Descrição do Produto: Brain Basics Ultra-Pure Colostrum
O Brain Basics Ultra-Pure Colostrum é um suplemento de colostro em pó de alta qualidade, extraído da primeira ordenha de vacas alimentadas com pasto. Com 4000mg por porção e um mínimo de 25% de anticorpos IgG, este produto é uma fonte rica em proteínas bioativas e imunoglobulinas, essenciais para a saúde do cérebro, do intestino e do sistema imunológico. O colostro é conhecido por suas propriedades que promovem uma função imunológica saudável, tornando-se um aliado poderoso para pessoas de todas as idades.
Este colostro ultra puro é especialmente formulado para ser bem tolerado, contendo menos de 5% de lactose, o que o torna uma excelente opção para aqueles que têm intolerância à lactose. O Brain Basics é um produto que se destaca no mercado pela sua pureza e qualidade, sendo ideal para quem busca melhorar a saúde intestinal e a conexão entre o intestino e o cérebro. Para um uso prático, basta adicionar 1-2 colheres do pó a uma tigela de mirtilos ou a um smoothie, potencializando assim a absorção dos nutrientes e promovendo um eixo intestino-cérebro mais saudável. O uso contínuo por um período de dois meses é recomendado para alcançar resultados ótimos.
A equipe da Brain Bean é composta por inovadores apaixonados pela saúde cerebral, comprometidos em ajudar você a alimentar sua mente, melhorar seu humor e aguçar sua memória. Todos os ingredientes utilizados são de grau farmacêutico e são fabricados em um laboratório em conformidade com a FDA, localizado próximo ao Lago Tahoe, na Califórnia, EUA.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: O colostro é rico em anticorpos que ajudam a proteger o corpo contra infecções e doenças.
– Saúde Intestinal: Promove um trato intestinal saudável, essencial para a absorção de nutrientes e a saúde geral.
– Suporte Cognitivo: Contribui para a saúde do cérebro, melhorando a memória e o foco.
– Baixo Teor de Lactose: Ideal para pessoas com intolerância à lactose, permitindo que mais pessoas se beneficiem de suas propriedades.
– Pele e Cabelo Radiantes: Os nutrientes presentes no colostro ajudam a melhorar a aparência da pele e do cabelo, promovendo um brilho saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Brain Basics Ultra-Pure Colostrum, recomenda-se adicionar 1-2 colheres do pó a uma tigela de mirtilos ou a um smoothie. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente incorporado. Para maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes, utilize diariamente por um período de dois meses. Armazene o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua eficácia.
Andrea Boyer –
After reading many excellent reviews on this product, I decided to try it, especially because it is priced extremely competitively. I’ve been very happy with it so far, it has a mild taste that can be mixed with many different things. I believe it’s helping my skin look more youthful, but what I’m most impressed with is the way my hair has greatly reduced the amount of shedding I’ve had for years, in only a couple of weeks time! I’ll definitely continue using this product, and would highly recommend it to others.
Liv –
Started using this for the overall cost. Side by side comparisons from what I previously used, I’m definitely happy with. Before I used the flavored kind, but went to this one and am taking the scoop straight under my tongue. Doesn’t taste bad at all. Takes a bit to dissolve and chew on, but I have my coffee after. You don’t want to mix this in hot liquid – you’ll damage the bioactive components and it won’t be as effective. Experienced less nail breakage and more hair growth. I’ll update to 5 stars if I continue the same or better experiences with this one.
Amazon Customer –
Just want to say may God richly Bless the work that you do in producing a very healthy organic supplement for the health of souls. I am so very grateful and thankful for all that you do. I love all of you in Christ.
productuser –
i liked the stuff, currently sampling multiple colostrum powders, no apparent taste, mixes easily, good composition, a little pricey… maybe too pricey , but they all are and i want as much bang for my buck as i can get… would i buy it again?… maybe?, but i would buy the large size [ if i can afford it when it comes time to repurchase] the small size is too small.
Papadoc –
If you did your own research on bovine colostrum and like the idea, then this particular version is worth a try. This is extremely well tolerated, tasteless, and compared to other powdered products, it mixes very well, particularly if you have a small blender. I add this to my bulletproof coffee as part of the concoction and can’t tell any flavor differences.
It’s basically got the consistency of a very fine powdered sugar, but like any powdered product that doesn’t have flow agents, it will clump a bit. My solution is the same as it is with the butter and MCT oil for my coffee, as I include it for a 2-second whip in my bullet blender, and that takes care of it. That said, it’s not going to stir in like a packet of sweetener.
I’ve not had any issues with it absorbing moisture and clumping in the container, which was something that concerned me. I’ve had the container open every morning and often in a very humid kitchen and no hint of a problem.
Overall, I’m very well satisfied and will continue to buy this little wonder.
kellydean1111 –
This product does not dissolve well, in hot or cold beverages, and the major portion of it ends up in the bottom of the glass. After a month of use, there was absolutely no change in the promised areas of improvement. I would not recommend this product. Costly and ineffective.
kem b. –
This product is not returnable and it’s horrible quality. I’ve had high quality goat colostrum before and it tastes and smells like milk , this product however doesn’t smell or taste like anything! I wasted $60some bucks on this junk sadly.
Shawn Cody –
I think I really like the product itself. I see my hair getting longer when it usually reaches a certain length and just stops. I’m 56 and I hope it helps stave off wrinkles as well. I like more than my collagen powder. But it is hard to mix with a spoon in my coffee. It just clumps in a ball that you have to mash against the side of the mug. The solution is a battery operated milk frother. It works like a charm. Perfectly blends with no clumps. I pour an inch of coffee in my cup, blend, and add the rest of the coffee. It has no taste or grit.