Descrição do Produto:
O Combo Pack de Spray Nasal e Spray para Garganta de Folha de Oliveira e Framboesa com Hortelã é uma solução inovadora e natural para quem busca alívio temporário de irritações na boca, garganta e nariz. Este pacote contém dois produtos essenciais: um Spray Nasal de Folha de Oliveira e um Spray para Garganta de Framboesa com Hortelã, ambos com 1 onça.
O Spray Nasal de Folha de Oliveira é formulado para proporcionar alívio temporário de irritações sinusais e nasais, utilizando ingredientes naturais que não apresentam os efeitos colaterais comuns dos medicamentos farmacêuticos modernos. Por outro lado, o Spray para Garganta combina o extrato de folha de oliveira com o sabor refrescante da framboesa e hortelã, oferecendo alívio para irritações na boca e na garganta.
Ambos os sprays são feitos com ingredientes 100% naturais, incluindo Extrato de Folha de Oliveira, Baptisia Tinctoria, Extrato de Semente de Toranja e Xilitol, um adoçante natural derivado de frutas e vegetais. Essa combinação não só promove um alívio eficaz, mas também garante que você esteja cuidando da sua saúde de forma segura e natural.
– Alívio Natural: Proporciona alívio temporário de irritações sem os efeitos colaterais dos medicamentos convencionais.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Formulado com extratos botânicos que são conhecidos por suas propriedades benéficas.
– Praticidade: O combo pack oferece duas soluções em um único pacote, facilitando o uso em casa ou em viagens.
– Sabor Agradável: O Spray para Garganta tem um sabor refrescante que torna a aplicação mais agradável.
– Versatilidade: Pode ser utilizado por toda a família, sendo seguro para adultos e crianças.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se usar o Spray Nasal de Folha de Oliveira conforme necessário para alívio de irritações nasais. Aplique 1 a 2 borrifadas em cada narina, até três vezes ao dia. Para o Spray para Garganta de Framboesa com Hortelã, agite bem antes de usar e aplique 2 a 3 borrifadas diretamente na garganta, conforme necessário. Evite comer ou beber por pelo menos 30 minutos após a aplicação para maximizar a eficácia do produto.
frogholler –
I have been suffering from nasal congestion for years but luckily, no sinus pressure or pain. I recently came down with a severe respiratory infection that was mainly in my chest and I’ve been expelling green mucus from my lungs for the past 6 days. I ordered this combo mainly for the throat spray but also decided to use the nasal spray in hopes it might help my nasal problem. Lo and behold, I started just 2 days ago and I can’t believe how fast it worked!!! Not only that, but a lot of green mucus was loosened up and I was able to get rid of it. I can now breathe so much easier. I had no idea that I also had an infection going on in my sinuses. I just ordered two more nasal sprays.
Kuntal Bhattacharyya –
I read that Olive leaf spray would relieve me of throat symptoms but it doesn’t seem to work for me. I was hoping to get rid of post nasal drip but didn’t see a change after using for more than a week for 3 times a day. I understand that people have different systems and somethings work for some people but not for all. I wish it had worked for me. But I also have a very difficult to treat throat. If I ever get sick, it takes me months to get better. 🙂
Johnny –
I have been buying these for some time now and I fill that it has kept me from being as sick as I have been in the past.
Brenda –
This product works so much better than regular nasal and throat sprays and you can use it much more often without addicting yourself to the product. I actually experienced extended relief from nasal congestion that I had not had for years. Good product. Have ordered many times.
Lisa –
I have reordered this product several times now for myself and have bought it for others, too. It was recommended by an Aunt who used to have recurrent sinus troubles and no longer does thanks to the nasal spray. I use the nasal spray when I feel a bit stuffy and it seems to stop any problem in its tracks. The throat spray is also helpful when I feel a scratchy throat starting. I like that it’s a natural product with no steroids and it actually has a pleasant taste
Renee’ M. –
UPDATE: I try to always keep this in the house. My husband just said he was getting an ear ache and that it had been hurting for 2 days. I had him use the Seagate Nasal and Throat sprays knowing the nose, throat and ears are all interconnected. Sure enough, after 1 day of using a few times his earache was gone. I have used this for years and will continue to in the future. I highly recommend this.
Really works. Especially the throat spray. Have used these for several years, but found on Amazon as combo pack at a great price. Worth every penny.
Esmerelda –
Seagate products are very high quality. These two are extremely useful, especially the nasal spray. When my sinuses are stuffed up, I spray them to open them up.
rAz –
This is my second order, and I am pleased with its remedies like soothing throat, much less dry nose, and I found out that repel cold and throat infection. A must product for the winter