Colágeno Hidrolisado: Fortaleça sua pele e cabelos com o poder do colágeno – 100g
O colágeno hidrolisado é uma proteína essencial que desempenha um papel fundamental na manutenção da saúde e beleza da pele, cabelos, unhas, articulações e ossos. Com o passar do tempo, a produção natural de colágeno no organismo diminui, resultando em perda de elasticidade da pele, surgimento de rugas e fragilidade das unhas. O uso regular do colágeno hidrolisado pode reverter esses efeitos, promovendo uma pele mais firme e hidratada, além de cabelos mais fortes e saudáveis. Este produto é especialmente formulado para ser facilmente absorvido pelo organismo, garantindo que os nutrientes cheguem rapidamente às áreas que mais precisam.
Além de seus benefícios estéticos, o colágeno hidrolisado também é um aliado na saúde das articulações. Ele ajuda a reduzir dores e melhorar a mobilidade, tornando-se uma excelente opção para pessoas que praticam atividades físicas ou que desejam manter um estilo de vida ativo. A adição de colágeno à sua rotina diária pode ser uma maneira eficaz de cuidar da aparência e da saúde do corpo de forma integrada.
– Melhora a elasticidade da pele, proporcionando um aspecto mais jovem.
– Reduz a aparência de rugas e linhas finas, promovendo uma pele mais lisa.
– Fortalece cabelos e unhas, prevenindo a quebra e promovendo o crescimento saudável.
– Contribui para a saúde das articulações, aliviando dores e melhorando a mobilidade.
– Aumenta a hidratação da pele, resultando em um visual radiante e saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) de colágeno hidrolisado por dia, diluído em água, sucos ou em receitas de sua preferência. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades específicas. O uso contínuo é fundamental para perceber os benefícios ao longo do tempo. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Francie –
Received my package today and the ENTIRE glass jar was broken and in pieces. Fragments of glass were in the product and couldn’t even try and save the product to put into another jar even if I wanted to. Total disgrace
Frane Sosic –
I am a mature woman and decided to try this eye cream. I am so happy that I did because it is an excellent product and I have tried dozens. It moisturizes, firms and helps with dark circles. No really, it works. I’m very happy and will continue to use.
Francisco Valle –
I love the feel of this cream. It’s not super thick or sticky like other products I’ve used. The packaging is heavy, which gives it an added “lux” feel. Been using this nightly and I can tell my eyes have been a lot more smoother and my family has asked what I’ve been using to get my skin so smooth and clean. Really loving this and been using with the eye roller as part of my nightly skincare routine! A must!
PattyT –
I know this is supposed to be a man’s eye cream but skin is skin and my husband wouldn’t use eye cream if I paid him. This cream is very unique. First of all, I can’t imagine how anyone can say it is unscented. It smells like menthol. I like the scent but it definitely has a scent. The cream is thick but doesn’t apply heavy and greasy. My eye area (or wherever I apply it) immediately starts to cool and tingle a little. I can feel a firming feeling that feels good, not tight. My skin is super dry so this isn’t heavy enough for night time use alone but it is great for day or for under my heavy cream.
This cream firms my eye area and evens out the skin under my eyes. I don’t have eye bags but I have fine lines and general not perfect, over 50 skin and the cream leaves me with smoother skin. Only a little is needed. Too much will leave a residue behind and the cream will ball up. I use it not just around my eyes but around my mouth and even my hands. It feels so good and it firms the area. Not permanently but the firming lasts quite a while. Maybe over time, it will help firm up my eye area permanently.
You get an amazing 1.7 ounces in the black glass jar. Most eye creams come in .5 ounce tubes or jars. The price is low too. I will buy this again when my jar is gone because it is very unique. It isn’t the best hydrating cream but it is good for firming and for getting rid of bags and fluid build up around the eyes. It can be applied on the face for the same firming results. It does tend to pill when I use it on my face so I apply it at night before my normal cream. It is made in the USA! A bonus. I would go with 5 stars but I need more hydration so this couldn’t be my only eye cream and the pilling is a bit annoying.
Michael Trainer –
Excellent product. It definitely makes a difference over time (which I wasn’t convinced would be the case); I would say it took a couple of weeks for the improvement to show.
Because you use such a small amount at a time the wee jar will last at least 6months I would imagine which makes it really good value too. Very pleased with it and will continue to use/ reorder.
Francisco Valle –
Returned immediately – I did not even open it after seeing the complete list of ingredients on the package this eye cream comes in.
Olivia –
As I get past that dreaded Middle Age, well – while ladies have their myriads of skincare products to make them look young & vibrant, same thing can’t be said for the gentlemen.
Well, this is why I’m ecstatic to have come across this Collagen & Caffeine Eye Cream for Men with Hyaluronic Acid from Gentlehomme, which basically is a half-English & half-French meaning gentleman. Since the jar had more French writings on it than English, I was surprised (but glad) that it was made in USA. The texture is smooth, and the consistency is halfway between lotion & cream. It goes ony skins easily, especially the areas between my eyebrows & top of my eyes – that area isn’t the easiest to apply, IF the consistency were a thicker cream-like. It contains all the top Anti-aging Ingredients like Hyaluronic Acid (HA) typically found in all anti-aging eye creams, it’s got other ingredients that help rid of my dark circles eye bags & puffiness beloe my eyes. I have now incorporated it into my daily skincare routine, facial cleanser, toner, and then this cream. In merely 2-3 weeks, I could visibly see a huge difference as those pesky fine lines & wrinkles simply faded, the collagen & caffeine are doing magic on my skins – it was UNBELIEVABLE!
Of course, everyone’s skins are different, what works for me, may or may not work for all men; but it’s definitely worth a try!!!👍💪🤩💖💕💕👍
🙏🙏🙏If you enjoy this review, please let me know 🤞🤞🤞
Das Gefäß ist kleiner als gedacht und hätte Amazon hier nicht gepolstert, halte ich einen Schaden daran für wahrscheinlich. Der Karton ist nämlich genau so klein und das Glas liegt direkt an.
Die Creme selbst ist sehr ergiebig und hält daher lange an. Ich benötige nur eine ca. Reiskorn große Menge um beide Augenpartieen damit einzucremen.
Der feuchtigkeitsspendende Effekt ist direkt zu spüren, es fühlt sich an, als wäre die Stelle davor feucht.
Einen Effekt habe ich nach ca. 3 Tagen gesehen, diese ist aber sehr gering. Ob man das von einem Hausarzt bestätigt bekommen würde halte ich für fraglich.
Ich finde aber ich sehe morgens frischer im Bereich der Augen aus.
Über die Nacht stört mich die Creme nicht, da sie sehr dünn aufgetragen wird.
Auch habe ich keine Flecken im Kissen beobachtet und das trotz meines vielen wendens bis ich eingeschlafen bin.
Somit bin ich zufrieden, da das Glas sehr lange hält, sehe ich den Preis auch als angemessen an.
Hautreizungen hatte ich keine, nicht einmal im Ansatz.
Ich hoffe dass hilft dir weiter
Gruß, Andreas
Olivia –
This eye cream is LIT. I have been looking for an eye cream that hydrated under my eye without leaving my skin feeling oily. This product does exactly that! In a few uses my eyes were visibly less puffy and the skin seemed brighter. Also,
it smells so good, I never knew eye cream could smell good! Absolutely will be buying again!
Amazon Customer –
This is the fourth eye cream I’ve tried, and for me, this is the one I’m sticking with. It seems to have the most noticeable effects on dark circles. Good consistency, nice smell, feels good to apply. Lasts a really long time too. The only bad thing is that when you get close to the end, the product seems to lose its light consistency and it gets a little harder to apply. Just bought my second jar, and I’ll probably just buy a new jar when this one gets to that point. Definitely not a deal breaker for something that works.