CLIF BLOKS – Sabor Mountain Berry – Gomas Energéticas – Não-OGM – Baseado em Plantas – Combustível Rápido para Ciclismo e Corrida – Carboidratos e Eletrólitos Rápidos – 60g (18 Unidades)
Os CLIF BLOKS sabor Mountain Berry são a escolha ideal para atletas e entusiastas do esporte que buscam um combustível rápido e eficiente durante suas atividades físicas. Com uma combinação perfeita de carboidratos e eletrólitos, essas gomas energéticas oferecem uma solução prática e saborosa para manter a energia em alta durante corridas, ciclismo ou treinos intensos. Cada porção contém 33 calorias e 24g de carboidratos, proporcionando um suprimento contínuo de energia para os músculos, enquanto os 50mg de sódio ajudam a repor os eletrólitos perdidos durante o exercício.
Desenvolvidas por atletas para atletas, as gomas são fáceis de consumir, com uma textura macia e um sabor agridoces de frutas vermelhas que agradam ao paladar. Feitas com ingredientes à base de plantas e certificadas como orgânicas pelo USDA, os CLIF BLOKS não contêm organismos geneticamente modificados (OGM), xarope de milho com alto teor de frutose ou sabores artificiais, garantindo uma opção saudável e natural para quem se preocupa com a qualidade dos alimentos que consome.
- Fornecimento rápido de energia, ideal para atividades de endurance.
- Fácil de consumir durante treinos, sem necessidade de água para mastigar.
- Ingredientes naturais e sem OGM, promovendo uma alimentação saudável.
- Textura macia e sabor agradável, tornando o consumo prazeroso.
- Controle de eletrólitos com 50mg de sódio, personalizando a hidratação.
Para otimizar seu desempenho durante atividades físicas, recomenda-se consumir um cubo de CLIF BLOKS a cada 10-15 minutos, acompanhado de água para garantir a hidratação adequada. Os cubos são projetados para serem facilmente mastigáveis e podem ser ingeridos durante a prática esportiva, proporcionando uma liberação rápida de energia e eletrólitos. Experimente os CLIF BLOKS sabor Mountain Berry e sinta a diferença em sua performance atlética!
Kelly S. –
I have been running/racing for 20+ years. I discovered Bloks at an expo and have never looked back. These are my ‘reward’ for finishing a line. I eat one at every mile of my long runs/races. I’m kind of picky about flavors so I don’t care for a lot of flavors, though I will chew them down without an issue, but Mountain Berry is my favorite.
If you don’t like the slimy feel or texture of Gu, try these.
Hector L. –
Gave me the push that I need it for my me to finish my endurance ride
Lena Christina Bonalumi –
Die Blocks liefern schnell und zuverlässig Energie. Sie sind perfekt portioniert, kleben kaum beim Anfassen/beim Essen und lassen sich auch bei hoher Belastung gut essen. Schmecken tun sie auch noch 🙂
Toller Service und schnelle Lieferung durch den Händler.
Es wurden sogar einige Probepackungen von Clif-Bars mitgesendet.
fuel98rider –
Bästa jag hittat för att boosta energi vid uthàllighetssporter (löpning och tennis, ski rando etc)
Katherine Von Dullen –
Very tasty snack during my rides, I feel it helps me get my mileage
exercisemom –
I love the watermellon flavor. Trying this out for it is much cheaper. This one is not bad. However it came in an open box. I hate it when items arrived like this as if I am buying a used item.
Ryan –
This is one of two brands I go to when doing ultra long endurance rides. It is easy to open while riding, although opening it up before starting a ride is definitely easier. I like these because they are easy on the stomach, and provide a good boost to the energy drink I use. Three blocks every 45 minutes works well for me. The taste of the mountain berry is good and probably my favorite. Will be ordering more.
Lucas Wells –
Quick background: I’m an avid mountain biker, which is my primary use for these energy chews. I prefer them over many other options due to the fact that they check all the boxes that I need as a person who carries their materials in a pack over rough terrain.
Here’s the main reasons I use these over other forms of energy snacks:
+They’re clean and don’t get messy
+The pack and food item itself is durable
+Good, fast energy for longer rides (remember to consume a serving 15-30 minutes before and every 20-30 minutes of high intensity cardio)
+Does not leave mouth with a dry feeling
+Difficult to choke on
+Excellent flavor
+No caffeine
+They keep for a long time (over a year for the “best by”, but I’ve never had them that long).
When I mention durability, I’m speaking that the food doesn’t disintegrate in a pack. I’ve tried other snacks like Honey Stingers, which while delicious, are a crumbly mess and hard to consume while riding. As these are gels and sugar, usually salivation increases after eating these, which is desirable since having a dry mouth is never ideal. I also do have a water pack with me, but only want to use it when needed.
I know some of those sound like a joke, but when you’re biking or participating in high intensity exercise, you aren’t always fully focused on eating. Generally I continue biking while eating and drinking, so having something that’s easy to swallow and not choke on is a great feature.
Anyway, these are highly recommended and I enjoy that they are still caffeine free. I’m plenty awake and aware when my heart rate is through the roof from climbing category four trails as it is.
exercisemom –
I’ve used these for years for longer runs and races. No water required. They tastes great and actually make your mouth water slightly. I still take GUs (regular, not rocktane) and one block every 1-2 miles. Mountain Berry is a great flavor. Get yourself a Flipbelt if you’re a serious runner. They are awesome. Holds all your supplements, phone, whatever with zero bounce. Sometimes I eat them for snacks.
Brecht Creyns –
Started using Cliff books during longer rides in the mountains. These bloks are a quick source of energy, easy to eat and are easier to swallow compared to most gels available. Price is the only negative when to use them at the recommended servings.