Descrição do Produto: Primal Health Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides – Multi Collagen Blend
O Primal Health Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides é um suplemento premium de multi-colágeno que se destaca como uma solução eficaz para promover a saúde da pele, cabelos e unhas. O colágeno é a proteína mais abundante no corpo humano e desempenha um papel crucial na manutenção da elasticidade e firmeza da pele, além de fortalecer cabelos e unhas. Nossa mistura de colágeno contém colágeno hidrolisado de fontes bovinas, de frango e de peixe, garantindo uma ampla gama de benefícios. Com apenas uma colher por dia, misturada em 240 ml de água em temperatura ambiente, você poderá observar uma transformação notável na sua pele, unhas e cabelos.
Se você está cansado de cremes e ferramentas que prometem pele mais firme, mas não entregam resultados, é hora de mudar a abordagem. O nosso pó de peptídeos de colágeno atua de dentro para fora, ajudando a suavizar rugas e linhas finas, enquanto proporciona um brilho juvenil à sua pele. A transformação da sua pele de opaca para radiante é possível com uma dose diária do nosso suplemento.
Além disso, nossa fórmula é keto-friendly, projetada para fácil absorção e digestão rápida, contendo zero carboidratos e açúcar. Com 9g de proteína e mais de 10g de colágeno por porção, o nosso pó de colágeno pode ser facilmente integrado à sua rotina de bem-estar, revitalizando cabelos e unhas, além de apoiar ossos, tendões, articulações e um intestino saudável.
Versátil e limpa, nossa proteína em pó não contém OGM e é sem sabor, permitindo que você a misture com sua bebida favorita ou simplesmente com água. Para evitar aglomerações, adicione 240 ml de água morna e leve-a com você ou incorpore-a ao seu café da manhã.
A Primal Health se dedica a oferecer fórmulas de qualidade superior, desenvolvidas por médicos e cientistas que utilizam apenas ingredientes bem testados e de alta qualidade. O seu bem-estar é sempre o nosso foco primordial, e estamos aqui para melhorar sua vida diária. Se você tiver dúvidas ou preocupações, não hesite em entrar em contato com nossa equipe amigável!
– Pele mais firme e jovem: Reduz a aparência de rugas e linhas finas, promovendo uma pele mais saudável e luminosa.
– Fortalecimento de cabelos e unhas: Contribui para cabelos mais fortes e unhas menos quebradiças, melhorando a saúde capilar e das unhas.
– Suporte às articulações: Ajuda a manter a saúde das articulações, tendões e ossos, promovendo uma maior mobilidade.
– Fórmula keto-friendly: Ideal para quem segue uma dieta cetogênica, sem adição de carboidratos ou açúcares.
– Fácil de usar e versátil: Pode ser misturado em diversas bebidas, facilitando a inclusão na rotina diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher (aproximadamente 10g) do Primal Health Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides em 240 ml de água em temperatura ambiente ou em sua bebida preferida. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para evitar aglomerações, utilize água morna. Consuma uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente pela manhã, para maximizar a absorção e os benefícios ao longo do dia.
Gandy Dancer –
I have been drinking chocolate bone broth protein (most recently that from Nutricost) specifically for the collagen to help with my joints and mobility. In order to do that, I need to have milk on hand since I don’t like to drink it mixed with water. This also means bringing out and dirtying up my food processor or stick blender because it doesn’t thoroughly dissolve easily.
Using this Primal Health Collagen powder, I simply add a scoop to one of the several cups of coffee I drink each day, stir it in, and am all set without having to go out of my way to prepare the protein powder drink.
When doing this, I make my black, unsweetened coffee a little hotter than usual in order to make dissolving the powder easier and to compensate for the slight reduction in temperature that comes from adding the powder.
Since the coffee is black an unsweetened, there is a small but noticeable change in flavor, but for one cup a day, I don’t mind.
As for the chocolate protein powder, I’m sure to return to using it when colder weather returns since it is an integral part of my hot chocolate recipe.
Rann –
Collagen supplements are reputed to be good for nails, good hair and a few other things. That’s not disputed. It’s not per se a nervine which would be considered a sedative of sorts. However, one of the ways I gauge whether a collagen supplement works for me or not for what I need it to do. That is, is when taking it of an evening whether or not I have a good, restful night’s sleep.
There are several supplements on the market that I get atypical results from. Collagen is one of them. It helps promote restful sleep for me if I take it of an evening, Taking a good collagen supplement, I‘ve found that I should be able to fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and if I wake up, go back to sleep easier. I’ve used collagen in general for several years to know when it works, sort of works or not so good. This product didn’t work that well for me.
This does promote some sleep, although I find myself taking longer to fall asleep using this brand than I have with others. Now, does that mean it’s not good? Not necessarily as judging changes in the skin, hair and nails is beyond the scope of this review for the time period I have.
The main complaint with this is while it tells you the source of the collagen, it doesn’t tell you the types it supplies. How hard is it to do that? Perhaps you seek it for one specific benefit that is linked to just one of the types. You don’t know if this will work for you or not because looking at the label on the jar and the description site, they fail to list the types.
I’ve noticed when sites fail to list certain things up front is because it’s not a selling point for them. I can’t say that’s true in this case but we just don’t know. The manufacturer should know and if they don’t, they’ve lost control of their product or never had control to begin with. In some respects, you have to not look at so much what they say about a product but what they don’t say to get a good feel of the product and what it truly is.
This collagen has a typical smell to it and taste which is minimal. It does do something odd and that’s when stirred into just water, it wants to coagulate. Yes, I said coagulate. The bottom line is I found this doesn’t dissolve as quickly as other brands I’ve tried. If I’m mixing this with a yeast supplement, I didn’t know which was the problem until I mixed them separately and discovered it was this product.
While it does dissolve, it takes longer. Does that make a difference? I can’t say. I can only say I don’t like that and don’t know why this is the first brand I’ve seen do this.
Looking at the product, for the amount you receive, not knowing the collagen types and it’s not really working well for me, I have to say this brand is not the best choice for me.
With some products, you have to hunt and peck. That is, try one and then another until you find one that works best for you. For some this may work very well. For me, I had hoped for better results.
Olivia Williams –
I seriously love collagen! I love it so much because putting this just in a drink or in a smoothie every day really increases your protein intake. Collagen is also amazing for your hair skin and nails. I definitely see a difference when I take collagen and overall just feel better when I take it.
I put this collagen in my protein shake every morning and you can’t taste it at all. It also doesn’t make it a weird consistency or clumpy at all.
Unflavored collagen is my favorite. Overall, I’d recommend this collagen!
Linda B –
I didn’t like that it doesn’t mix well in my coffee
Jane Doe –
Takes some time to do anything noticeable. So, first things first…I know it it says it works best in warm drinks….but there was something about this that made me not like it like that. However, I do a lot of smoothies, so I figured I would try it in one. It blended very well in a cold smoothie (I use frozen fruit instead of ice).
Initially, I didn’t think it was doing anything at all. My review was almost….bad. However, I delayed and decided to give it a little more time to see if it would do…anything.
It’s for sure not doing anything for my skin…not having any kind of external anti-aging effect. What it does seem to be doing is helping my joints a bit. I’ve had loads of injuries. My back and most of my other joints have really started to complain about all the damage in recent years.
I’m not fully healed or anything, but there’s enough of an improvement for me to add this type of supplement to my regular routine. This is the first one of it’s kind I’ve ever tried, so I can’t compare it to others. The only real hesitation I have is the cost. It’s about $40 a month, so it might not be feasible for many people’s budgets…especially these days.
kim walka –
This product dissolves well and has no taste, did not seem to keep me feeling satisfied thru mid morning. I would buy again
Colleen Gerstenkorn –
This product smelled like fish and didn’t mix well. Will never buy again.