Descrição do Produto: The Beauty Chef Deep Marine Collagen™ Inner Beauty Support
O The Beauty Chef Deep Marine Collagen™ Inner Beauty Support é um pó de colágeno sabor berry que se destaca por sua formulação inovadora, projetada para promover a hidratação e elasticidade da pele. Composto por peptídeos de colágeno marinho hidrolisado, este produto atua profundamente na estrutura da pele, restaurando sua elasticidade natural e proporcionando um brilho radiante que vem de dentro para fora. A combinação poderosa de ingredientes não apenas melhora a firmeza e a textura da pele, mas também ajuda a minimizar linhas finas e rugas, promovendo uma aparência jovem e vibrante.
A fonte de colágeno marinho é de extrema importância, e o The Beauty Chef garante que seu colágeno é obtido de forma sustentável, proveniente de bacalhau do Atlântico Norte, capturado em conformidade com as rigorosas diretrizes do Marine Stewardship Council (MSC). Isso não apenas apoia seus objetivos de beleza, mas também contribui para o bem-estar do planeta.
Além de seus benefícios estéticos, esta fórmula inclui a enzima digestiva bromelina, que auxilia na quebra de proteínas e aminoácidos, melhorando a digestão e a absorção. A presença da cepa probiótica exclusiva GUT5Y promove a saúde intestinal, contribuindo para uma microbiota saudável e, potencialmente, uma pele mais clara e saudável.
Ideal para profissionais de beleza, bem-estar e cuidados com a pele, o Deep Marine Collagen é um suplemento indispensável na rotina diária. Ele apoia a saúde da pele e dos cabelos, ajudando tanto profissionais quanto clientes a alcançarem uma pele radiante e cabelos saudáveis. É uma solução eficaz para quem busca manter um regime de beleza ou oferecer aos clientes opções de cuidados com a pele e cabelo.
– Suporte à Elasticidade e Hidratação da Pele: Melhora a textura e a firmeza da pele, proporcionando um aspecto jovem.
– Aumento da Síntese de Colágeno: Ajuda a prevenir a degradação do colágeno, minimizando sinais de envelhecimento.
– Colágeno Marinho Sustentável: Proveniente de fontes responsáveis, respeitando o meio ambiente.
– Saúde Intestinal e Digestiva: Contém bromelina e probióticos que favorecem a digestão e a saúde do microbioma.
– Ideal para Profissionais de Beleza: Um aliado poderoso para quem trabalha com cuidados estéticos, promovendo resultados visíveis.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) do The Beauty Chef Deep Marine Collagen™ em água, sucos ou smoothies, uma vez ao dia. É aconselhável consumir o produto preferencialmente pela manhã, em jejum, para maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para resultados otimizados, combine o uso do colágeno com uma dieta equilibrada e a ingestão adequada de água ao longo do dia.
Candy De Alba –
OMG. NO! I’m floored. Now, I normally would not buy a collagen supplement (or any supplement) unless I could see the nutritional panel. I ignored this at first, but then I circled back around. I wanted to know what all was in this, and how much, and whether it meets the expectations of the product description, and even price (not that I rate on price. Personally, I prefer not to for several reasons. BUT, I sure will comment). In short: 1 star for lack of info, 1 star for ridiculously low amount of collagen, 3-4 stars for taste. Overall, as I wont recommend it, wont ever buy it, and still need to add more collagen to make it worthwhile addition to my life: 1 star. No averages here. Just 1 star.
The AMOUNT OF COLLAGEN in this is a mere 2.9 grams. I definitely would not have chosen this knowing this now. Marine collagen does have a better rate of absorption over bovine, AND it is pricier to acquire, but usually the price isnt all that much more and the amount is usually no less than 5 grams per serving. Another collagen product of similar price range that I use us 6 grams, and one that I use that is nearly double in price (yup, I rotate a $120 collagen product into my life, hence why I choose not to rate on price. My budget exceeds many buyers, it is makes my body feel really good.) has 10 grams. This is a laughable 2.9 grams. Doesnt even come with a scoop!!
If adhering to the 2.9 gram serving (1.5 tsp) and wanted more, lets say 6 grams, then it would bring the container of 50 servings down to 25. That is still low for my needs, I prefer closer to 10 grams no matter the collagen source. So lets say 9 grams, well that reduces it down to 16-17 servings. 12 grams? 12 servings. You do the math.
The addition of bromelain, mixed berry powder, & lactobacillus is not enough to make me feel like I am doing anything effective for my body. Had I known all this before order, I likely wouldnt have bothered. But I decided to go for it just so I could let ya’ll know. As they dont include the info, and I dont understand why.
Taste? Not bad. Is sweetened with stevia. Has a berry taste. I tried it just mixed with water out of curiosity. Not too shabby. I will use this up in smoothies and teas, maybe add to my oatmeal. I still have to add more collagen to get a basic amount, so I will likley use this alongside another brand. Then I will never reorder this. Beware of “boutique” collagen products that dont list the amount in the description. Plenty out there to choose from that are effective. I have been using collagen consistently for 10+ years, and it is my #1 supplement to take for skin, hair, nails, joints, and whatever else it helps with 🙂 This particular variety of The Beauty Chef is not for me.
Precise Disarray –
I’m not impressed by this product, as I’ve used a lot of collagen products that offer more, but at a lesser price tag for more servings. The one advantage of this brand, I like the berry flavor, and the ingredients are interesting and decent, so I’ll go with a two star review, but that’s being quite generous. For two weeks worth of servings, the $69 price tag, at the time of this review, it just isn’t justified, in MY opinion.
It has good stuff, and marine collagen is great, but it’s not superior to my more ‘budget-friendly’ brand, but everybody is different. What’s worth the cost to some, may not be for others. That’s all quite subjective. I just have a lot of collagen experience, and while some might be gaga over this stuff, this budgeted mama just can’t purchase this product basically 2x’s per month.
I do feel some of my regular benefits, like workout/ muscle recovery, and help with joints. I don’t feel much different then my normal brand, if any, but again.. that price tag. You should get much more product for this. The beauty benefits would remain to be seen. I cannot comment there.
Yummy flavor over my other brand, though. That’s also subjective too. Everything varies from person to person, but I base a lot of my review on quality and/or quantity when applicable, for the cost. It’s just not there for me.
A generous, I feel, 2 star rating!
**I hope my review has been helpful 😊.**
Gnemik –
I do like the berry flavoring of this collagen powder. Their mixed berry blend (blueberry fruit powder, raspberry fruit powder, strawberry fruit powder and ‘natural wild berry flavor’) delivers a good tasting beverage. I mixed it into almond milk, and enjoyed the taste. A bit over sweet, but still pleasant (6mg stevia leaf extract per serving).
The serving size is 3 grams, or approximately 1.5 teaspoons. Getting an accurate serving is difficult, I wish they included a proper scoop for the 3 gram serving size. Based on this serving size, the container will actually supply 50 servings (the container has 150 grams).
Somewhat confusing, the 3g serving supplies 3 grams of protein. But there is only 2.9g of the hydrolyzed marine collagen. I guess they rounded up. I do like that they included 19.2mg of bromelain, a potent antioxidant. Also, this serving offers perhaps the lowest quantity of protein per serving of any other collagen powder that I’ve used. Considering that other collagen protein powders may offer 9 grams of protein, that would mean this product supplies about 1/3 the content. When considering this aspect, this seems like a comparatively expensive product. (True that they use collagen that is sustainably sourced from wild-caught deep North Atlantic cod. So that could factor into the expense.)
Considering these observations and factors, and the good taste, I feel it deserves a 4 star rating.
Gnemik –
Yo por muchísimos años he usado colágeno, primeramente por mis coyunturas y pues de paso me ha ayudado a tener una piel saludable y ayuda a que mi cabello y uñas crezcan
Este colágeno de la marca The beauty chef tiene excelentes ingredientes de alta calidad (como por ejemplo: contiene bacalao salvaje pescado en las profundas aguas del mar del Atlantico)
Para mi gusto y necesidad el colágeno marino me funciona mejor que el colágeno bovino porque para mi se absorbe mejor el colágeno marino
Yo la manera que lo uso es en mi té todas las mañanas,,, tiene sabor rico a bayas como 🍓, zarzamora roja y azul, muy rico sabor , se disuelve muy bien en mi té ,,, este colágeno es suave porque no me lastima o inflama mi estómago
La cantidad de colágeno que viene en este bote sirve para 13-15 días solamente
En conclusión este Colágeno es maravilloso pero es excesivamente caro
TiaCalenture –
It is making my knees feel better.