Descrição do Produto: Organic Pomegranate Collagen Stick – 0.7oz * 45 Stick – Daily Polyphenols
Descubra o poder da natureza com o Organic Pomegranate Collagen Stick, uma inovadora solução em forma de bastão que combina a riqueza dos polifenóis da romã com a vitalidade do colágeno. Cada embalagem contém 45 sticks de 0,7 oz, prontos para serem incorporados à sua rotina diária. Este produto é certificado como orgânico, garantindo que você esteja consumindo apenas ingredientes de alta qualidade, livres de aditivos artificiais e conservantes. Os polifenóis presentes na romã são conhecidos por suas propriedades antioxidantes, que ajudam a combater os radicais livres e promovem a saúde da pele, articulações e cabelos.
Os sticks são projetados para serem práticos e fáceis de transportar, permitindo que você os leve para qualquer lugar. No entanto, é importante seguir algumas orientações de segurança ao consumir o produto. Não engula o bastão inteiro, pois ele pode ficar preso na garganta; mastigue-o bem antes de consumir. Tenha cuidado ao abrir a embalagem, pois as bordas podem ser afiadas e causar ferimentos. Consuma imediatamente após abrir para garantir a frescura e a eficácia dos ingredientes.
1. Apoio à Saúde da Pele: O colágeno é essencial para a elasticidade e firmeza da pele, ajudando a reduzir sinais de envelhecimento.
2. Propriedades Antioxidantes: Os polifenóis da romã combatem os radicais livres, promovendo uma pele mais saudável e radiante.
3. Facilidade de Uso: Os sticks são práticos e podem ser levados em viagens, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária.
4. Ingredientes Orgânicos: A certificação orgânica garante que o produto é livre de pesticidas e produtos químicos nocivos.
5. Melhora na Saúde das Articulações: O colágeno também é benéfico para a saúde das articulações, promovendo maior mobilidade e conforto.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir um stick do Organic Pomegranate Collagen diariamente. Abra a embalagem com cuidado, evitando o contato com as bordas afiadas. Mastigue o bastão completamente antes de engolir, permitindo que os nutrientes sejam absorvidos de forma eficaz. Este produto pode ser facilmente integrado a smoothies, iogurtes ou consumido isoladamente como um lanche saudável. Para maximizar os benefícios, combine o uso do colágeno com uma dieta equilibrada e a ingestão adequada de água.
Anna –
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🙌🏽 I recently tried the pomegranate jelly stick from all bio, and it has quickly became one of my favorite snacks! Made with organic ingredients like pomegranate, concentrate and fish collagen this jelly stick offers a unique and delightful taste. The slight sourness from the pomegranate is perfectly balanced, giving it a refreshing and tangy flavor that I really like.
⚕️ One of the features of this product is what’s inside. Pomegranate concentrate is packed with antioxidants which are known for their ability to combat free radicals and promote overall health. Inclusion of fish collagen is a fantastic bonus since it’s great for skin elasticity, and joint health.
😋 Overall, the all bio pomegranate jelly stick is a wonderful, healthy snack that combines great taste with great benefits and perfect choice for anyone looking for something tasty and nutritious. 🥳
K. Eng –
Like any supplement… do you really know if it’s working? The only thing you can do is take it and hope it’s doing what it advertises. BUT at least you want it to be palatable. These are actually good! They taste like slightly sour pomegranate. The texture is a little different at first, but you get used to it. It’s like firm jello. I still like it. Hope it’s doing something!
DebR –
Having never tried this before, I was curious as to how it was and tasted. Surprisingly, it’s pretty good if you like the taste of pomegranate and want a decent amount of collagen without having to separate obtain from a powder mixed with a beverage or other sources. It’s a bit hard to describe these jelly packets but essentially, they’re like a really dense/firm jello that you squeeze out like toothpaste and then consume. The taste is not too strong and a little tart but does indeed taste like pomegranate. Can’t really attest to the health benefits at this time, but it is tasty as well as being portable to eat anywhere like a little snack.
Eliza Jane –
This is a large package of pomegranate jelly sticks. Unfortunately the taste is disappointingly bitter. I’m not sure how it’s supposed to beautify, but I haven’t noticed any changes. I’m sure they’re very nutritious. I may try dissolving a couple with gelatin to improve the taste.
If you can get passed the smell and taste and texture of these they may be beneficial. In my opinion they cost too much for them to taste and smell this bad. It smells and has the texture of a fishing lure… They are hard to get out of the package, they don’t just come out when pushing up. You have to cut them out which gets sticky. There is a bite to them when eating them which I assume is to cover the taste. Just not something I would spend money on more than once.
Its super yummy. It’s perfect for someone who is busy to take a collagen pills. Never forget to take it because it’s just jelly and tasty really good. 😋
DebR –
I thought these ‘jelly sticks’ would be like condiment packets that I could squeeze out and spread on toast or bread. Nope, they are like solid chewy sticks of pomegranate with a slight tartness to them. So you can’t really make PB&J sandwiches out of them but you can eat them straight from the packet as a snack. You could literary chop them into little chewy pieces with a knife, if you so desired. They took a little getting used to initially but now I kind of like them as a portable snack.
Jonathan Y –
There is no problem with drinking it.