Colossal Labs Nitric Oxide Booster com L-Arginina
O Colossal Labs Nitric Oxide Booster com L-Arginina é um suplemento pré-treino em cápsulas que promove bombas musculares extremas, aumentando a força e a massa muscular. Com 120 cápsulas, seus principais benefícios incluem o aumento do óxido nítrico no corpo, melhorando a circulação sanguínea e fornecendo nutrientes essenciais para os músculos durante o treino.
- ★Aumento do Óxido Nítrico: Este suplemento contém ingredientes que ajudam a elevar os níveis de óxido nítrico no organismo. O óxido nítrico é um vasodilatador que amplia os vasos sanguíneos, permitindo um fluxo sanguíneo aumentado e a entrega de nutrientes aos músculos, resultando em bombas musculares mais intensas e maior resistência durante os treinos.
- ★Energia de Veia Pumping: A combinação de ingredientes neste produto promove uma energia de veia pumping, proporcionando um aumento notável nos níveis de energia durante os treinos. Isso ajuda a superar sessões de treinamento intensas e maximizar o desempenho.
- ★Força Explosiva e Resistência: Ao fornecer ao corpo os nutrientes e ingredientes necessários, este suplemento apoia a força explosiva e a resistência. Ele melhora a recuperação muscular, permitindo que você treine mais intensamente e por mais tempo, levando a um aumento do crescimento muscular e desempenho geral.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Aumento do desempenho nos treinos
Com o Colossal Labs Nitric Oxide Booster com L-Arginina, você experimentará um aumento significativo no desempenho durante os treinos. Os ingredientes presentes neste suplemento ajudam a melhorar a resistência, força e energia, permitindo que você treine com mais intensidade e alcance melhores resultados.
2. Melhora da recuperação muscular
Este produto é formulado para acelerar a recuperação muscular após os treinos intensos. Os ingredientes presentes na fórmula ajudam a reduzir a fadiga muscular e promovem a reparação e crescimento dos tecidos musculares, permitindo que você se recupere mais rapidamente e esteja pronto para o próximo treino.
3. Aumento da vascularização
O Colossal Labs Nitric Oxide Booster com L-Arginina ajuda a aumentar a vascularização, o que significa que você terá veias mais visíveis e um aspecto mais vascularizado. Além de proporcionar uma aparência estética atraente, uma melhor vascularização também pode melhorar o desempenho atlético, permitindo que mais oxigênio e nutrientes cheguem aos músculos.
4. Fórmula de alta qualidade
Este suplemento é fabricado com ingredientes de alta qualidade e passa por rigorosos testes de qualidade para garantir a eficácia e segurança do produto. A Colossal Labs é uma marca confiável e reconhecida no mercado de suplementos esportivos, garantindo que você esteja adquirindo um produto de confiança.
5. Fácil de usar
O Colossal Labs Nitric Oxide Booster com L-Arginina vem em cápsulas fáceis de engolir, tornando o uso do produto conveniente e prático. Basta seguir as instruções de uso para obter os melhores resultados. Adicione este suplemento à sua rotina diária e aproveite os benefícios que ele oferece para o seu treino e desempenho atlético.
- Aumento significativo da força e resistência durante os treinos.
- Melhora na recuperação muscular, reduzindo a fadiga pós-treino.
- Aumento da vascularização, proporcionando uma aparência estética e melhor desempenho.
- Fórmula de alta qualidade, garantindo segurança e eficácia.
- Fácil de usar, com cápsulas práticas que se encaixam na rotina diária.
Recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas de Colossal Labs Nitric Oxide Booster com L-Arginina por dia, preferencialmente com o estômago vazio, cerca de 30 minutos antes do treino. Não exceda a dose recomendada, a menos que seja orientado por um profissional de saúde. Para melhores resultados, combine o uso do suplemento com uma dieta equilibrada e um programa de exercícios adequado.
Thomas –
I had the best workout I ever had after taking only half the dosage. I felt like I was God and could do anything I increased my reps from 25 to 50 with the curl bar and added on a whole nother set. I did not experience stomach pains but had minor skin sensitivity but that went away quickly. It also flushed my skin but small price to pay.
Update (one month later)
I rarely do reviews let alone come back to update them but considering I just ordered my second bottle I think I should explain why.
The side effects are way over exaggerated by some other reviewers most of them aren’t verified purchase and just trying to convince you that they are bad for you because that is what they believe. The pump I get from taking these pills is no match for red bull monster or any other energy drink. My vains are exploding and I think I developed an addiction to working out when I’m on these pills I go through withdrawal from not working out.
May be back soon but until then BUY THESE PILLS
(Last update after two months)
This pills are amazing I would recommend them to anyone but after taking for a long period of time my body devolved a tolerance (at least that’s what I think happened). If you build up the same tolerance I recommend creatine or getting superdrol( illegal now but can be found on body building forums and even on some low key websites. If you can not find superdrol which is a designer steroid Go to the next best and get super dmz 2.0 u can order them right off amazon.
Jeremy Monaco –
I am always looking for that edge in the gym, and will take anything and everything to get where I want quicker. I take this stuff to an extent. I use it and stack it with muscle pharm assault. because I stack this with another product I dont take the full dose (4 pills) I only take 2. When I go to the gym, I have veins poping out of everywhere. I have them in my calfs, shoulders, arms, etc. When I take my stack of assault and this you really see a difference in your vascularity. My veins get huge and really noticable, and I have overheard people in the gym say “that guy has to be on steroids” lol, but I have never taken them and never will. these also seem to help with your pump, and give you energy to boot, but I dont know how much of that is the assault vs these pills. I have taken the assault by itself, and know a good portion if not all the energy is from that product alone. I do think this product helps more with the Vascularity of my body while working out. Good product, but just like with anything make sure you drink LOTS of water. A.) to get it flowing through your system, and B.) to flush it out of your system before it does damage to your organs 🙂
Alan –
I will be updating as i am reviewing the supplement until beginning to the end.
Not everyone reacts the same way to a supplement as others may due to certain ingredients changes of chemistry in your body , genetics and etc. This N.O contains Glutamine which a lot of people say cancels the effect of N.O production, but i beg to differ. I stack this with Gluta-Lyn 1500 and Testofreak.
Going on with this supplement:
* Feeling of you being able to take on the world
* Veins pumped
* Increased blood flow
* Being able to push those extra reps you couldn’t before.
* Increased heart rate i believe from the caffeine im very caffeine intolerant.
* Increased bladder
* Insomnia
I took 2 in the morning didn’t feel nothing took 4 later that night daily intake was 4 but didnt feel much from 2 so im guessing my rapid heart beat came from that. I took this supplement once i am defiantly a keeper on this.
3-4 times taking before i wrote this review still get an amazing pump , but i feel numb like i can press through the fatigue don’t push too hard with this some times i feel like i’ll tear a muscle.
So I`ve been taking this for almost 4 weeks now and I am still convinced with this product the pump isn’t as great as it once was I am guessing I am becoming tolerate to the caffeine or one of the ingredients in there. But I still got that rush to work out and take on anything, I’ve noticed my veins on my chest , biceps started showing out A LOT and I never had a vein on my chest it’s pretty sick. I’ve noticed a lot of gains too my stretch marks are getting way wider than before. I should be taking pictures but I don’t have time or even a camera :[ The increased bladder and heart rate went way down so at this point there really are no cons.
Alright almost done with the bottle can say 3-5 more workouts i have noticed insomnia on taking it i usually take it at 6pm wont be able to sleep till 1-3 am HIGHLY RECOMMENDED in the morning , you should take it 10mins before working out for the biggest pump. I am on a keto cut and i am gaining mass/strength while rapidly losing weight
if you have any questions i haven’t state please don’t be scared to write a comment.
Yukatu –
I’ve been using this N.O. product for a couple weeks and I’ve just recently started experiencing what other reviews have talked about. I started getting red rashes on my arms. My neck turns super red along with my ears. This is temporary tho. Usually starts 30 mins after I take them then goes away after about 15 minutes. Overall solid pumps just beware of the after effects.
Update 06/06/13
One tip I’ve noticed for this product. If you experience the red rashes it might be because you didn’t take enough water. I’ve noticed that when I drink a half to full liter of water I don’t experience the red rashes. I hope this helps.