O Sports Research Collagen Beauty Complex é uma fórmula inovadora que combina colágeno marinho com uma poderosa mistura de ingredientes essenciais para a saúde da pele. Este complexo de beleza é enriquecido com Ácido Hialurônico, Vitamina C, Biotina e um exclusivo Complexo de Laranja Vermelha, proporcionando uma abordagem holística para a manutenção da beleza e vitalidade da pele. Os peptídeos de colágeno marinho são extraídos de peixes de águas profundas, capturados de forma sustentável, garantindo não apenas a qualidade do produto, mas também a preservação do meio ambiente. A hidrólise dos peptídeos permite uma absorção superior, tornando-os mais eficazes e fáceis de incorporar na sua rotina diária.
- Beauty Complex | Peptídeos de colágeno marinho com Vitamina C, Ácido Hialurônico, Biotina e Complexo de Laranja Vermelha para uma pele saudável.
- Wild-Caught | Peptídeos de colágeno provenientes de peixes de águas profundas, capturados de forma sustentável e hidrolisados para melhor absorção.
- Easy-To-Mix | Hidrolisado e aglomerado para melhor absorção e fácil dissolução em líquidos.
- Quality Certified | Verificado como não-OGM, amigável para pescatarianos, e certificado como Keto e Paleo.
1. Pele mais saudável: A combinação de colágeno, ácido hialurônico e vitamina C promove a elasticidade e a hidratação da pele, reduzindo sinais de envelhecimento.
2. Fácil de usar: A fórmula em pó se dissolve facilmente em líquidos, permitindo que você a adicione a smoothies, sucos ou até mesmo água.
3. Sustentabilidade: O colágeno é proveniente de peixes capturados de forma sustentável, contribuindo para a preservação dos oceanos.
4. Adequado para dietas específicas: Certificado como Keto e Paleo, além de ser pescatariano, atende a diversas necessidades alimentares.
5. Apoio à saúde capilar e das unhas: A biotina presente na fórmula ajuda a fortalecer cabelos e unhas, promovendo um visual mais saudável e vibrante.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) do Sports Research Collagen Beauty Complex em 240ml de água, suco ou sua bebida favorita. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para resultados otimizados, utilize diariamente como parte de sua rotina de beleza e saúde. É ideal para ser consumido pela manhã ou à noite, conforme sua preferência.
stacyj –
Everything was great.
Wanda Clayton –
Leaves a foam on top of coffee, film in mouth and funk on edge of cup. Not a fan-definitely know it is in there and my previous brand did not. Will be switching back.
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Larisa Berry –
I’ve been using sports research bovine collagen for a few years and wanted to add marine collagen. The marine collagen is more expensive so I use 1/2 scoop of each in my coffee. I started using nut pods creamer to mask the collagen nuance which helps. The marine collagen blends fairly well in hot liquids. I like the bovine a little bit more. But hoping for some long term anti-inflammatory benefit from using a marine product. On my third re-order.
Tina in Iowa –
Using it to see if it will help my hair. I am using it on recommendation of my hair stylist. I have no clue as to whether it will solve my problem, but my hair stylist swears it will help. I might be able to give more comprehensive answer in a month or so, but as I said, my hair stylist swears by this brand.
Pauli –
The taste is absolutely foul. So just a warning, definitely make it in a smoothie don’t do it on its own with water. Other than that it has really good benefits and I noticed my nails growing already!
Yeti852 –
I like this product over others because of the neutral taste (I mix it with coffee), and the fact that the volume required per scoop is less than other products. It also dissolves more easily than others I’ve tried. I like that it also contains hyaluronic acid, biotin, and vitamin C for healthy skin, nails, and hair.
Tina in Iowa –
As you can see, the container is small amd when opened, it is less than half full. Not worth the money. I cant even give it one star with a good conscience
trash bag –
Huge fan of SR powders, my body handles them well and I always experience results (IBS constipation/diarrhea issues, this does not worsen my issues so far ). I bought this item when there were no reviews, and it’s almost nice to see that order issues happen regardless and they wouldn’t send me the perfect item just looking to secure good reviews early. There is a measuring or weighing error happening here and I received about half of what I should have.
It was 1/4th full upon arrival (my guess is for these packs 1/2 full is typically what is considered full) and I was able to scoop 14 scoops at the most. Rounding to 15 based on maybe random powder floating up and away or a little spilling from the scoop, really any accounting for error, that is still only half of what is advertised. 15 out of 30 servings is what I received.
Marine collagen I realize is more expensive and I’m thankful to be able to purchase a month’s worth of marine collagen and extra beauty benefits in one cute little nifty tub, I just can’t afford to have to buy two of these to equal out to one month worth when one month worth is what is promoted here in one tub.
SR collagen is unbeatable in my opinion and I have switched and swapped between other brands without as much success as the results I see with these products. It’s likely you will notice hair growth, improved skin hydration, and minor to moderate joint relief, it’s also possible you will run into errors with measuring and be sorely disappointed.
I will be ordering again in the future and based upon if I receive the proper amounts next go-arounds, I will be updating with more detailed information on my continued results and changing my review to fit my next buying experience.
Eva schultz –
Want to try another flavors