Active H2 Ultra Hydrogen Water Tablet – Otimize sua Saúde com Hidrogênio Molecular
Descubra o poder transformador do Active H2 Ultra Hydrogen Water Tablet, um produto inovador que promete otimizar sua saúde, apoiar sua imunidade e equilibrar os antioxidantes do seu corpo. Cada frasco contém 60 comprimidos que, ao serem ativados na água, liberam hidrogênio molecular, um elemento essencial que pode fazer maravilhas pelo seu bem-estar. O hidrogênio molecular é conhecido por sua capacidade de difundir-se rapidamente nas células, mitocôndrias e fluidos do corpo, proporcionando benefícios únicos e abundantes. Ele regula os sistemas antioxidantes do organismo, incluindo a superóxido dismutase (SOD) e o glutationa, convertendo os radicais livres mais prejudiciais do corpo em água e apoiando o metabolismo celular, a sinalização celular e a expressão gênica.
A diferença do Active H2 é notável. Nós garantimos a frescura, eficácia e qualidade de todos os nossos produtos até a data de validade. Se, por qualquer motivo, você não estiver satisfeito com algum de nossos produtos, basta nos informar e enviaremos imediatamente um reembolso ou substituição, como parte da nossa ‘garantia do frasco’. A Water and Wellness se dedica a oferecer água pura, livre de contaminantes e enriquecida para fornecer nutrientes e benefícios à saúde ao maior número possível de pessoas. Após 37 anos na indústria da ciência da água, nossos princípios éticos e nosso senso de responsabilidade nos levaram a criar uma linha simples, acessível e de alta qualidade de produtos que não fazem concessões, enquanto apoiam a educação sobre a importância da saúde e da segurança da água.
O hidrogênio molecular é a essência da vida, servindo como a fonte de energia original para a vida celular primitiva. Sua capacidade de neutralizar e otimizar as vias naturais de desintoxicação do corpo é incomparável. Sendo a menor e mais móvel das moléculas, o hidrogênio pode penetrar nas células com uma biodisponibilidade superior a qualquer outro nutriente ou nutracêutico.
– Apoio à Imunidade: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando o corpo a combater infecções.
– Regulação Antioxidante: Melhora a capacidade do corpo de neutralizar radicais livres, reduzindo o estresse oxidativo.
– Aumento da Energia: Melhora o metabolismo celular, resultando em mais energia e vitalidade.
– Desintoxicação Eficiente: Facilita a eliminação de toxinas e resíduos do organismo.
– Facilidade de Uso: Comprimidos práticos que podem ser ativados em qualquer lugar, tornando a hidratação saudável acessível.
Para obter os melhores resultados, dissolva um comprimido de Active H2 Ultra Hydrogen Water Tablet em 500 ml de água. Aguarde até que o comprimido se desfaça completamente antes de consumir. Recomenda-se tomar uma a duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente em jejum ou antes de atividades físicas, para maximizar a absorção e os benefícios do hidrogênio molecular. Mantenha o frasco bem fechado em local fresco e seco para preservar a eficácia do produto.
Desktop Specialist –
The little tablet dissolved and my water was still murky after letting it sit a couple of minutes. I tried it…tastes like it looks…
Not at all what the product description said/alluded to.
You’re better off getting a hydrogen water bottle. Tables are getting donated!
will –
residue in bottom of glass. Slight after taste. Overall its OK
Steve Zen –
This supplement contains large amounts of magnesium; granted not everyone who takes magnesium gets diarrhea, unfortunately I did. Every glass of this stuff caused me to rush to the nearest rest room. At first I thought it was ‘working’ but after too many ‘rumbles’, I did a little more research. Although I did not see anyone mention this in the reviews, I thought to write this review to be one of the few or firsts, as I did not read all the reviews. I bought this based off of its positive reviews, but of course all reviews (even this one) need to be taken in stride.
In research, I knew that magnesium is a mineral, but when taken as a supplement one of its properties is that it tends to attract water. Un-absorbed magnesium can reache the intestine or colon as disposable waste but also attract water from nearby tissue and this can stimulate the bowels- not giving the bowels enough time to even form a solid waste product.
If too much un-absorbed magnesium reaches the intestines then you can end up with explosive diarrhea. I took this with large amounts of water, first thing in the morning (so on an empty stomach) even in juice but the results were the same (it seemed to wait until I finally ate something to begin the call of the wild). Since the the body can only absorb a certain amount, and I am a small person, I would not entirely blame this on the supplement. However, I did read that poorer quality magnesium supplements could also cause this and to not abandon the mineral just find a branch of magnesium that works better for me.
I can’t say that I am entirely disappointed as this may work for others. To process the entire bottle, I will need to set up a home office in the restroom, or fast for the day and take it on an empty stomach or take a few good gulps before it loses it effectiveness window and sip on it throughout the day.
Ideally, this is not intended to be a bad review, just that it did not work out for me. Luckily, I grabbed a H2 generator as I read that supplements can be a hit or miss for this sort of thing, yet still run a hard second in effectiveness versus going to the source. Hope others find a better experience.
Greg Swaney –
This product was recommended to me by my daughter. The purchase price caught me by surprise, but I figured I’d give it a shot. I have a very stressful job and get migraines here and there, but I have not had a migraine in probably 2 years. When the product arrived (I ship to my work), I decided to take one, as I was starting to feel a cold coming on and I hadn’t slept more than 3 or 4 hours a night in several months, plus the migraine was just starting.
I drank my water with the tablet in it and within about 30 minutes the migraine subsided and I had energy. I know this isn’t listed to help with migraines, but the overall “better” feeling I had after taking this the first day was worth the price. It’s been ~2 weeks since I started taking this and my energy is up, which helps me get more work done and in turn reduces stress. All of this combined to help me sleep more (averaging 5 hours per night the past 2 weeks). I am a believer. Great product.
Steve Zen –
Molecular hydrogen is the absolute smallest molecule- just two atoms- It’s a gas that permeates every organ and cell in the body. It easily permeates the blood brain barrier and even inside the cell membrane to reach our hardworking mitochondria. Everywhere it goes it subdues inflammation and free radical damage- turning free radicals into harmless water. It’s safe and effective for every ailment and chronic disease their is! It’s subtle- it’s not an overnight cure. When I take it I feel my breathing ease and I’m know I’m more efficient at utilizing oxygen. My wife smokes And lately we realized she’s stopped coughing in the morning. Studies have been done, and are continuing to be done. I’m now a member of the Mollecular hydrogen institute and recieve science updates. Zero side- effects. Highly recommended-
Desktop Specialist –
This product may cause a diuretic effect in some individuals. I prepare the product utilizing a used “Perrier” water bottle (750 ml) and chilled tap water from a municipal water supply sourced from Lake Michigan. It seems that if I place the cap on the bottle soon after dropping in the tablet all of the hydrogen gas will be absorbed by the water and very little pressure is released when I remove the cap. Residue in the bottle may be magnesium-malic. Consider gently inverting the capped bottle several times to disperse the solids which rise to the surface. Thanks
Sherry Gassaway –
I was very skeptical of the entire Hydrogen fad. I’ve been in natural health for over 10 years now and have seen trends come and go. I’m also skeptical of the science and the ability to keep the hydrogen molecules in the water long enough to be ingested. But I followed the instructions to use a glass (non-porous) bottle filled to the top with filtered water and put in one tablet and then drink when the tablet is done bubbling. It takes about 30 seconds for the tablet to dissolve and the resulting water is quite bubbly. The water does have a slightly metallic taste, but it is not unpleasant. Most surprising of all, it seems to work and fast! Within 10 minutes of drinking the treated water, I feel alert and energetic and the energy lasts for 4-6 hours afterwards. The bonus; there is no crash like a sugar rush and no jittery feeling like with caffeine. The only side effect I have observed is having to pee more and my body letting go of fluids from being better hydrated. Well worth the money.
Steve P Watkins –
I think it works well.