Descrição do Produto: Sports Research Collagen Peptides for Women
O Sports Research Collagen Peptides for Women é um suplemento inovador que combina ciência e nutrição para promover a saúde e a beleza de dentro para fora. Este pó de colágeno, formulado especialmente para mulheres, oferece uma solução eficaz para quem busca uma aparência radiante e jovem. Com uma mistura poderosa de proteínas e aminoácidos, este produto não apenas fortalece as unhas, mas também contribui para uma pele mais luminosa e rejuvenescida. Ao incorporar este colágeno em sua rotina, você se proporciona um suporte essencial que reflete na sua autoestima e bem-estar.
Além de seus benefícios estéticos, o colágeno também desempenha um papel crucial na saúde das articulações. Os aminoácidos presentes na fórmula ajudam a manter a integridade das articulações e melhoram a resposta do corpo a exercícios intensos, tornando este pó de colágeno um excelente suplemento pós-treino. Com apenas uma dose diária, você pode otimizar sua recuperação e garantir que suas articulações estejam sempre em ótimo estado.
A praticidade é uma das grandes vantagens do Sports Research Collagen Peptides. Com uma única colher de sopa, você pode facilmente adicionar este pó à sua rotina, seja em um smoothie nutritivo ou como um creamer solúvel para o seu café. Com apenas 40 calorias por porção, é uma maneira deliciosa e saudável de aumentar sua ingestão de proteínas. Cada porção contém 11 gramas de colágeno de baixo peso molecular, incluindo colágeno tipo 3 e 1, além de 18 aminoácidos essenciais, como glicina, prolina e hidroxiprolina, garantindo que você receba o máximo de benefícios em cada dose.
A qualidade dos ingredientes é uma prioridade para nós. O nosso suplemento de proteína é certificado como Paleo Friendly e Keto Certified, além de ser testado por terceiros para garantir a pureza e a eficácia. Não contém ingredientes geneticamente modificados, sabores artificiais, adoçantes ou enchimentos ocultos, proporcionando a você um produto limpo e confiável.
– Aparência Radiante: Melhora a luminosidade da pele e a saúde das unhas, promovendo um visual jovem.
– Suporte Articular: Fortalece as articulações e melhora a recuperação após exercícios físicos.
– Fácil de Usar: Pode ser adicionado a diversas bebidas, como smoothies e cafés, sem complicações.
– Alta Concentração de Colágeno: Cada porção oferece 11 gramas de colágeno, garantindo eficácia em cada dose.
– Ingredientes de Qualidade: Produto livre de aditivos artificiais e testado para garantir a pureza e segurança.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se o uso de uma colher de sopa do Sports Research Collagen Peptides for Women diariamente. O pó pode ser misturado em água, sucos, smoothies ou adicionado ao seu café como um creamer solúvel. A dissolução é rápida e completa, permitindo que você aproveite todos os benefícios do colágeno sem esforço. Mantenha uma rotina consistente para maximizar os efeitos positivos na sua pele, unhas e articulações.
Faisal Al Hazmi –
And effective
Rocky Shores –
I’ve been using collagen peptides for 7 months, and this product for 3 of those months. Before i get into my review, here’s some backstory so you know where I’m coming from. I’m a 45 year old male, 6ft, 205 lbs. I never drink, smoke, or take any drugs or pharma, and avoid artificial preservatives in my diet. I love to lift weights (6 hours per week, mix of light and heavy), and do 1 to 2 hours of cardio and yoga per week. I don’t go hard on cardio or stretching, just what’s needed to keep my heart and mobility healthy. I also get outside and hike for about an hour a day. I’m fortunate to have a job that involves talking by phone and have close access to a gym and trails, which is what makes all this possible. I limit my sitting time to no more than 5 hours per day. This is because 6 or more hours of sitting per day is shown to damage testosterone and vascular health in men.
I started out with two mild problems: recurring inflammation and slow recovery in my right patellar tendon (the big one that goes over the knee), and above-optimal systolic blood pressure (around 135 to 145, while 110 to 120 would be better).
I started taking collagen to improve recovery in my knee, and reduce the number of breaks I had to take from lifting. I tried several different ways of mixing it, including mixing with water, juice, and ice cream. This, and the other products I tried, mixed just fine. Ultimately I started mixing it into the oily fish I’ve been every morning for breakfast. It dissolves easily in just an ounce or two of room temperature water. The consistency goes from straight liquid water to a gel, about the consistency of hand sanitizer. This is true of every collagen product I tried.
I noticed after about a month of taking collagen that my knee and elbow joints recover faster from heavy lifting sessions. Instead of needing 3 to 5 days for full joint recovery, I only need 2 to 3. I also noticed that the usual slight tendon soreness I had after a yoga session would be gone in a couple hours instead of lasting the rest of the day. As a result I can do more and harder workouts. I had previously gotten my blood pressure down from the upper 140s to upper 130s. Since making collagen part of my daily routine It’s come down another 10 points, into the 125 to 130 range. Not perfect, but healthier. I don’t know if it’s the collagen per se, or just being able to exercise more frequently and intensely. It could also be the added omega-3s from the fish, or effects from cutting out artificial preservatives. Or less stress from staying single, lol.
I didn’t expect improvement in my skin, but that also happened. My skincare routine consists of washing with unscented baby shampoo, using unscented Aveeno during the day, and organic coconut oil at night. This has been my dirt-cheap routine for years. A family member I hadn’t seen for 6 months came to visit last week. He told me I look younger than I did the last time I saw him. I’ve always looked somewhat young for my age, but even people I’ve known for a couple years are shocked now when I tell them I’m 45. In the past people would estimate my age at 3 to 7 years younger. Now they’re estimating 10 to 15. This isn’t a benefit I hoped for–recovery and mobility were and still are my objectives–but wow, I’ll take it.
Here’s why I prefer this product over the others I’ve tried:
Taste–it’s virtually flavorless, which I vastly prefer
Smell–I can’t smell it
Granularity–The granules are about the size of large sand particles. The few times I spilled it cleanup has been easy.
Solubility–As I described above, the product dissolves quickly in a few ounces of water with little to no stirring.
Price–This product is priced comparably to others, but because it’s easy to work with and never unpleasant there’s virtually no waste.
The recommended dosage on the container is 20g per day. I take half that, 10g per day, and still am getting great results beyond wat I expected. I tried it at both 15 and 20 g per day, but didn’t get better results. I of course recommend talking with your healthcare provider before taking any supplements and adjusting the dosage to what’s safest and most effective for you. For cost, convenience, flavor, and effectiveness, this is best collagen product I’ve tried overall.
Joe G. –
Love this Collagen Peptides supplement. It mixes easily and has no taste. Perfect for blending with my protein shakes. Provides me the nutrients I need without affecting the taste. Helps me with recovery and has contributed to muscle growth. Great size container with plenty of servings, thus it lasts a while if you’re mixing it with your protein shake.
user-MLU35L1 –
It is an excellent product
LH –
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I’ve only been using this product for 2 months but I’ve noticed a huge difference in how my joints feel. I bought this for my skin, but I didn’t realize collagen did so much! I my skin looks good, my joints feel good, and I’m adding this to my subscribe and save.
I’ve shared a video of it dissolving in my coffee so you can see how quickly and easily it dissolves. There’s never any powdery grit left on the bottom of the glass, nor any gross gritty feel. It dissolves smoothly.
The unflavored powder goes best in a coffee or a protein shake, because there is a bit of a taste. Not enough to ruin anything, but it’s got a milk vibe.
That being said, I’m stunned at how quickly it went into effect. 5/5 on this collagen.
Ignacio –
المنتج استعمله كل يوم على معده فارغه مع فيتامين سي (لأنه يعزز امتصاص الكولاجين )للحصول على نتيجة استمر/ي عليه أقل شيء شهر ، تعودت على طعمه السيء(ممكن تضيف عسل أو عصير أو اضافته لقهوتك ) لكن منتج مفيد وأكثر من شخص لاحظ نضارة بشرتي !
مستمرة عليه .
coffee&books –
We’ve used this product for about 4 months, recently ran out, grabbed a different product at the grocery store (Vital Proteins), and began to compare the two. Now, I’m trying a third one by Zhou.
SR & VP powders had the same look (very fine granules), taste (no detectable taste), and both dissolved quickly into coffee.
Zhou: Much more “fine” – like the consistency of baking powder. Did not dissolve quickly, clumped on top and left clumps in the coffee; needed to be stirred vigorously – and for quite awhile.
SR & VP: Have NO taste or smell – you cannot detect it in your coffee.
Zhou: Has no taste – however – it sticks to your tongue – there’s definitely a weird residue on my tongue/in my mouth as I drink it. :(. Leaves a visible film on top of your coffee.
Nails: Just as brittle and awful as ever. I have no detectable improvement after 4 mo of collagen use.
Hair: No detectable regrowth or reversal of hair loss. The loss continues – there is no magic cure.
Joint Pain: My spouse was hoping it would improve back pain – collagen has not done that for him. I have shoulder issues, and it has not prevented or improved my mild rotator cuff injury.
Skin: Collagen might have minor benefits to skin, but my guess is you’d have to consume gallons of it to see actual improvement. It is not the fountain of youth! I stopped using my Retin A while taking the collagen to see if there have been any slight improvements in my skin tone/condition – and fine lines seem to have increased, not improved. Back on Retin A – where there are actual results. 🙂
Muscle tone/strength: Jury is out on this, as gym visits have been limited due to the pandemic.
Weightloss: We have both lost significant weight while using collagen peptide powders – however – we are also cutting out carbs and committed to intermittent fasting.
Arthritis: I have the early stages of arthritis. I haven’t had a flare up in about 7-8 months now, but cannot be sure it’s due to this supplement. I hope that it is – then that, alone, would make this worth it.
Label comparison: Look closely at my photo, and compare.
1. VP has 19 amino acids, SR & Zhou have 18.
2. They all seem to be sourced OUTSIDE of the U.S. (Brazil, EU, New Zealand, Argentina)- don’t be fooled by the claims of being made in the USA, they are ASSEMBLED, perhaps tested, in the U.S. – but the product COMES from overseas.
3. VP has Hyaluronic Acid – the others do not list it on their labels.
– I would choose VP, although more expensive, because of the inclusion of HA (hyaluronic acid) – which has numerous documented benefits (and I’ve seen it restore mobility to our dog) – and will be going back to that brand.
– I like SR, but would place it 2nd to Vital Proteins
– I do not recommend Zhou brand due to the strange residue it leaves in the mouth when you drink it, but if that’s not a problem for you, it is somewhat equal to SR.
**Do I think taking collagen products is worth it? Sure – even if it’s a placebo effect. If you feel better about yourself, then that’s a benefit. Do I think collagen is a fountain of youth? No.
The contents are harmless (unless you’re allergic) – so it’s worth continuing to see if benefits begin to emerge over time, but we have not experienced overwhelming benefits in 4 months of use.
Amazon Customer –
Buen producto
coffee&books –
I’ve been using this collagen powder for over a year now, and I absolutely love it! The unflavored version blends perfectly into my morning coffee without changing the taste. I’ve also tried the chocolate flavor, which has a slight artificial sweetener taste—not bad, but I prefer the unflavored one.
The results have been amazing—my skin looks healthier and more plump, fine lines have softened, and my hair and nails feel much stronger.
Overall, this powder has been a fantastic addition to my daily routine. Highly recommend!