Descrição do Produto:
Vital Beauty é um suplemento dietético que integra o poder dos peptídeos de colágeno, superalimentos e enzimas digestivas em uma única fórmula, oferecendo uma abordagem abrangente para impulsionar sua saúde geral e realçar sua beleza natural. Esta mistura única foi cuidadosamente elaborada para atender indivíduos que buscam soluções eficazes tanto para o bem-estar interno quanto para a radiância externa. Ao incorporar Vital Beauty em sua rotina diária, você pode desfrutar de inúmeros benefícios para a saúde, incluindo cabelos mais saudáveis, pele radiante e jovem, e unhas mais fortes. Além disso, este produto apoia um sistema imunológico robusto e auxilia na saúde digestiva, facilitando uma melhor absorção de nutrientes para um bem-estar geral aprimorado. É uma abordagem holística ao bem-estar, projetada para fazer você se sentir e parecer o melhor de si de dentro para fora.
Desenvolvido com a sua rotina agitada em mente, Vital Beauty oferece uma maneira rápida e fácil de elevar sua rotina de beleza e saúde. Para aproveitar seus benefícios, basta misturar uma porção com 240 ml de água ou seu líquido favorito. Sua versatilidade torna fácil incorporá-lo em qualquer parte do seu dia, seja na sua rotina matinal, como um refresco pós-treino ou no seu momento de relaxamento à noite. Comprometido em proporcionar uma experiência limpa e saudável, Vital Beauty é sem sabor, permitindo que se misture perfeitamente com várias bebidas. É formulado sem OGM, glúten, açúcar adicionado ou corantes artificiais, garantindo que se alinhe com os estilos de vida modernos e conscientes da saúde. Você pode se sentir confiante sobre a qualidade e pureza de cada gole.
Este produto nasceu da paixão e dedicação de Anna, a fundadora e proprietária deste pequeno negócio. Após lutar para encontrar um suplemento que apoiasse efetivamente seus objetivos de bem-estar, ela decidiu criar o seu próprio, priorizando qualidade e eficácia para atender às necessidades de outros que enfrentam os mesmos desafios.
– Cabelos Saudáveis: Fortalece os fios, promovendo um crescimento saudável e reduzindo a quebra.
– Pele Radiante: Melhora a elasticidade e a hidratação da pele, proporcionando um aspecto jovem e luminoso.
– Unhas Fortes: Contribui para unhas mais resistentes e menos propensas a quebras.
– Suporte Imunológico: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra doenças.
– Saúde Digestiva: Auxilia na digestão e na absorção de nutrientes, promovendo um melhor funcionamento intestinal.
Para obter os melhores resultados com Vital Beauty, recomenda-se misturar uma porção (aproximadamente 10 g) do pó em 240 ml de água ou em sua bebida preferida. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Este suplemento pode ser consumido a qualquer hora do dia, seja pela manhã, após o treino ou à noite, como parte de sua rotina de autocuidado. Para maximizar os benefícios, é aconselhável utilizá-lo diariamente, integrando-o a uma dieta equilibrada e a um estilo de vida saudável.
PS –
I can typically tell my body’s responsiveness to a collagen supplement based on the way it smooths the ridges in my thumbnail and rate and quality of nail growth.
This collagen resulted in fast nail growth but in brittleness. This was a marked difference from my liquid collagen or pills.
The powder mixes easily and remains suspended approximately 30 seconds after a warm stir and then begins to settle. You should drink it immediately after mixing. There’s no real taste, but you no it’s there.
The mix is definitely better hidden in a smoothie or coffee. I don’t seem to notice it when I mix it with my Ryze coffee since it also has some settling particles.
This is not the first collagen supplement that I’d reach for Th ought I appreciate that it is from Grass fed cows.
Sabreen –
This powder is a bit on the gray side but thankfully didn’t turn my smoothies dark! The addition of collagen in my smoothies is a wonderful plus up, and it does add any texture or flavor that I can notice. Mixes in with the rest of the powder well without any grit. Scoop is perfect for one serving and the screw on cap provides a good seal.
I wanted to get collagen peptides, superfoods, and digestive enzymes in one powder supplement and ordered a 10.04 ounce jar of Grass Fed, Pasture Raised, Collagen Peptides for Hair, Skin, Nails, and Immune System Support, from the BEAUTY AND CUTIE Store. This collagen powder includes superfoods and digestive Enzymes. There is powder from 11 fruits and vegetables which are the superfoods. Important to me is that the powder is unflavored so I can mix it with most any hot or cold beverage. I mix one scoop of powder with about 8 ounces of juice most mornings. I am looking for immune system and digestive support. However, I read that collagen also supports healthy hair growth, skin elasticity and stonger nails. I am pleased with Collagen Peptides for Hair, Skin, Nails, and Immune System Support, from the BEAUTY AND CUTIE Store and rate it a five star product for quality, convenience and value.
Blendysreadit –
I decided to try this product because I liked the idea of the digestive enzymes in with the collagen. I take both regularly, so the thought of mixing both in one supplement sounded good. I normally mix my collagen powder in with my coffee in the mornings, and I tried that with this. For me, the powder does not dissolve as smoothly as just my regular collagen supplement. I’m not too sure if it is the DE or the superfoods, but it doesn’t mix as well. Also, it gives my coffee a funny taste. It isn’t anything that isn’t tolerable, but I do notice a difference in the taste of my coffee when I use this. Other than this though, the supplement seems to work fine, and I have noticed any difference from switching between my regular one and this one. I still like the idea of the DE with the powder though, so this is probably something that I will continue to use. For those seeking multiple supplements (DEs, Collagen, and superfoods), this is a great alternative to having to take several different things daily.
Mike –
This product arrived well-sealed and carefully packaged to ensure freshness. The jar contains 10.04 oz (284.7 g) of powder, providing a 30-day supply with a recommended dosage of one scoop (9.49 g) daily. Each serving includes 5 g of protein, 5 g of hydrolyzed bovine collagen, 2.2 g of a fruit and veggie blend, 600 mg of an organic greens blend, 600 mg of a digestive enzyme complex, and 600 mg of an adaptogenic blend, all without added sugar. The powder has a fine consistency and mixes easily with 8 oz of cold or hot water. I take it 30 minutes before meals and have not experienced any side effects so far. I look forward to the health benefits this product offers and am hopeful it will support strong hair and nails, radiant skin, muscle and joint health, enhanced digestion, and a robust immune system.
Optics Fan –
My wife has been making smoothies for years. She puts green vegetables, different kinds of fruits, avocadoes, etc. in there. She has been putting collagen in it most of the time. So when I saw this on Vine I knew she could use it in smoothies because she’s been doing that for years. This collagen product has the collagen peptides in it plus different fruit and vegetable mixes so better than just straight collagen. We’ve already used it in smoothies. It’s unflavored so it doesn’t taste like much but I care about what’s in it. From the ingredient list it sounds good. I recommend trying this out.
Marley Ann –
I’ve been taking tablets probiotics and using a collagen powder in my morning coffee. I thought I’d try this product in my coffee, but didn’t like the taste in the coffee, it didn’t blend well. But, when I mixed it with just a glass of juice, any taste was camouflaged by the juice and it mixed in easily and completely. I’ll keep using it to see if it’s providing the same benefits as my previous products. If so, I’ll purchase some more, because the ease of having all-in-one is appreciated.
PS –
This is a good combination of collagen and greens that supply added benefits for hair, skin, nails and improves gut function. I dissolve one scoop in a hot or cold beverage daily and it’s that simple to use.