Descrição do Produto: Collagen Complete AntiAging Protein Blend
Descubra o poder transformador do Collagen Complete AntiAging Protein Blend, uma mistura inovadora de proteínas que combina 8 potentes ingredientes impulsionadores de colágeno com peptídeos hidrolisados em um delicioso sabor cítrico. Este suplemento foi cuidadosamente formulado para proporcionar resultados máximos de antienvelhecimento, tanto para homens quanto para mulheres. Com uma lista impressionante de ingredientes, incluindo Vitamina C, Ácido Hialurônico, Glucosamina, Protease, Bromelina (enzima do abacaxi), Papaína (enzima da papaia), Sulfato de Condroitina e Minerais Traço (incluindo Silica), cada componente trabalha em sinergia para potencializar a produção de colágeno no organismo.
O colágeno é essencial para a formação dos blocos de construção das articulações e de todos os tecidos do corpo. Com o passar dos anos e a exposição a toxinas e a um estilo de vida pouco saudável, esses tecidos começam a se degradar. A suplementação adequada de colágeno ajuda a reconstruir as reservas de colágeno do corpo em nível celular, permitindo que a pele recupere sua elasticidade natural e que as articulações se recuperem mais rapidamente. Isso resulta em maior durabilidade durante períodos de atividade e um aumento na amplitude de movimento.
Além disso, os peptídeos de colágeno são as pequenas proteínas que promovem cabelos, pele e unhas saudáveis e radiantes. À medida que envelhecemos, a produção de colágeno nas células diminui, levando à perda da aparência jovem e vibrante. Quando cabelos, pele e unhas se tornam quebradiços ou sem vida, o colágeno é frequentemente o componente que falta. Com Collagen Complete, você obtém peptídeos de colágeno puros e potentes, garantindo eficácia e resultados visíveis.
Este suplemento é 100% puro, limpo e proveniente de fontes totalmente naturais. Não contém antibióticos, OGM, glúten, lactose ou conservantes. Os peptídeos foram extraídos de gado alimentado com pasto, garantindo a mais alta qualidade e eficácia. Sem aditivos ou enchimentos tóxicos, você pode ter certeza de que está consumindo apenas colágeno benéfico e puro.
Na Phi Naturals, sua saúde e satisfação são nossa prioridade número um. Se você não estiver completamente satisfeito com o Collagen Complete por qualquer motivo, garantimos sua satisfação.
Benefícios Destacados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
– Aumento da Elasticidade da Pele: Melhora visivelmente a firmeza e a elasticidade da pele, reduzindo rugas e linhas finas.
– Fortalecimento de Cabelos e Unhas: Promove cabelos mais saudáveis e unhas mais fortes, reduzindo a quebra e a fragilidade.
– Suporte às Articulações: Ajuda na regeneração das articulações, proporcionando alívio da dor e aumentando a mobilidade.
– Hidratação Profunda: O ácido hialurônico presente na fórmula proporciona uma hidratação intensa, mantendo a pele macia e radiante.
– Fonte Natural e Segura: Com ingredientes 100% naturais e sem aditivos, é uma escolha segura para quem busca saúde e bem-estar.
- Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) do Collagen Complete em 200ml de água, suco ou sua bebida favorita. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para resultados otimizados, consuma diariamente, preferencialmente pela manhã ou antes de atividades físicas. A consistência no uso é fundamental para perceber os benefícios ao longo do tempo.
I’m super impressed with this product and am providing a detailed review, to help others decide if it’s right for them.
Why I was looking for a collagen product: I am 48 years old and increasingly obsessed with aging skin. I get facials twice a month; use very effective skin care products and even get the occasional IPL laser treatment. It all works, but I am always still looking to address loss of volume and elasticity in particular. And am violently opposed to injections! I did some research and confirmed with my N.D. that collagen supplements really can help. So I decided to try one out.
What I chose this product: My primary objective was to find a product that used a high-quality source of collagen, from organically raised cows. This product did, plus I liked the additional ingredients in the formulation, which I had also researched to confirm their role in supporting health skin.
How it’s working for me: I’m about half way through my first jar and decided it’s time to write a review. I’m taking the supplement close to daily, but travel a lot for work and probably miss a day or two each week. Still, I have already noticed a pretty remarkable improvement in my skin. First, it’s gotten a lot more velvety — smoother to the touch, feels thicker and just more plump. I can’t say it’s erased or filled in any lines yet, but the texture and elasticity of the skin is definitely noticeably improved. And even better, it’s not just the face and neck. My overall body skin has similarly improved. In fact, I’ve even noticed slightly less sagging of skin on my hips and thighs. What a great bonus! The other improvement is my skin requires less product to look good. I usually apply several products morning and evening, including specialized serums. I just don’t seem to need them since I’ve started taking the product. I’ll skip a few days and there is no adverse affect — skin remains luminous. Finally, I’ve noticed that my lips are always smooth and soft and even plumper perhaps. It’s really exciting (and frankly, rather amazing) to get so much impact from a single product. I’m looking forward to what additional benefits there may be over time.
How I use the product: The first time I tasted it, I was pretty certain I wouldn’t be able to force myself to drink it again. It definitely has a kind of faint cow-taste that isn’t particularly pleasant. If you mix the product with juice or in a smoothie, it will be perfectly fine and you won’t even notice it. I don’t drink juice or smoothies, so I just mix it with very cold water. I’ve gotten used to it now and don’t mind the taste at all. (Side note: This product is also very soothing to the digestive system. I’m not exactly sure how to explain it, but after drinking it, my stomach just feels better.)
Also, I had an excellent customer service experience with Dr. Carpentier, who created the product. I emailed her with a question about the minerals in the formulation. She replied right away with detailed information (they are fulvic minerals, BTW — very interesting stuff). Much appreciated, as I needed to confirm that the product didn’t contain iron (which it doesn’t).
Overall, great product with visible results. I take a lot of supplements, many of which are supposed to help the skin. This one, hands down, has the most immediate and measurable results. (I’m hoping that over time, it will make those tiny lines above the lips disappear!) HIGHLY recommended.
S:Springer –
Ich bekomme keine Antwort vom hersteller- auf meine Frage.
Wieso sind da soviele , teilweise hoch giftige Substanzen aufgeführt? Wie Cadmium, Thallium, Strontium ect ? Ich habe das Pulver jetzt seit ein paar Wochen in Wasser gelöst, eingenommen und bekomme nun extremen Haarausfall- Was bedeuetet das? Ich werde es absetzen- Teuer und höchstwahrscheinlich schädlich!!!!
Wie ,wer und wo ist das Produkt überhaupt geprüft worden auf seine Inhaltsstoffe und dessen Wirkung?
Von S:Springer am 2. September 2016
JaziJoi –
Update – 2/20/2016: Okay, it’s been approximately fourteen (14) days and the pain in my elbows…STILL GONE! The pain in my lower back…also, GONE! The pain in my toes is tolerable. I do feel some pain, but again, I’m bone on bone. The pain level has been significantly reduced from about a 9 or 10 level pain to now a 3 or 4 level pain. So again, still some pain; BUT, I still have not taken any ibuprofen, Motrin, Aleve, etc. ””’. So, it’s been working so great for me, my husband started using it for his back pain about a week ago…PAIN IS GONE for him too. Do I recommend this product…OH YEAH! Wish I knew about it sooner. I’ve referred my friend to try it for her pain in her knee and legs. Hope she has the success story I’ve had. By the way, it worked so well and we blew through the first jar, I ordered two more. And just so you know, I’m now taking it twice a day; in the morning and in the evening, one level scoop full. Also, I found that I get no clumps when I blend it up in my Tornado drinking cup. ‘ I’m a Type 2 Diabetic and my readings have decreased too…not sure if its related, but its all good! ‘
Update – 2/10/2016: After four days of use, the persistent pain in my elbows is GONE! The severe pain in my toe that is bone on bone…still has some pain; however, the pain is tolerable and at times gone, so much so that I have not taken any ibuprofen for two days! I am SO glad that I found Collagen Complete. If my pain threshold can remain where it is now, I can make it until November to have my surgery. YAY! ‘. I was wondering how I was going to make it until the end of the year, because the pain has been excruciating. I definitely recommend Collagen Complete! ””
Okay, so I received my package today of Collagen Complete. It was neatly sealed and boxed and the item itself was tightly sealed. I started using it right out of the box. I mixed it with water to see how I could handle the taste and it wasn’t bad. Not chalky; had a pleasant sweet orange taste. (So my rating of 5 stars is for presentation of packaging and taste) It wasn’t too sweet for me, as I’ve read others comment about it being too sweet. I’m diabetic and my sweet radar may be off a bit. Lol. ‘ But I actually liked it. It did have several small clumps but I just drank it straight down clumps and all; and like I said, not chalky and no unpleasant taste or after taste. ””. Since I just started taking it today, I can’t attest to how well it works…yet; but, I will update my post in a couple of weeks. I’m 57 years old and I’m having problems with my joints. I just recently found out my right big toe is bone on bone ‘ and I have bone spurs on both big toes. I’m not scheduled for surgery until November 2016, so I need something to help with managing the pain and get me through my nine (9) month wait for surgery. My boss said his wife swears by the use of Collagen and says it has helped her tremendously and she’s avoided any surgeries…so far; so I thought I’d give it try to see if I can get some relief. I won’t give a bad rating on my problematic toes if I don’t get much or any relief from the suppliment because there probably isn’t much relief you can get when you’re bone on bone. ‘. But, I have hip and elbow problems too, so I will see what it does for those areas, as well as getting up first thing in the morning. I’m a cyclist and hope to get back up on my bike real soon…pain free, at least MOSTLY pain free. After I’ve been taking Collagen Complete for at least two weeks, I’ll update everyone on my status. ‘
Update: August 21, 2016 – So,it’s been six months since I started taking the Collagen Complete and it has been a God send for me. I’m bone on bone and if you or someone you know has this type of condition…ANYWHERE on your body, you know the pain I’m in. I do not take any pain medications at all, just my Collagen Complete. NO, it does not eliminate all of the pain, I wish it could; but, it does eliminate it enough that I can bear the minimal traces of pain that I’m in without having to resort to pain killers. This stuff to me is like spinach to Popeye! ‘ I order two. containers at a time, which will last me approximately two months. I take it in my smoothies each morning, which also gives it a little sweetness. I would recommend anyone with arthiritic pain, joint pain and back pain to try it and see if it works for you. I got relief within four days of taking it. I have a Worker’s Comp injury as well, which it has helped with that pain as well. Best wishes to you.