Colostrum6 é um produto inovador e de alta qualidade, projetado para oferecer os benefícios do colostro em sua forma mais pura e eficaz. Com 180 cápsulas de 500mg cada, este suplemento é extraído de vacas leiteiras alimentadas com capim, garantindo que cada dose contenha colostro certificado, livre de hormônios e antibióticos. O Colostrum6 é especialmente formulado para ser absorvido rapidamente pelo organismo, com uma duração de ação de 6 horas, proporcionando um suporte contínuo ao sistema imunológico e à saúde intestinal.
As cápsulas de Colostrum6 são uma fonte rica de nutrientes essenciais, incluindo anticorpos, fatores de crescimento e proteínas que promovem o crescimento e desenvolvimento saudável. O produto é reconhecido por sua força máxima, sendo validado pelo Dr. Don Lein, Professor Emérito da Universidade Cornell, que atesta sua autenticidade como colostro verdadeiro, não sendo um simples leite de transição. Além disso, a quimosina 100% natural presente no Colostrum6 ajuda a regular a acidez estomacal e a melhorar a digestão, tornando-o um aliado valioso para aqueles que enfrentam problemas digestivos ou metabólicos.
O Colostrum6 não é apenas um suplemento; é uma escolha premiada, tendo recebido o Prêmio Escolha dos Leitores por três vezes consecutivas, com mais de 98% de aprovação entre os consumidores. Este reconhecimento é um testemunho da eficácia e da confiança que milhares de pessoas depositam neste produto. Ao incorporar o Colostrum6 em sua rotina, você não apenas fortalece seu sistema imunológico, mas também melhora sua saúde geral, aumentando a energia, a força e a resistência física e mental.
1. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: O colostro é rico em anticorpos que ajudam a proteger o corpo contra infecções e doenças.
2. Saúde Intestinal Aprimorada: Promove um ambiente intestinal saudável, auxiliando na digestão e na absorção de nutrientes.
3. Aumento de Energia e Resistência: Melhora o desempenho físico e mental, proporcionando mais disposição para as atividades diárias.
4. Suporte ao Crescimento e Desenvolvimento: Ideal para adultos que buscam otimizar sua saúde e bem-estar geral.
5. Produto Natural e Certificado: Garantia de qualidade e pureza, livre de substâncias indesejadas, como hormônios e antibióticos.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas de Colostrum6 por dia, preferencialmente com o estômago vazio, para maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É aconselhável tomar as cápsulas com um copo de água ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. Este produto é destinado a adultos saudáveis e não deve ser utilizado como substituto de uma dieta equilibrada. Consulte um médico antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação para garantir que o Colostrum6 seja adequado às suas necessidades individuais. Aproveite todos os benefícios que o Colostrum6 pode oferecer para melhorar sua saúde e bem-estar!
Wild Thing –
I bought this to treat my colitis, but had a rather strange reaction when I took it, warm back and arms, felt very odd. This was my first clue that I had more than colitis, as I’d felt unwell for months after the colitis cleared up. I became more and more ill later with a mystery illness. The only thing I could take that kept it’s symptoms at bay (increasing head fog, joint pains, etc,) was colostrum. Later I was diagnosed with Lyme disease. Couldn’t have got through without it, before I was put on antibiotics. A marvellous product.
bill pietrantonio –
I didn’t notice any difference
Debi –
LOVE these and they work! I had been having less energy lately despite eating a clean, healthy diet and then a senior relative came down with bronchitis that wouldn’t get cured. My homeopath recommended these so both of us started taking 3 capsules with an 8 oz glass of water (no food on stomach) twice a day. Within 4 days, my energy was improved and it’s been getting better the longer I’m on these. Bronchitis cleared up for relative, too. I’ve got DH on them now and he also notices a good difference. This strengthens the immune system and that effects every area of the body/health. TY Immune Tree for making a quality, amazing product that really works. We’ll be back to buy more when our bottles get low.
Annliz –
So far I am really liking this product. It seems to be working well on my immune system. Others around me have been sick, but so far I have remained healthy. I started off taking 9 per day and have tapered off to 6. I take 3 in the morning about 1-2 hours after breakfast and 3 more before bed. It is sometimes hard to remember that the product must be taken on an empty stomach.
Chelle’s Favorites 🤩 –
This kills my appetite, seriously. I don’t even take it with my meals. I take 1 with my other pills at a set time and forget about it. It lasts a good 8 to 10 hours. If I get a little hungry, I hang in there, and take another one and wait for my hunger to go away. I then eat a 1 serving of a super nutritious, low fat, carb & calorie meal and be satisfied. It feels so natural. I always wonder what skinny people felt about food. Lol. It has no flavor. I’m not jittery like with caffeine. It’s suppose to be good for you and help with insulin absorbtion and thyroid stability too. I am diabetic with a slow thyoid and I used to always be hungry. I am very overweight. Now I forget to eat and I am actually losing werght. A MIRACLE! It’s cheap too I tried all kinds of diet pills, healthy ones like Green Coffee Bean and Garcinia Cambogia, and countless other bad diet pills. All these pills were pricey too. I will take Chromium until I die. GOOGLE IT.
Ruby Cline Lee –
So, my husband had a rash (never mind where) that WOULD NOT go away for nearly a year. He tried everything, including several steroid creams prescribed by his dermatologist. He tried Pink Sav, diaper cream, antibiotic ointment, my own homemade essential-oils lotion. He tried everything! The rash would retreat, but then come back in full force no matter what….until…finally, a light-bulb went off in my head! I had used bovine colostrum to help me when I was nursing my baby (who is now 22!). Anyway, I got thrush on my nipples (sorry for the TMI) and no matter how many rounds of Diflucan I took, it would not go away, that is, until I took colostrum! In recent years, also tended to get yeast infections just before my period every month, but now I don’t because I take colostrum and probiotics together ever morning. Colostrum was the golden ticket for me. It gave my body the boost it needed to heal from yeast overgrowth.
So, I told my husband (who is an anesthesiologist BTW!) he needs to boost his immune system so his body can fight the rash on its own. (Seriously, nothing the dermatologist prescribed would work long term.) My hubby was desperate so he agreed. After a lot of research, I decided to use Immune Tree colostrum. Voila! Within a week, his rash was GONE and has not returned! It’s been two months, but my husband won’t stop taking this product now, as in EVERY morning, without fail. Not sure he’ll ever stop… so we are going to be looooong time customers. I really hope our experience helps. Overall, I think this is a high quality product or it wouldn’t have worked so well for us both.
DG –
I brought this product after extensive research it to help my 11 year old dog who has had ongoing bladder infections. He was on antibiotics for several months and I wanted to help get his immune system healthy together with other supplements and increased fluid intake. It’s hard to measure whether or not the colostrum is working and I’m not entirely sure I’m giving him the right dose (1 capsule per day in his food) but I am using it in good faith that it is contributing to his overall health. I’ve also been taking it myself (the recommended 6 capsules) and although I can’t say I feel any remarkable changes, I think perhaps my energy level are a little better. I’d say the jury is still out, but perhaps me and the dog need longer to feel the full effects.
R. Perkins –
Made a big difference in my digestion. I plan to take it daily for the foreseeable future.
Rathbonr –
I have used a six hour Colostrum before. Most effective is taken from the birthing cow within six hours of birth. Being raised on a farm I already know the importance of that calf getting the colostrum from the mothers milk as soon as possible and within six hours or it will die. In 1997, I was clinically dead for between 30 minutes and an hour. A bad hospital. Go to energyplus dot com for details of that death experience. In 1998 I had to have a four X bypass on four good arteries because of the damage done at the other hospital in 1997 at age 37 and 168 pounds. I just would not improve in health. I added a six hour colostrum plus then. Recently I contracted a new strain of flu or pneumonia that first attacked my heart muscle giving me viral induced congestive heart failure and then attacking other organs. I did not have the flu or pneumonia but the virus was in my body which is becoming common with new strains and most die. I went on this six hour colostrum and the strongest Krill Oil I could find, preferably freeze dried. I also had prayer chains across several states and religions. The external defibrillator expected to be with me for six months was removed after 10 weeks and I am now upgraded to systolic Heart failure and improving but on sick leave without pay. Better, I am over 50 and because of layoffs I have not worked nine full years out of the last ten years so SSDI refuses to read the doctors letter of total disability. During the Great Bush Depression when businesses were closing in every direction many people that already qualified for disability but tried to work for a better income were laid off and could not get work so they fell back on the deserved SSDI they had earned. Then those privileged repuke pharisees in DC decided to create a new rule for people over fifty which ignores their work records since age 15 or whatever and only accept the work credits for their last 10 years of life. That way the broken workers are not paid their earned money and repuke Congress could continue to borrow from SS and use for themselves and their pork belly.
D Hutchison –
item is so good we need more people to be taking this supplement.