Descrição do Produto:
Os Peptídeos de Colágeno Wellness Resources são a escolha ideal para quem busca uma suplementação de qualidade, com 500 gramas de pura proteína de colágeno hidrolisado, proveniente de vacas criadas em pastagens e alimentadas com capim. Cada porção oferece 20 gramas de colágeno, garantindo um excelente custo-benefício. Este produto contém colágeno tipo I e III, que são essenciais para a construção e fortalecimento das estruturas de colágeno do corpo, promovendo a saúde das articulações, pele, cabelo e unhas.
A fórmula é facilmente digerível, com baixo peso molecular, o que facilita a absorção pelo organismo. Os peptídeos de colágeno misturam-se bem em líquidos quentes ou frios, apresentando um sabor neutro que permite a adição em diversas preparações, como água, café, smoothies ou receitas culinárias. Além disso, é uma opção compatível com dietas Paleo e Keto, sendo livre de glúten, lactose, soja, caseína, colesterol, carboidratos, não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (não-GMO), adoçantes ou aromatizantes, e é isento de hormônios e antibióticos.
– Fortalecimento das Estruturas Corporais: Contribui para a saúde das articulações, pele, cabelo e unhas, promovendo um aspecto mais jovem e saudável.
– Fácil Digestão e Absorção: A fórmula de baixo peso molecular garante que o colágeno seja rapidamente absorvido pelo organismo, maximizando seus efeitos.
– Versatilidade na Preparação: Pode ser adicionado a diversas bebidas e receitas, facilitando a inclusão na rotina alimentar sem alterar o sabor.
– Adequado para Várias Dietas: Ideal para quem segue dietas específicas, como Paleo e Keto, sem comprometer a saúde.
– Sem Aditivos Nocivos: Livre de glúten, lactose, soja e adoçantes artificiais, proporcionando uma opção saudável e natural.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma porção de 20 gramas (aproximadamente uma colher de sopa) dos Peptídeos de Colágeno Wellness Resources em 200-300 ml de água, café, ou em seu smoothie favorito. Agite ou misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. O uso diário é indicado para maximizar os benefícios do colágeno, promovendo a saúde e o bem-estar de forma prática e eficiente.
A. Reader –
Greetings to all my beautiful women searching for youthful skin, silky hair and…relief from joint pain, perhaps. I am a 32 year old professional fighter and I supplement collagen peptides to my diet for all three of the reasons detailed above. I typically buy the one at Costco as the price is a little cheaper than the best seller on amazon and recently tried a chocolate flavored collagen with MCT oil before this brand (chocolate, MCT one was not a keeper). The price is right for the product and a daily dosage is two scoops and includes 20 mg of collagen peptides. Research is out as to the amount of CP required per day to achieve optimal results – some say as little as 2 mg, whereas I have found that the majority of products are pushing 10-20 mg per serving. The previous brand I used was a 10 mg dose, and I did not notice myself getting any more sore or wrinkly when reducing from 20 mg down to 10 mg for a month. Maybe overtime there would be a noticeable difference, but I cannot say. I typically buy a flavorless CP so that I can add to my coffee without noticing any change. I have found that this CP does not fully disintegrate and does leave one or two dime size clumperinos on the surface or edge of my coffee cup. The scoop is quite large, so I am considering reducing down to 1 scoop of 10 mg versus the 2 scoops for 20 mg. This way, I hope that the powder will fully dissolve and will last longer. Just a thought. Overall, this is a good product and if it weren’t for the slight clumping, I would give 5 stars.
karen gallo –
to improve joint pain, skin and hair
DMC14 –
Can’t even taste it in my coffee
Colorgirl –
I have been using collagen for a while. I have tried quite a few brands. Let’s see how this one fared.
This comes in a tall thinner jar than some of the collagen does. It has a scoop in it and is supposed to stir well into hot or cold liquids.
I used this to stir into coffee. I also put this in green snoothies.
This mixed in well, but I found that I had to work at it to get some lumps out. If blended, no problems. Spoon mixing, not as easy.
This is one of those things that has good and bad. When this is full it is bad. The scoop has a REALLY LONG handle and this gets collage all over if I try to pull it out of the jar. As the jar gets less full, I can see where the longer handle will be good. For now, it is frustrating.
I put a scoop in my coffee and smoothie once a day or so.
I have had good results with this so far. Pain does tend to ebb a bit when using this and it has kept in line with the other brands I have used.
Despite the frustration with the long handled scoop, I like this collagen and it is grass fed and pasture raised, so I am all for that as well. I have experienced good results with it.
FIVE STARS. I like this and appreciate having it.
Maggie –
Clumps up-unusable.
Casper & Boo –
UPDATE: are you missing real 2% chocolate milk?? well i was tolerating a little milkadamia unsweetened milk with choc zero chocolate syrup and a drop of liquid sweetener when i craved chocolate milk but, tonight i forgot to use my scoop of this collagen and decided to add it to the chocolate nut milk and poof it transformed it to a creamy chocolate milk, yummmmy!! a bit hard to mix since this clumps a lot but with a small amount of liquid and a small whisk, it is easier to mix..highly recommend this be used with a nut milk and chocolate syrup of course..
serving says 2 scoops which is 20g of collagen, the recommended daily is 10g-20g of collagen so for $30 at 10g, that i am using this at, you get 50 servings instead of only 25. at 50 servings, this makes price good and i will be making this my permanent daily collagen helper choice especially since it has 18g of protein that helps me make my macros. i would not be getting this again if 20g was the daily serving i needed to supplement my diet with, 25 servings for $30 is too much IMO…of course i have a pet peeve about products not including at least 30 days worth of product, if this had 30 servings at 2 scoops, i’d be okay with it..
am on a permanent keto lifestyle as of this year, so i get some collagen through meats/eggs/greens as it is but, am older now and arthritis suddenly showed up full force last year and getting worse quickly so thought this would be a good way to help my joints. so far haven’t notice a difference in my joints, hair, or skin really but, like most supplements/meds, it takes time to see its effects..
product itself is good, has no smell and although unflavored, it isn’t tasteless to ‘my’ tastebuds. i could indeed taste it in my water, flavored water and coffee, it has like a meat/animal like aftertaste, kinda reminds me of the smell of raw grass-fed beef actually. i do not like it in liquids at all but, do like it mixed into my keto oatmeal and chia creamy pudding for i cannot taste it in those.
taking manufacturers word for it that this is keto friendly/etc.. it hasn’t kicked me out of ketosis or lowered my normal ketone range levels so i do believe it is. Do like that this collagen powder does not have added ingredients like the vitamin C other brands like to add. personally i prefer to add my own ‘if’ needed.
i don’t care for scoop. the handle is much longer than needed and makes a mess on your fingers/etc every time you take it out since powder sticks to it. you have to put handle into powder to store it until about 1/3 of the jug is emptied out but, after that it shouldn’t be so messy.
Professor H –
This review is for the Collagen Peptides Protein
I’m am an avid believer and user of supplements, but reviewing them is problematic, and my results may not be your results for these reasons:
1) I am not a laboratory scientist, I do not play one on tv, nor do I know one, so who knows what’s exactly contained in them.
2) It is difficult for consumers to see any actual difference in how you feel within a few days to a couple of weeks. Some supplements take as much as ninety days to see results.
3) Even if we do notice a difference, we all take other meds or supplements that may affect our results one way or the other.
4) We all have different physiologies, and are just different in so many ways (lifestyles etc). But we can hope for the best when we see others having positive actions going on, that are attributed to said supplements.
So my personal non doctor opinion of my own results:
Can feel it help with my skin feels better after about a month of use
Louella Wilkins –
great product