Comprimidos de Ferro 325mg Fumarato Ferroso – Pacote Duplo (120 Total)
Os Comprimidos de Ferro 325mg Fumarato Ferroso são uma solução eficaz para aqueles que buscam aumentar seus níveis de ferro no organismo. Cada comprimido contém fumarato ferroso, uma forma altamente absorvível de ferro, essencial para a produção de hemoglobina e a manutenção de níveis saudáveis de energia. Este produto é ideal para pessoas que sofrem de anemia ferropriva, mulheres grávidas, atletas e qualquer pessoa que precise de um suporte adicional para a saúde do sangue.
Com um total de 120 comprimidos em dois pacotes, você terá um suprimento duradouro que pode ser facilmente integrado à sua rotina diária. Os comprimidos são formulados para serem tomados uma vez ao dia, proporcionando uma maneira conveniente de garantir que você está recebendo a quantidade necessária de ferro. Além disso, a embalagem prática facilita o transporte, permitindo que você leve seus comprimidos para onde quer que vá, sem comprometer sua saúde.
Os benefícios do fumarato ferroso vão além da simples suplementação. Ele ajuda a melhorar a oxigenação dos tecidos, aumentando a resistência e a vitalidade. Com a ingestão regular, você pode notar uma melhora significativa na sua disposição e na sua capacidade de realizar atividades diárias, tornando-se uma escolha inteligente para quem busca um estilo de vida mais ativo e saudável.
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- Suporte eficaz na prevenção e tratamento da anemia ferropriva.
- Fórmula de alta absorção que maximiza a biodisponibilidade do ferro.
- Contribui para o aumento da energia e redução da fadiga.
- Praticidade com 120 comprimidos, garantindo um suprimento prolongado.
- Ideal para gestantes e atletas que necessitam de níveis adequados de ferro.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de um comprimido de 325mg de fumarato ferroso uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente com um copo de água e durante uma refeição para otimizar a absorção. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para determinar a dosagem adequada às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e fora do alcance de crianças.
Greg C –
I contacted the product wholesaler and they informed me that Ferret’s has a new manufacturer. Although the tablets look different they are safe and effective to use. I have used Ferret iron supplement for almost ten years.
Janet –
October of 2021 my iron at my doctor’s was: Total was 29 mcg (considered low), Iron Binding was 300 (considered normal), and Saturation was 10% (considered low). I just went in for my yearly October of 2022 and these are my new numbers: Total is 150 mcg (NORMAL), Iron Binding is 336 (NORMAL), and Saturation is 45% (NORMAL). I have been waiting for a full year to do a review on this iron supplement to see if the numbers would be normal after a year and they are normal. YAHOO!!!
Clilliona –
I’ve used this product several times over the past few years and have never seen them look like this. It’s as if they are missing that last layer to hold it all together. The color isn’t the same, they’re ashy and brittle. The expiration date is 8/26. When I remove the seal and cotton a mini cloud of dust spilled out the bottle. **UPDATE: I called Ferretts, described pills and concerns. I was told the manufacturer had changed. It was explained the pills are the same with exception of the top layer (makes pill smooth and dark in appearance). He also advised the layer will be returning to the Iron pills in December.
Darcy –
Was the only iron I could absorb, now nothing. My nails are peeling like paper, hair is falling out, and I’m about to have another iron infusion and I had gotten off them when I finally found this supplement that I could absorb.
I even bought directly from the website and they’re worthless. I guess I need to source yet another ferrous fumerate supplier and just take however many lower dose pills it takes to make up the difference. Desperately unhappy about this.
AT & PT –
Ferretts Iron Tablets came highly recommended by my OB when I was dealing with low iron levels. I couldn’t find them in my local store, so I was grateful to find them on Amazon. The supplement is of excellent quality, and the fast delivery made the entire process hassle-free. Highly recommended for anyone in need of a reliable iron supplement!
Gina Lewis –
I was diagnosed as Anemic and told to take Slow Fe to get my numbers up. I was also diagnosed with Osteoarthritis. My hair (African American, 4c) was dry, brittle and lacking shine. I immediately bought Slow Fe and started taking it while I researched other forms of Iron. To my surprise, I have found amazing reviews on Ferretts. I pressed to button to order and within a week; my hair texture had softened, the next plus, I noticed the amazing shine my hair now presents. The leg pain from Osteoarthritis has lessened. I’m not 100% better but feeling noticeably better. I’m looking forward to the hair growth as the meds had caused my hair to break and the growth was stunted. I will update this review when I see hair growth. I have been using now for three weeks, taking one tablet twice a day
Frances –
This is the iron I use and recommend. It’s more expensive but I feel tolerated better so it’s worth it.
Clilliona –
The product is great, easy to swallow and coated