Descrição do Produto: Refresh Optive Lubricant Eye Drops
As gotas lubrificantes para os olhos Refresh Optive são a solução ideal para quem busca alívio rápido e eficaz dos sintomas de secura ocular. Com uma fórmula de ação dupla, essas gotas não apenas lubrificam, mas também hidratam os olhos, proporcionando um conforto duradouro. Cada frasco contém 0,01 fl oz e vem em embalagens individuais de uso único, totalizando 60 vials, o que as torna perfeitas para levar em qualquer lugar.
A fórmula é especialmente desenvolvida para aliviar sintomas leves de secura ocular, agindo rapidamente ao entregar uma umidade suave que acalma os olhos irritados. Além disso, a ausência de conservantes torna essas gotas uma escolha segura para pessoas com olhos sensíveis, garantindo que mesmo os usuários mais exigentes possam desfrutar de um alívio sem preocupações.
Essas gotas são recomendadas para uso após cirurgias oculares, como LASIK, seguindo sempre as instruções do seu oftalmologista. A Refresh Optive é a marca número um em lágrimas artificiais sem conservantes, conforme a pesquisa de recomendações da Ipsos Healthcare de 2021, o que atesta sua eficácia e confiabilidade.
– Alívio Rápido: A fórmula de ação dupla proporciona alívio imediato da secura ocular.
– Hidratação Duradoura: Lubrifica e hidrata os olhos, melhorando o conforto ao longo do dia.
– Sem Conservantes: Ideal para olhos sensíveis, evitando irritações adicionais.
– Praticidade: Vials individuais facilitam o transporte e o uso em qualquer lugar.
– Versatilidade: Pode ser utilizado após cirurgias oculares, como LASIK, para um cuidado adicional.
Para utilizar as gotas Refresh Optive, comece lavando bem as mãos. Abra um vial individual e incline a cabeça ligeiramente para trás. Puxe suavemente a pálpebra inferior para criar um pequeno espaço e, com cuidado, coloque uma ou duas gotas no olho afetado. Feche os olhos por alguns segundos para permitir que a solução se espalhe uniformemente. Descarte o vial após o uso, pois cada um é destinado a um único uso. Siga sempre as orientações do seu médico, especialmente após procedimentos cirúrgicos.
Amazon Customer –
Candice I Waugh –
I originally purchased this product from a box store when I had my laser surgery many years ago. I was so happy to find this product on Amazon with the subscribe and save feature. It is so much cheaper and convenient. I use it daily and it makes my eyes feel fresh every time!
Cons : none
Pros: These single use applications are easy to pack for on the go use. I am able to share with friends without the fear do cross contamination of germs. The product lasts forever because you don’t need to throw a bottle out every few months.
JD –
Since my eyes are very dry this isn’t the best fit for me but they do moisturize and are preservative free.
fruitjuicer1 –
Must have for dry eyes–can carry around a couple of little vials. I also buy CVS now because of the hassle of the new Whole Foods food section at Amazon for the Refresh brand. I find that unless I go for 10-12 hours, my contacts keep the dryness at bay and I don’t use them in the daytime. However, they have to be by my bed, I use them every time I wake up at night. I’m 80. But I find I need to squeeze the vial more with the CVS brand. (I remember the days when I had a huge bottle of saline eye drops from CVS ($7?) in the bathroom–that took a couple of years to finish–and I did not get an eye infection.
Louella –
I’ve had dry eyes forever and this product was recommended to me. I’ve used it and worked so well that I thought I didn’t need it anymore. Well fast forward to now, yup I did need it. So I searched my orders and bought it again. I will never stop using this product. If you have dry eyes, this is a must… highly recommend.
Sukie D. Crandall –
I have several types of lubricant drops since one of my eyes had a filtering bleb for advanced glaucoma created, but the after surgery procedures went wrong after the original surgeon failed to time right for scar tissue and I was left with added damage. The eye not only gets dry, but then the bleb gets tugged. Granted, that could happen even without complications. Anyway, as a result I am VERY familiar with a range of eye lubricants, so here is a summary of types and uses now that I use so many.
For some people artificial tears will be totally sufficient and less expensive. Ask your ophthalmologist which manufacturers to favor and which to avoid. Some makers of eye products have had recalls which you can find at the FDA site. Refresh has consistently sold very safe products to date per the recall emails I have gotten from the FDA, but some other manufacturers have a spotty record. I do not know if Refresh makes artificial tears, but if the shelves locally are representative it sadly does not.
For the rest of us, here is my breakdown below. Individuals WILL vary in their needs and how their own bodies respond so realize that I can speak ONLY for how these products have worked specifically for me.
Some of the options contain preservatives. These are best for carrying but long time use of eye drops with certain preservatives can itself cause dry eye which is one reason it is not unusual in those of us who have had glaucoma for a very long while. Everything in life has its upsides and downsides, and glaucoma is far worse than dry eye so the meds that needed and prescribed must be used.
Refresh offers the Sensitive and the Advanced options for drops in individual capsules without preservatives. These are what I use in the home setting. The Advanced is best for me on very dry days but it causes an increase in gunk production which can be quite uncomfortable for my bleb so I use it only when the need is greatest. Then I am grateful it exists. That is also what I needed during the first weeks after the invasive surgery. Their Sensitive capsules, THIS PRODUCT, serve as my daily use product, and these drops are very soothing for most of my needs and do not lead to an increase in gunk production. I am exceedingly happy on a daily basis that this product exists.
For sleeping I use their gel, Refresh PM, with very good results.
Follow the FDA recall List! In all the years I have been on that I have NEVER seen a recall of any of the Refresh products, but can not say that for a few other manufacturers. This is the primary reason my ophthalmologist and glaucoma surgeons (having a different one now) all have recommended that I stick with products by this manufacturer. The FDA lets you search onsite and also has an email service for recalls that you can use. Still, even when you are being most careful, it pays to stay up to date and the FDA makes it easy to do so.
Individuals WILL vary in their needs and how their own bodies respond so realize that I can speak ONLY for how these products have worked specifically for me.
Final point: in my case my open angle glaucoma, which began earlier than it usually does, was caught early, so because of treatment I went over a dozen years before my worse eye became advanced, but in the U.S. still about half of all glaucoma patients do not have their problem caught in time and therefore can wind up blind simply because they did not get regular pressure checks, or in the case of closed angle glaucoma because they did not immediately seek care with an ophthalmologist or a hospital emergency room when an eye became hard, red and painful. Everyone should get a thorough eye exam including a pressure check at least every 2 years. If you are in a group with greater risk then you will need those more often. Pressure checks and having an ophthalmologist look at the nerve through the eye are both so very, very easy and comfy. Please, do not take needless risks by avoiding them. I would have been blind within a year of my glaucoma being discovered if it had not been treated, but FIRST it has to be found and that means getting examinations. Here I am 14 years later seeing well enough to even make jewelry, despite that worse eye, and my better eye is just so very much better with only two meds and at times an easy laser surgery.
A. G. –
I’ve been using this product and Systane for a long time and it does work. I put some in my eyes at night before bed and it has completely done away with my dry eye problems. No more gritty, sticky mess in the morning. It did take about 6 month for my severe issue to go away. So patience and persistence is a must.
Ana Calzadilla –
These drops are soothing to the eyes.
I have used them for years !
The drops are simply applied.
One vial is sufficient for both eyes.
The drops remain fresh for a long while.
This product is a good value for the money.
I appreciate this company for creating the eye drops.