Descrição do Produto:
À medida que envelhecemos, a estrutura de suporte natural do nosso corpo começa a se deteriorar. As rugas surgem rapidamente, nossos cabelos e unhas ficam frágeis, e nossos movimentos se tornam mais lentos. Esses são os sinais naturais do envelhecimento. Para reverter esse processo, a adição de colágeno à sua dieta é uma das melhores maneiras de rejuvenescer seu corpo. O SASZ Hydrolyzed Bovine Collagen Peptides Powder é a escolha ideal para quem busca uma solução eficaz e prática. Este colágeno 100% natural, proveniente de gado alimentado com pasto, é livre de OGM e kosher, garantindo a pureza e a qualidade do produto.
Com 11 gramas de colágeno hidrolisado puro por porção, o SASZ oferece colágeno dos tipos I e III, além de aminoácidos essenciais. É uma opção amigável para dietas cetogênicas, sendo também livre de glúten, laticínios, lactose, açúcar e soja. A suplementação com colágeno hidrolisado da SASZ permite uma rápida absorção, tornando-se perfeito tanto para homens quanto para mulheres. Este produto não apenas apoia a função e a saúde das articulações, mas também fortalece cabelos e unhas, auxilia na recuperação muscular e proporciona uma pele radiante. Além disso, o colágeno pode impulsionar o metabolismo e melhorar a digestão, contribuindo para um estilo de vida saudável.
Produzido nos EUA, cada pote contém 41 porções. Para obter os melhores resultados, adicione uma colher (11 g) de colágeno SASZ à sua bebida favorita e sinta a diferença no seu dia a dia. Dica útil: o colágeno pode formar grumos em líquidos frios. Misture bem em temperatura ambiente e, em seguida, adicione gelo para melhores resultados.
– Rejuvenescimento da Pele: Ajuda a reduzir rugas e melhora a elasticidade da pele, promovendo uma aparência mais jovem.
– Fortalecimento de Cabelos e Unhas: Contribui para o fortalecimento e crescimento saudável de cabelos e unhas, evitando quebras e fragilidade.
– Saúde das Articulações: Suporta a função articular, aliviando dores e desconfortos, especialmente em atividades físicas.
– Recuperação Muscular: Auxilia na recuperação após exercícios, promovendo a regeneração muscular e reduzindo a fadiga.
– Melhora na Digestão: O colágeno pode ajudar a melhorar a saúde intestinal, promovendo uma digestão mais eficiente.
Para utilizar o SASZ Hydrolyzed Bovine Collagen Peptides Powder, adicione uma colher de sopa (11 g) do pó em sua bebida preferida, como shakes, sucos ou smoothies. É recomendável misturar o colágeno em líquidos em temperatura ambiente para evitar a formação de grumos. Após a mistura completa, você pode adicionar gelo para um efeito refrescante. Consuma diariamente para maximizar os benefícios e integrar o colágeno à sua rotina de saúde e bem-estar.
Valued Customer –
I’m a big collagen fan, have it in my smoothies and coffee every day. I’ve tried many a brand, and this is a good, basic collagen. No weird after flavors, dissolves easily, works great in almost any food. I like adding this in to soups, stews and so forth as well. Price is a little high at the moment, but these things change all the time, so look around and see what things look like currently.
NeferKhan –
So glad I was able to get this! I’ve heard a lot about Collagen and was excited to purchase this. It’s not only a great size for the price, but you can have this with anything! There is no taste to this.. so whatever you put it in won’t affect what you are having. Truly glad I got this! I will get more!
Zahid Paul –
Excellent product. Works very well.
A –
This is an excellent Collagen product. You can add this to anything but I add this to water and the best part is that it is unflavored! I have seen improvement in my skin, joints, nails, hair and overall gut health. I highly recommend this product, you will see and feel results quickly!
i’m putting it right in my coffee, in the cup and brew right into it. i make sure and stir before i add milk though so it’s totally dissolved because if you add the cold too soon, it can get a little clumpy. i’ve been taking collagen peptides for awhile – lots of benefits, very few risks. for the most part i tend to just look for the pill versions – but this one caught my eye because of the bovine aspect, and that it has 10g of protein! the mornings are the hardest time for me to get enough protein – i’m typically just grabbing something pretty quickly, and it’s really most often just a bunch of carbs. i mean to do protein shakes but more often than not i’m out the door realizing in the car that i forgot to make one. so the idea of 10g of protein in my favorite coffee with no worry about a flavor add i dislike – that’s gold. this has been a perfect add to my morning routine to ensure i get a solid dose of protein in the morning. this is one i will stick with.
PJ –
This Sasz grass fed hydrolyzed beef collagen peptides is really unflavored, pretty tasteless, and it is sugar free. I like that it has no carbohydrates and that it does mix pretty well. I mostly use it in desert recipes, especially fat bombs. This only has ten grams of protein in a serving, and it only contains type I and III collagen. The package has a lot number and an expiration date clearly marked on the bottom, mine is 12/25, received product 7/22.
Precise Disarray –
Bovine collagen supplies types 1 and 3. Both of which are the most abundant in the body and well utilized in hydrolyzed form. While there are 28 types of collagen, the most common types used in supplements are Type 1, Type 2, Type 3, Type 5 and Type 10. In order to take in those forms, you will need to look for products that contain marine collagen, egg collagen, poultry collagen in addition to bovine collagen. While available, the easiest (and cheapest) to find is bovine collagen. With others (or all sources) this then changes the price and often the taste. And some people can’t handle the other forms. Bovine is cheapest, and can usually be made totally flavorless. Since it already contains the types of collagen most utilized by the body, it is often the go-to kind. All collagen forms are best when paired with vitamin C (and hyaluronic acid is another good supplement. Some formulas include this).
That being said, this is just bovine collagen. No secrets as it is all laid out in this product page and images.
Collagen peptides (ie, Hydrolyzed collagen, which means that it is already broken down into usable form, is easier on gut) dissolve in hot or cold liquid, and do not gel when left to cool. However, for easiest mixing, liquid at room temp or hot is best. Even so once in awhile I get a product that never quite dissolves. Very happy that this dissolves with ease. When I add it to iced coffee, I will first use just enough cool/room temp/or warm water to dissolve the powder before stirring into ice cold liquid. Totally, easily, seamlessly dissolves in hot coffee.
5 stars. Not because it is necessarily better than others, but because it meets my expectations of performance. It’s fine. No flavor or odor that I can detect. I dont rate on price, so you will have to decide if it works for your budget. These days I prefer formulas that include Vitamin C and hyaluronic acid, but I wouldn’t downrate for that with this because I knew what I was ordering from the start. Again, no surprises. All good.
💚TosaT💚 –
This is an OK collagen to use, especially in your coffee. This only contains type one and three collagen. In reality, you need all types (1-5) to help your body assimilate and utilize the collagen. This doesn’t really have a taste. It mixes quickly and easily into my coffee. I probably won’t buy this again.