Descrição do Produto: Earthborn Elements Magnesium Chloride (2 lb)
O Earthborn Elements Magnesium Chloride é um suplemento dietético de alta qualidade, projetado para fornecer uma fonte natural e eficaz de magnésio elementar. Com 2 libras de puro cloreto de magnésio, este produto é ideal para aqueles que buscam melhorar sua saúde e bem-estar de forma natural. O cloreto de magnésio é conhecido por suas propriedades benéficas, sendo uma escolha popular entre os que desejam aumentar a ingestão de magnésio de maneira segura e eficiente.
- Earthborn Elements Magnesium Chloride Powder
- Magnesium Chloride is a natural source of elemental magnesium
- Can be applied topically with oils and soaks
- Pure & Undiluted: Never any additives or fillers
- Packaged in USA
Este pó de cloreto de magnésio pode ser utilizado de diversas maneiras, incluindo aplicações tópicas com óleos e banhos, proporcionando uma absorção rápida e eficaz. A pureza do produto garante que você esteja consumindo um suplemento sem aditivos ou diluentes, maximizando os benefícios do magnésio para o seu corpo. Produzido nos Estados Unidos, o Earthborn Elements Magnesium Chloride é uma escolha confiável para quem busca qualidade e eficácia em seus suplementos.
1. Suporte à Saúde Muscular: O magnésio é essencial para a função muscular adequada, ajudando a prevenir cãibras e melhorando a recuperação após exercícios.
2. Equilíbrio do Humor: O magnésio desempenha um papel importante na regulação do humor, podendo ajudar a reduzir sintomas de ansiedade e depressão.
3. Melhora do Sono: A suplementação com magnésio pode promover um sono mais profundo e reparador, contribuindo para um melhor descanso.
4. Saúde Óssea: O magnésio é fundamental para a saúde óssea, ajudando na absorção de cálcio e na prevenção de doenças como a osteoporose.
5. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: O magnésio é vital para o funcionamento adequado do sistema imunológico, ajudando a manter o corpo protegido contra doenças.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Earthborn Elements Magnesium Chloride, recomenda-se dissolver uma colher de sopa do pó em um copo de água morna e consumir uma vez ao dia. Para aplicações tópicas, misture o pó com óleos essenciais ou adicione à água do banho para um efeito relaxante e revitalizante. É importante começar com doses menores e aumentar gradualmente, conforme necessário, sempre consultando um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação.
Jeanna C. –
This brand was recommended to me by my Dr. and it’s worked great. If you haven’t been able to get your magnesium levels up with just pills, (most people can’t) try this in a foot soak or bath. The absorption is so much better.
Edy Medina –
I have opened 5 gallon plastic and metal containers, this magnesium container was difficult because I could not put it on its’ side for fear of spilling its’ contents and the small size of the container; it is nice to have a container that durable and secure. There is crude instructions molded onto the top of lid. I found it impossible to open with a screw driver and pressing in the middle of the lid. After many minutes trying to do that with that technique, I gave up trying that way! I was successful with a clamp pliers by pulling up around the circumference of the lid which deformed the rim of the lid and then pushing down in the center of the lid, I was able to remove the lid.
Skabberdink –
First off, the company has changed the difficult lid issue and it was very easy to open.
The powder dissolves easily in liquid and while it could taste better, it isn’t awful. You might like to dissolve a small amount in water and then add it to some juice.
The book, Magnesium, reversing disease, by Thomas E Levy, MD, recommends magnesium chloride for sleep, heart issues, and general health.
Dr. Levy suggests mixing 25 grams of the magnesium chloride powder with 1000 ccs of water. 4 oz of this gives you 350 mgs of magnesium. I take this about an hour and a half before bedtime and have switched from light, broken sleep of about five hours to sleeping 7-9 hours with one quick wake up in the middle. 😃
The other plus is the cost compared to pills or tablets. It’s a great bargain as 25 grams is so little an amount to mix.
Cassidi –
I love putting this in my kiddos baths for extra magnesium! They dont complain of any itching and burning. It’s much more cost effective than other magnesium or “epson” bath options. Will definitely continue to buy.
Shelia Dean –
Got what I ordered
DJ –
Hi 🙂
I mistaken this product as a food supplement and based on reading over the internet discovered I made a mistake in buying it 🙄 let me explain
I was looking for magnesium oxide and not magnesium chloride 🤔 so my mistake 🤐
Then upon not being able to cancel the order as it was shipped I did the math😏
To get close to 400 mg of magnesium oxide with magnesium chloride is 1/3 * 3 or 129 mg* 3 which is still less than 400 mg like 387 mg I think 🤔
I trying the bulk calcium carbonate and zinc gluconate from Earthborn by the way 🙂
Anyway the point is once I did take tbsp of table salt to try to get my CMP sodium level up and ended up with edema in both legs the next day which took a few Dr visits of injected blood thinner in the legs to help get that fixed and the Dr put me on some kind of blood thinner for abouts 6 months 😲 in my opinion based on my past experience only and not a statement of fact but a personal opinion
Thus if I understand the Google search results magnesium chloride is salt and at a 1 tbsp to try to come close to 400 mg of magnesium oxide 🙄 is not a good comparison and thus in conclusion I recommend to others not to buy this product as a food supplement but rather as an alternative to table salt and as with table salt one needs to be careful not to take too much in my opinion based on my past experience only and not a statement of fact but a personal opinion based on my past experience only okay 😎
Jennifer Nunez –
I like this product it dilutes nicely and it’s working