O ComfiTECH Gel Ice Pack Wrap é um envoltório de gel inovador, projetado especificamente para proporcionar alívio eficaz das dores no pescoço e na região cervical. Com um design exclusivo e patenteado, este produto cobre completamente a área afetada, oferecendo um suporte ideal para quem sofre com lesões esportivas, inchaços, pressão acumulada devido ao trabalho em escritório ou recuperação pós-cirúrgica. Com um peso leve de apenas 1,2 libras, o envoltório não adiciona desconforto à região cervical, permitindo que você o utilize sem restrições.
A flexibilidade do gel, mesmo quando congelado, é uma das características mais notáveis do ComfiTECH. Isso permite que o envoltório se molde perfeitamente ao contorno do seu pescoço, proporcionando um conforto adicional enquanto você relaxa em casa. A alça elástica extra garante que o envoltório permaneça no lugar, liberando suas mãos para outras atividades, seja lendo um livro ou trabalhando no computador. Além disso, o envoltório é feito de tecido de lycra elástica, que proporciona uma experiência suave e confortável, mesmo durante longos períodos de uso.
O ComfiTECH Gel Ice Pack Wrap é especialmente recomendado para atletas que frequentemente enfrentam lesões e para profissionais que passam horas em frente ao computador, resultando em tensões musculares. Disponível em dois tamanhos, o produto atende a diferentes tipos de corpos e preferências de compressão, garantindo que todos possam desfrutar de um alívio eficaz.
1. Alívio instantâneo da dor no pescoço: Proporciona alívio imediato para dores, lesões e tensões musculares.
2. Design patenteado e exclusivo: Garante qualidade e eficácia, com um design que se adapta perfeitamente ao corpo.
3. Flexibilidade mesmo quando congelado: O gel permanece maleável, permitindo que o envoltório se molde à forma desejada.
4. Ajuste perfeito e confortável: Tecido elástico e alça extra garantem um ajuste seguro e confortável.
5. Duas opções de tamanho: Disponível em tamanhos variados para atender às necessidades individuais dos usuários.
Para utilizar o ComfiTECH Gel Ice Pack Wrap, coloque-o no freezer por um período mínimo de 2 horas. Após esse tempo, retire o envoltório e aplique-o na região do pescoço e parte superior das costas, ajustando conforme sua preferência. Recomenda-se deixar o envoltório em contato com a pele por 15 a 20 minutos para maximizar o alívio da dor e da inflamação. Após o uso, armazene o envoltório na bolsa com zíper fornecida, garantindo que ele permaneça limpo e pronto para o próximo uso.
Peter Comerford –
I need options for hot and cold applications to my neck, and this is perfect for the cold part. Is supercomfortable, fits really well to deal with my neck and upper shoulder pain. And if it’s just a hot day and you want some relief, put this on and it will feel great. The velcro could be stronger, but I highly recommend.
Patty Jones –
This wrap fits my neck perfectly. My neck was so stiff and this wrap was a miracle saver. It is soft and cooling. I am so glad that I bought it!!!!
RTponce –
This cooling pad is easy to put on, just swing it around you and the Velcro ends attach and hold well. Does not have a chocking effect and very comfortable. Chills nice and fast and lasts a good 20-25 minutes before having to chill again. takes about one hour to fully chill, and use again. Well worth the price! Do it! I’m glad I did!!
Amazon Customer –
Fits all, feels great, but doesn’t stay cold long enough in my opinion …. and the velcro to close it doesn’t stay put tightly
Amazon Customer –
The shape and size of this ice pack work well for my neck and shoulder. The coverage is adequate. It remains flexible when cold and appears to be durable; however, it retains a sufficient degree of coldness for only about 10 minutes, despite the fact that it is stored in the freezer. Disappointing!
Mary –
this ice pack is great, fits nicely on my neck. freezes in the freezer.. just the right amount of weight to put on my neck
E. L. Beck –
This ice/heat pack is great! 👍 It’s lightweight and very comfortable. I’ve only used it from the freezer and it’s not stiff and too cold, I’m very happy with this purchase!
Anna –
I love these products. They freeze quickly, relieve pain well, and don’t make a mess. They are very flexible so that it hits the exact spot where I have pain. I also like that it comes in a zip storage bag for the freezer.
Jade –
I purchased this for after my tonsillectomy (with the intent of wearing it backwards on my neck/throat area lol) and absolutely love it. I’ve never had an ice pack that was a soft, flexible material and loved the feel of this so much! It got cold in the freezer so quickly and since it’s a gel inside I was able to bend/move it around however I needed for it to be comfortable on my body. The fact it velcros in place also comes in handy! Only down side is that I wish it stayed colder a bit longer but besides that, its great!
RE –
I have facet joint syndrome and spinal stenosis of my C4-C6 vertebrae from being hit by a car as a kid. Over the years I’ve become a connoisseur of cold and hot therapy packs, patches, and devices of all kinds. Every ice pack I’ve ever used, whether liquid, gel, clay, chemical – has suffered from different intensities of the same problem. If they’re cold enough to help, they’re too stiff to sit right where I need them without me applying pressure; but if they’re soft enough to sit properly, they’re not cold enough to work.
Even while I was tapping purchase on this, I thought it was going to be yet another waste of $20. But instead, it is the ice pack I’ve always dreamed of, precisely because it isn’t an ice “pack” so much as it is a thick sheet of solid gel material. The best way to describe the texture is a cross between neoprene, memory foam, and jello. The cover is very soft and does not collect condensation in the freezer.
Others have commented that the cold only lasts 20-25 minutes, and I agree, except that it is 20 super-effective minutes. Have you ever wished you could put your neck, just your neck, in an ice bath? This is the closest approximation you’ll ever get.
It’s also hands-free with the Velcro fastener at the front of the neck, so when I’m in pain during the workday (WFH) I can strap it on and get back to my desk. I am so happy with this purchase.