barrett –
I started using this product and within days everyone of my employees wanted their own box! It is a great product from an incredibly reputable homeopathic company. If you follow the directions and use as suggested when you first feel a cold coming on you will NOT get the cold. If you wait a little and then take it, it will drastically shorten both the severity and the duration of the cold. I have it on recurring delivery so we don’t run out. Highly recommend this!