Descrição do Produto: Nootropics Depot Baikal Skullcap Extract Tablets
As Tablets de Extrato de Baikal Skullcap da Nootropics Depot são uma poderosa adição à sua rotina de bem-estar mental. Com 250mg por dose e uma formulação que contém mais de 15% de Apigenina, mais de 20% de Baicaleina e mais de 50% de Baicalina, este suplemento é projetado para oferecer suporte cognitivo abrangente. O Baikal Skullcap, conhecido cientificamente como Scutellaria baicalensis, é uma planta tradicionalmente utilizada na medicina chinesa, reconhecida por suas propriedades nootrópicas e neuroprotetoras.
- SUPORTE À MEMÓRIA – O Skullcap possui propriedades únicas que ajudam a regular as proteínas beta-amiloides e outros fatores que podem prejudicar os processos cognitivos. Pesquisas sugerem que esses efeitos podem ajudar a apoiar processos cognitivos como memória, aprendizado e função cognitiva geral!
- SUPORTE À FUNÇÃO COGNITIVA – Estudos sobre o Skullcap Chinês indicam uma variedade de benefícios cognitivos, que são sustentados através da neurogênese, neuroproteção e do equilíbrio da neuroinflamação. A neurogênese promove o crescimento saudável do cérebro, enquanto a neuroproteção protege neurônios e células cerebrais, e níveis equilibrados de neuroinflamação sustentam um ambiente ideal para a função cognitiva.
- SUPORTE AO ESTRESSE – A Baicalina e a Baicaleina são consideradas responsáveis por muitos desses benefícios nootrópicos. Juntas, podem ajudar a promover níveis saudáveis de estresse sem causar sonolência.
- TRIPLO PADRÃO – Este é o único extrato de Baikal Skullcap padronizado para três dos principais constituintes de Scutellaria baicalensis, contendo 50% de Baicalina, 20% de Baicaleina e 15% de Apigenina.
- TESTADO EM LABORATÓRIO E VERIFICADO – Todos os produtos da Nootropics Depot são rigorosamente testados em laboratório para garantir que nossos clientes recebam apenas ingredientes da mais alta qualidade, na força, potência e pureza ideais. Temos orgulho da quantidade de pesquisa investida em cada produto, buscando apenas os ingredientes mais inovadores e de qualidade superior.
1. Melhora da memória e aprendizado, facilitando a retenção de informações.
2. Aumento da neuroproteção, promovendo a saúde cerebral a longo prazo.
3. Redução do estresse sem causar sonolência, ideal para o dia a dia.
4. Suporte à neurogênese, contribuindo para o crescimento saudável do cérebro.
5. Qualidade garantida através de testes laboratoriais rigorosos, assegurando a pureza e potência do produto.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma a duas tablets por dia, preferencialmente com as refeições, para maximizar a absorção dos compostos ativos. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você estiver grávida, amamentando ou tomando medicamentos. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta e fora do alcance de crianças.
H. Luther –
The supplement keeps me cool and calm at bed time – just as advertised
Rosella Susan Byers –
I’m a big fan of Nootropics Depot. These are small tablets and the dosage is just one per day. I find that they have a calming and focusing affect on me, and my sleep is sound. This is the most effective Chinese skullcap I’ve used, and seems more effective for me than the American variety. There is some concern that Chinese skullcap (which these are) can — like American skullcap — be hard on some people’s liver. So I will not take these regularly, but when I feel the need. It’s important to research these products to make sure they are right for you.
Celinia Lambert –
Heidilyn –
I have Alzheimer’s/Dementia in my family. My grandmother had later onset dementia, and my aunt, mom’s sister, had early onset significant dementia. I was concerned with brain health by the time I was in Junior High School and this was long before we had any knowledge of dementia being a threat to our family. As I get older and experience brain slips and weird loss of orientation I am more concerned because obviously what I have been doing isn’t enough. I ordered a kindle book on amazon, that offers quite a bit of detail as to what you need to do, covering 26 areas that come together to take you down that horrendous road of cognitive decline. I am on my 4th reading, and I get more out of it and it’s starting to seem manageable. I am noticing far less lost sense of space, and I am better able to pull information out of my brain when I need it. But, these results are because I am really putting effort into following this book, and I was already doing much of it. I do have a doctor to help me with testing. A recommended product is apigenin along with other things to help prevent brain inflammation.
“The End of Alzheimer’s: The First Program to Prevent and Reverse Cognitive Decline “
Baikal Skullcap is unique in that there is a possible aid in management of the beta amyloid proteins that are related to the dementia condition, and are usually seen in folks who have issues with cognitive decline. Stress can deteriorate mental process through the body’s over all reaction to stress. I take lithium, 5 mg only, to help with stress. Baikal Skullcap is said to possibly manage stress as well. I’m new to this product, and stack with Sabroxy for mental clarity and focus. I just looked at the nootropics depot site for more information about Baikal Skullcap and Sabroxy and didn’t realize that they were recommended as a stack, but I totally like it and agree that it is a combo to try for ‘getting things done’. I am a self hacker, and have been for years since my son turned me on to some things he liked.
Let’s face it, we age, but we still have to get stuff done and compete. This economy is pushing the envelope with it comes to being challenging. Right? Anyway, I like this product. I feel stable, calm and I feel like it does help with the actual goal of getting things done, sticking to the task.
5 stars
Daniel Toker –
I struggle quite a bit with sleep (both onset and maintenance), and I’ve tried pretty much everything that’s available over the counter for sleep. I’ve also tried a prescription sleep drug. Nothing has worked for my sleep as well as this, both subjectively and objectively (according to my Apple Watch sleep data). It also gives me a feeling of deep calm before bed, in a way that nothing else has.
Wes –
Fantastic product. Provides support for anxiety and stress reduction. Also great immune system and anti-inflammatory benefits. Standardized, lab-tested Chinese Skullcap extracts are hard to come by on the market, and all-in-all this is the best one I’ve found.
Dennis pungerchar –
It is effective for relaxation good quality and value for the money
Serebro –
I use skullcap primarily as an anti-anxiety medication for my service dog; he’s developed a fear of fireworks and thunderstorms after realizing our other dog is afraid, and I think it’s cruel to leave him shaking due to them. They do take about 20 minutes to kick in, but after that he stops hiding under my feet (under the desk or under the foot of the bed) and is back to his calm self, napping on the rug next to the bed instead of trying to crowd into a small space.
I take two capsules once a week for myself to keep the brain fog from my fibromyalgia at bay. It’s far from the only thing I take for that, but I do notice if I miss it.
These are, like most capsules, pretty tasteless, though they do have a little bit of an odor if I sniff the bottle. It’s nowhere near enough to be a problem when taking them.