Descubra o poder transformador do Colágeno Líquido Premium para Juntas, uma solução inovadora e abrangente para a saúde das articulações. Formulado com colágeno hidrolisado de origem bovina alimentado com pasto, este produto é livre de açúcar, glúten e laticínios, tornando-se uma escolha ideal para quem busca um suporte articular de alta qualidade. Com uma combinação única de Peptídeos de Colágeno Líquido (Tipo I e III), minerais essenciais como Cobre, Zinco e Selênio, além de vitaminas vitais como E, Biotina, B7, D3 e C, este colágeno não é apenas um suplemento, mas uma verdadeira fonte de nutrição para o seu corpo.
A fórmula mais completa para articulações oferece tudo o que suas juntas precisam, incluindo Glucosamina, Condroitina, MSM e Ácido Hialurônico, que complementam o colágeno, proporcionando um suporte articular inigualável. Sinta a diferença ao mover-se com flexibilidade e vitalidade, enquanto seus ossos permanecem fortes e saudáveis. Este colágeno não apenas repara e fortalece suas articulações, mas também melhora a massa muscular e previne lesões, elevando seu desempenho atlético e garantindo que você permaneça ativa e livre de dores.
Desenvolvido nos Estados Unidos por um farmacêutico, cada ingrediente é cuidadosamente selecionado e passa por rigorosos testes de potência e pureza. Experimente o bem-estar holístico, de dentro para fora, com o Colágeno Premium para Juntas da Theraputica. É fácil de usar: basta adicionar à água, smoothie, café ou qualquer shake, garantindo que esteja diluído antes de beber.
– Suporte Articular Premium: Fórmula avançada que promove a saúde das articulações, reduzindo o desconforto e melhorando a mobilidade.
– Mistura Completa de Nutrientes: Combinação de colágeno, minerais e vitaminas que nutre e fortalece as articulações de forma eficaz.
– Aumento da Performance Atlética: Melhora a resistência e a recuperação muscular, ideal para atletas e pessoas ativas.
– Fácil de Incorporar na Dieta: Pode ser adicionado a diversas bebidas, facilitando o consumo diário.
– Produzido com Qualidade: Ingredientes de alta qualidade, testados para garantir pureza e eficácia, promovendo a saúde geral.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se diluir uma dose do Colágeno Líquido Premium em 200 ml de água ou em sua bebida favorita, como smoothies ou café. Agite bem antes de consumir para garantir a homogeneidade da mistura. Utilize diariamente para maximizar os benefícios para as articulações e a saúde geral.
Dawn S –
Unfortunately, I cannot give a full review on the personal benefits I received from using this product because I could not get past the taste of it. It says that it’s peach, mango flavored but I did not taste anything remotely like fruit in it. It’s just a very off-putting flavor. I got a few gulps down and then ended up throwing out my drink. That said, I don’t usually do well with drinking green smoothies and protein drinks. If you are someone who can throw something down that is healthy for them, just to get the benefits of it, this will be for you because the liquid collagen peptides are wonderful for the joints, and this has hyaluronic acid in it as well. It’s a very clean product that is grass-fed, sugar-free, keto-friendly, gluten-free, dairy-free, and sodium benzoate-free. So, if you can get past the taste, I recommend it.
valfam –
All of the above
valfam –
My wife is an avid health and wellness practitioner, and our lives are full of supplements including collagen. She takes it for reasons that women care about, and I take it because she tells me to (for my joints).
In a liquid form that is much more soluble than powder collagen, it mixes well with cold water and taste OK (if you like peach/mango). Although the quality of the nutrients seem decent, this formulation uses artificial sweetener and preservatives. As noted in one of the product photo, the dark color is due to the nutrients. We mix it with tea.
Compared to the brand available at the membership store, THERAPUTICA Premium Liquid Collagen Peptides is about 2x the cost per serving. Also, the amount of collagen peptide in grams per serving is much less. However, this formulation includes vitamins and minerals so this is a plus. Thus, this may or may not suit your personal requirements. Personally, I prefer not to bundle flavors, vitamins/minerals, sweeteners/preservatives with my collagen.
Marylou –
During this year annual checkup my doctor said “someone your age should take supplements to help you maintain your active lifestyle ” and she suggested collagen to support my joints. Talking to a family member she recommended the Theraputica premium collagen for joints I have been taking it for a week now and it’s been added to my morning routine with breakfast. For the first 3 months I will add two tablespoon to my morning glass of water after the 3 month I will only add 1 tablespoon to my water. As far as the taste to me it’ looks and taste just like pure leaf ice tea.
Jetjock –
I was looking for something to help my joints on amazon. I know that collagen can help a lot. Personally, I prefer liquid collagen for better absorption. I found this product that has collagen plus almost everything needed for joint health. I was shocked to see that some reviews wondering about the dark color. Why would anyone care about the color? We do not check colors before taking medications!
This product has so many great ingredients that I didn’t find together in any other products. So I decided to try it. I dissolved it in room temperature water and that’s it. The taste is really good. I like it and personally prefer it dissolved in a cup of water.
Of course, I understand that it will take a few weeks to show its effect. But with all these ingredients, I’m quite sure it will be wonderful.
just a shopper –
Beside Collagen, this product contains several other ingredients that are often included in joint supplements. Flavor is ok.
Teri raphael –
I love the results. My skin is smoother. That was a bonus to the health benefits
Jetjock –
I don’t know if I got a bad batch or what? My bottle was almost a black liquid that made me gag when I tried it. Definitely NOT peach mango flavor. This is going in the trash. Something is OFF with the bottle I got. Seal was intact so it wasn’t that.
Revised: The pharmacist who developed the product contacted me and said that the product is supposed to be dark AND that I was supposed to dilute the product down to a taste I could tolerate. It must just be me, but I have not found a dilution level that doesn’t taste bad, so I have come to the conclusion that liquid collagen is not for me.