Descrição do Produto: Classical Stretch by ESSENTRICS: Season 9 Weight Loss
A série Classical Stretch by ESSENTRICS: Season 9 Weight Loss é uma jornada transformadora que combina exercícios de alongamento e tonificação, projetados para ajudar aqueles que enfrentam dores crônicas e lesões a alcançar seus objetivos de perda de peso e fortalecimento corporal. Com um total de 690 minutos distribuídos em 4 discos, esta coleção apresenta 30 episódios de 23 minutos cada, oferecendo uma variedade de componentes que incluem All-Standing, All-Floor, Standing & Barre, e Standing & Floor. O nível intermediário e o ritmo médio das aulas tornam-nas acessíveis, mas desafiadoras, para quem busca um equilíbrio entre diversão e eficácia.
Os treinos de perda de peso são dinâmicos e envolventes, focando na queima de gordura enquanto tonificam e fortalecem o corpo como um todo. É importante lembrar que, para um programa de emagrecimento eficaz, a inclusão de uma dieta saudável é essencial. Por outro lado, os treinos de alívio da dor combinam alongamentos profundos com exercícios direcionados para aliviar desconfortos, proporcionando uma sensação de leveza e bem-estar. Essas aulas populares também são projetadas para reduzir o estresse, liberando a tensão acumulada nos músculos e aumentando a circulação sanguínea em todo o corpo.
Cada episódio da Temporada 9 trabalha o corpo inteiro, deixando você se sentindo energizado, reequilibrado e rejuvenescido. Filmado em locais deslumbrantes nos Occidental Hotels & Resorts no México, este programa não só promove a saúde física, mas também oferece uma experiência visual relaxante e inspiradora.
1. Alívio da Dor: Os exercícios são projetados para aliviar dores crônicas e rigidez, proporcionando conforto e mobilidade.
2. Tonificação Muscular: A combinação de alongamentos e exercícios de resistência ajuda a tonificar e fortalecer todos os grupos musculares.
3. Aumento da Circulação: Os treinos promovem uma melhor circulação sanguínea, essencial para a saúde geral e recuperação muscular.
4. Redução do Estresse: As aulas ajudam a liberar a tensão acumulada, promovendo um estado de relaxamento e bem-estar mental.
5. Acessibilidade: Com um nível intermediário e uma variedade de formatos de treino, é adequado para uma ampla gama de habilidades e condições físicas.
Para obter os melhores resultados com Classical Stretch by ESSENTRICS: Season 9 Weight Loss, recomenda-se realizar os treinos de 3 a 5 vezes por semana. Cada sessão de 23 minutos pode ser facilmente integrada à sua rotina diária, seja pela manhã para energizar o dia ou à noite para relaxar antes de dormir. Comece com os treinos All-Standing para aquecer o corpo, seguido pelos treinos All-Floor para um alongamento profundo. Alterne entre os componentes Standing & Barre e Standing & Floor para diversificar sua prática e manter o engajamento. Lembre-se de ouvir seu corpo e ajustar a intensidade conforme necessário, garantindo que cada movimento seja realizado com atenção e controle.
Chris A –
Miranda’s workouts CHANGED MY LIFE. I feel different in my body than I ever have; it is now a proud integral part of me rather than a burden to drag around.
I am 54 years old, struggling with weight lifelong (currently 30 lbs overweight), a back-of-pack (slow) runner, once-a week yogini, with knee problems caused by several patellar dislocations and the strain of running. I also have one painful (undiagnosed) shoulder and occasionally my low back “goes out.”
I started doing Miranda’s program on PBS, and after a year of starts and stops committed to doing it every day. After three months of daily (well, okay, sometimes 5-6 times a week) workouts, I know I need to do this for the rest of my life. I preferred PBS’s Season 9 so decided to get this DVD set and cycle through the program every 30 days (yes, folks, that’s 30 different workouts!).
Miranda, as an instructor, is not so great. She loses count, isn’t consistent, is off-rhythm, kind of corny (which I actually like), and sometimes talks too much! However, I believe she is, and therefore her workouts are, GENIUS! You just have to figure out how to make the most of them; it will get better over time.
The main benefits, for me, are first: 1) mobility and 2) range of motion, followed by 3) strength and 4) flexibility. You will not get as strong as if you are lifting weights or as flexible as if you are doing yoga; however, this to me it’s the perfect combination. It has improved my base level of fitness in all areas. I cannot say this about anything I did in the past (and I have done many programs, gyms, etc).
Specifically, my hips are stronger and more mobile and flexible and therefore help to support my aching knees. My shoulder, although still painful, is mobile. My core (not my abs but my full trunk) is stronger and I sit and stand tall. My low back feels stronger and has not given out. Doing a Miranda workout after a run helps to ease the tightness and pain. It also has improved my yoga practice. Additionally, my toes and ankles are more supportive and mobile. Same with hands, fingers, forearms, etc. This workout proves that it is so much better to MOVE than to do nothing!
When I first saw the workouts, my head said “old lady workouts.” After doing the workouts a few times I was sore in places I didn’t know existed! If I did it over again I would not be so enthusiastic about the stretching and pulling.
Don’t worry if you cannot do everything. I believe the warmups in Season 9 are too fast so I do them at a slower pace. I stink at plies. I never listen when Miranda says “pull, pull, pull.” Do what you can, listen to your body, and improvement (along with a sense of pride in your body) will come. If you can’t get on the floor or use a barre (chair) then do some of the standing-only workouts.
As a person who has struggled with body hatred all my life, I have started down a road of appreciation and caring for my body. This is the time of my life when I cannot afford NOT to do this. I am so grateful for Miranda!
JuneA –
Quick delivery.. This is my favorite workout video.
J –
Recommend. If you are unable to exercise, need encouragement try this exercise teacher!
Maureen walker –
She does not have cable or internet so this is a must
she uses everyday and has increased mobility because of it
She gives it 2 thumbs and 1 toe up!
CDavi –
saw on PBS didn’t buy.
i have failed Scoliosis surgery resulting loss of mobility 5 yrs. now , used walker though still youngish:)LOL
I was shocked when i got this home and see its tons of videos …each devoted to whole body w focus on certain areas!
WOW. BUT u move constantly but slowly ,
No strain, I could do almost all her stretches , each workout each is only 13 min! IT is OVER SO FAST!
NOT USING ANY Equipment or Weights.. just stretching , it tones flabby arms , inner outer thighs/ hips.
ALL her stretching workouts begin w/ body warm up stretching, then moves to focus on specific body area issues.
I LOVE that, in case someone needs back help for pain, or core toning , thighs etc.
Elongates the spine , IF me with a Crooked Spine and Steel rods attached to it can do these ANY ONE CAN.
ITS PEACEFUL, Calming , RELAXING, NOT like YOGA and not Pilates .
SHE Explains why and how the body and muscles work to control this body function or that one etc.
There are workouts SPECIALLY for BACK PAIN< HIP PAIN< Shoulder Pain rotary cuff pain etc…
I haven’t done all workouts because each DVD comes with has so many on 1 disc!
And there are 6 disc I think. BUT i am LOVING this, it helps with my sever insomnia too.
those with
ALL AGES can USE THIS, from teens Seniors THERE TRULY are stretches for peopelk that haven’t moved in 20 yrs or more , so no matter what ur ability or lack of ability is.
I am grateful , because my strength is returning and flexibility, tone, the tightness of hip joints is better, my mobility in getting around is increased.
My hips are fused form my shoulders to my hips, so pelvis is constricted and this helps alot.
Muscle tone and reverse of muscle Atrophy can happen at any age if we move around.
I realized after sitting in house immobile 5 yrs., that not moving, perpetuates more immobility.
I took the initiative and got this , so I can get my life back.
Regain strength, release pain, gain flexibility , restore posture
Oh! If your 5ft. 5 inches or Shorter , and want to be taller…with age our spines decompress, its why all humans lose height!
These stretches elongate the spine, limbs, in time restores proper muscle tone to regain proper posture
Lets spine decompress naturally .
She explains it all , but my DRs told me this already.
Maureen walker –
For how expensive this dvd are the casing and packaging is cheap not happy and the smell that coming from the plastic or the paper sleeves is unbearable my others didn’t smell like this at all ☹️
Great exercises with each one focusing on different body areas and each one 20 minutes in length. A perfect add on to a daily routine.
Trina Towner –
Great daily exercise ….my mobility and strength has improved a lot…