O Clarins Total Eye Revive é um tratamento em creme-gel para os olhos que se destaca por sua eficácia no combate aos sinais de envelhecimento. Com uma fórmula inovadora, ele suaviza visivelmente as linhas finas, reduz olheiras, inchaço e os sinais de fadiga, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem e descansada. O produto é enriquecido com extrato de Teasel encapsulado, que oferece uma ação revitalizante exatamente onde seus olhos mais precisam. O aplicador de metal, além de ser um diferencial, proporciona uma sensação refrescante ao aplicar, potencializando a experiência de uso e os resultados.
Este gel para os olhos não apenas combate os efeitos do estresse e da fadiga, mas também ilumina a área dos olhos, conferindo um brilho radiante. A textura leve e de rápida absorção permite que o produto se integre facilmente à sua rotina de cuidados, tornando-se um aliado indispensável para quem busca olhos mais vibrantes e saudáveis.
– Reduz linhas finas: Este creme-gel para os olhos é formulado para visivelmente suavizar as linhas finas, proporcionando uma aparência mais jovem e revitalizada.
– Combate olheiras: Com sua fórmula especial, este tratamento para os olhos tem como alvo as olheiras, reduzindo sua aparência e iluminando a área dos olhos.
– Reduz inchaço: O aplicador de metal refrescante ajuda a reduzir o inchaço ao redor dos olhos, proporcionando uma sensação de alívio e revitalização.
– Combate sinais de fadiga: Este produto é especialmente formulado para combater os sinais de fadiga, deixando os olhos com uma aparência mais descansada e radiante.
– Proporciona brilho: Com o extrato de Teasel encapsulado, este gel para os olhos proporciona um brilho radiante, deixando a área dos olhos mais luminosa e revitalizada.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique o creme-gel para os olhos Clarins Total Eye Revive de manhã e à noite. Aplique uma pequena quantidade do produto na área dos olhos e massageie suavemente com a ponta do aplicador de metal. Utilize movimentos suaves, do canto interno ao canto externo dos olhos, garantindo que o produto seja bem absorvido. Este tratamento pode ser usado sozinho ou como parte de sua rotina de cuidados com a pele. Aproveite a sensação refrescante e os benefícios revitalizantes deste produto para obter olhos mais brilhantes e descansados.
Best Bad Day Ever –
Conoscevo già questa crema, buona, ma se si cerca un effetto più”compattante” non va bene…comunque è valida
dnkb –
This eye cream is a nice gel consistency and a little bit goes a long way. It absorbs well and doesn’t make my eyelids feel greasy. I also haven’t experienced any milia formations either, which is great. I start at the bottom corner of my eyelids and swoop under my eyes and toward my temples. I also put some between my eyebrows and on my eyelids.
Overall, this is a great eye cream that feels high quality and makes my eyes feel nicely moisturized.
slproctor –
Many years ago I observed a flight attendant applying a lotion to her eyelids. I asked her about it. She recommended Clarins Total Eye Revive. She told me all the attendants used it. I have used it for many years. Now, retired and not flying, I live in an area with high heat and humidity. Clarins Total Eye Revive saves my eyes again. I always have an extra tube on hand. I highly recommend Clarins Total Eye Revive – it’s even fab for when you have to be ontehr computer for many hours…it soothes the eye lids and prevents drying and itching.
Claudia M. Laupmanis –
Man, I really wish I loved this Clarins Total Eye Revive. I really love Clarins, and used the Clarins Total Eye Lift for a full decade. However, I have a few problems with this eye product.
First of all, the packaging for this is just…bad. I nearly had to review this by saying that I couldn’t actually try the eye cream. I almost could not get the lid off the tube. I mean…just…the lid wouldn’t come off. I would love to say that I used a proper tool to remove the cap, but I just pulled it off with my teeth. Bad form, I know, but that’s what I did. At least the lid was removed successfully.
Then I was faced with a puzzling process which had me squeezing the cream out from one side of the metal applicator, rubbing it on my skin, turning the thing around, and massaging it in with the cool, rounded side of the metal tip. So weird. This didn’t add to the experience at all.
How about the eye cream itself? This product seemed to pill a bit when I applied my concealer, which is never a good thing. I tried to stipple my concealer carefully on subsequent days, which seemed to help, but I’m never going to be really fond of any eye cream that pills up under my makeup.
I don’t know if it’s working to reduce lines, but my regular take on eye creams is that sometimes they hydrate really well, and that’s about all I ask for. If there were any true miracle creams, I’d probably see them in my dermatologist’s office (so far I haven’t). I don’t feel that this hydrates particularly well, either. It’s definitely not my favorite Clarins product.
Too bad, because I generally love Clarins products.
Not gonna lie… It takes a little practice to get the whole application thing down. But the coolness of the applicator itself does seem to help with minor puffiness. I’ve been using this nearly a month now and I do think maybe I’ve noticed a reduction of dark circles, mostly because the skin under my eyes is more hydrated and has a bit more volume, I think. No real improvement on skin tightness or fine lines, though, which is sort of a bummer. I’ve had no irritation at all, though, and I’m going to continue using it. The jury’s still out on whether or not I’ll get more when it’s gone.
Mary DeNeira –
Works on my eyes
This is a high-quality, well-absorbed, comfortable-to-use cream. I like the texture of this eye cream – it absorbs into the skin very well and is non-greasy. It doesn’t have a strong fragrance, and this is what I like. I applied a half-pea size cream on both eyes for 1 week. I can see my dark eye circles are getting lighter and fine lines are less obvious. However, I still haven’t seen any lifting effect so far.
My skin was not irritated with this cream. The texture is smooth, and it’s a light, slightly opaque white colour. I will keep using it.
5MoreMinutesPlz –
Not nearly as effective as the previous product that was, eye revive beauty flash
PJ –
The eye cream itself isn’t too bad, and while I can’t say I’ve seen a drastic improvement I wasn’t exactly expecting that much. I just aim for something that’s hopefully hydrating and one day maybe I’ll find one that helps my dark circles. As is stands, this one is nicely hydrating, and is nice to use when I’m getting ready since it isn’t too heavy. The scent wasn’t bad per se, but this is just an eye cream and I could definitely see it being perfectly fine if not better if they just didn’t scent it (or at least not so overtly scented).
Really the worst part about the product was actually the packaging. I don’t mind the tube, but the pump and applicator tip was strange and confusing and I really can’t think of why it was necessary. I’ve never come across a tip like it before, and honestly I won’t be sad if I never run into it again. Otherwise, a pretty middling eye cream.