Descrição do Produto:
As tabelas de eletrólitos Angry Supplements Electro Lightning Energy Hydration Complex são a solução ideal para quem busca uma hidratação eficaz e um impulso de energia sem as calorias e açúcares indesejados. Com uma fórmula inovadora que combina cálcio, magnésio, sódio e potássio, essas pastilhas não apenas hidratam, mas também ajudam a manter o equilíbrio eletrolítico do corpo, essencial para a saúde celular. Em situações de intensa atividade física ou calor extremo, a água sozinha pode não ser suficiente. Nossas pastilhas de hidratação oferecem uma alternativa superior, repondo os eletrólitos perdidos e promovendo uma recuperação mais rápida.
Além disso, as Electro Lightning Tablets são uma opção de baixa caloria e sem açúcar, perfeitas para aqueles que se preocupam com a ingestão de calorias. Cada porção de duas pastilhas contém 200 mg de cafeína, proporcionando um aumento de energia natural e sustentado, sem a necessidade de bebidas líquidas. A absorção aprimorada dos ingredientes presentes na fórmula garante que a hidratação ocorra de forma mais eficiente, especialmente após exercícios intensos.
A dosagem precisa de cafeína em cada pastilha permite que os usuários monitorem sua ingestão de forma mais eficaz, sendo uma excelente escolha para quem é sensível à cafeína. A praticidade das pastilhas, que podem ser consumidas a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar, torna-as ideais para quem tem um estilo de vida ativo. Basta colocar uma pastilha na boca e aproveitar os benefícios de uma hidratação rápida e um impulso de energia.
– Hidratação Eficiente: Reposição rápida de eletrólitos perdidos durante atividades físicas.
– Sem Açúcar e Calorias: Ideal para quem busca manter uma dieta equilibrada.
– Impulso de Energia Sustentado: 200 mg de cafeína por porção, sem a necessidade de líquidos.
– Fácil de Transportar: Compactas e práticas, perfeitas para levar na bolsa ou mochila.
– Absorção Aprimorada: Fórmula que favorece a rápida reidratação após exercícios intensos.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir duas pastilhas de Electro Lightning Tablets com um copo de água antes ou após atividades físicas intensas. As pastilhas podem ser tomadas a qualquer momento do dia, conforme necessário, para garantir uma hidratação adequada e um aumento de energia. Evite exceder a dose recomendada de 200 mg de cafeína por dia, especialmente se você for sensível a estimulantes. Mantenha as pastilhas em um local fresco e seco para preservar sua eficácia.
Enes Thalami –
Great little supplement. Perfect amount of caffeine (in my opinion) and you get some electrolytes to boot. Very cost efficient versus energy drinks.
snapshot –
So I added these into my daily supplement routine about 3 weeks ago.
I take supplements 3 time a day Morning, Noon and Evening. I added one of these to the AM and one to the Noon supplements.
I pretty much was not really paying much attention to the fact that I was taking them..until the other day when we had our first 90 + degree day, It was a day I had planned to work in the yard. I was out there pretty much all day. Drank only straight water but was surprised I lasted the whole day without getting fatigued or dehydrated. It wasn’t until the next time I was loading my daily supplements when I came to these things and it dawned on me, Is this why I was able to go thru the day as well as I did? can’t say for sure. (I know it was not placebo effect because I had actually forgotten I was taking them)
But I have now decided that as we get into weather where hydration is an issue, or I am going to be doing something that requires good hydration, I will make sure these are in my daily supplement program.
The cost per serving is extremely cheap, no electrolyte mix comes anywhere near it.
Pros and Cons –
I’m all for this actually, its great and it’s pretty easy to take. The only slight issue I guess is taste but its not the intended target of the tablets after all. It does its job and it does it well, definitely recommend this as a supplement to take.
It got me up out of bed and moving around. If you know me, that’s actually quite the feat.
Crazy Dane –
I recently tried the Angry Supplements Electro Lightning Energy Hydration Complex Electrolyte Tablets.
The fact that it contains 240 tablets and provides a 120 day supply is also a huge plus for me.
The tablets themselves are easy to swallow and have a pleasant taste.
But the real standout for me is the combination of electrolytes and caffeine.
The blend of calcium, magnesium, sodium, and potassium helps replenish my electrolytes and keep me hydrated, while the added caffeine gives me the boost of energy I need to power through my workouts.
I also appreciate that these tablets are made with natural ingredients and are free from artificial colors and flavors.
Will update if needed.
Mark –
I got this a few days ago.
Ive taken a few servings now.
This is good stuff!
It really has quite a kick for ya
Caffeine. Lots of caffeine
And good supplements i assume are there to help with the diuretic effect of the caffeine
Its a good mix
I recommend
ReviewsBy80sKid –
The tablets are an odd diamond-ish shape but they are easy to swallow and I can surely feel a boost after about an hour of taking one. I have not experienced any bad tastes/aftertastes or ill-effects from taking this supplement, but everyone is different.
I prefer to take only one tablet on the mornings I feel a bit sluggish (which is multiple times a week). The recommended is two, but since one does the job for me and I watch my caffeine intake I choose to take one instead.
There is 240 tablets in the bottle, so even at 2-a-day that’s 4 months of this supplement, so it’s seems to be a good value product. I will update my review if my thoughts change, but I’m enjoying it so far.
Altoni –
I’ve nearly replaced my coffee habit with this and it’s helped me cut calories/sugar and save a ton of money. Definitely recommended having with a meal or a small meal. I personally only need 1 tablet and I’m set. I think I’ll be a regular user of this product for a long time, if not forever.