O Christophe Robin Scrub Purificante com Sal Marinho é um esfoliante capilar que se destaca por sua capacidade de proporcionar uma limpeza profunda e revigorante ao couro cabeludo. Com uma fórmula inovadora que combina sal marinho, este produto é ideal para quem busca desintoxicar os fios e equilibrar a oleosidade. O sal marinho atua como um agente esfoliante suave, removendo impurezas e resíduos de produtos acumulados ao longo do dia, enquanto promove uma sensação refrescante que estimula a circulação sanguínea. Essa ação não apenas limpa, mas também contribui para um cabelo mais saudável e brilhante.
Este esfoliante é o tratamento detox definitivo para aqueles que enfrentam problemas como couro cabeludo oleoso e coceira. A esfoliação suave proporcionada pelo sal marinho ajuda a acalmar a irritação, oferecendo alívio imediato e promovendo um ambiente saudável para o crescimento dos fios. Ao incorporar o Christophe Robin Scrub Purificante em sua rotina de cuidados capilares, você estará investindo em um cabelo revitalizado, livre de resíduos e com um brilho natural.
1. Tratamento detox para o couro cabeludo: Remove o acúmulo diário, revitalizando os cabelos.
2. Equilibra couros cabeludos oleosos: Controla a produção excessiva de óleo, proporcionando um couro cabeludo mais saudável.
3. Alivia coceira no couro cabeludo: A esfoliação suave acalma a irritação, oferecendo conforto imediato.
4. Remove resíduos e impurezas: Deixa os cabelos limpos e saudáveis, prontos para receber outros tratamentos.
5. Revigora os cabelos: Promove uma limpeza profunda que resulta em fios mais brilhantes e com aspecto saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, aplique uma quantidade adequada do esfoliante no couro cabeludo seco ou úmido. Massageie delicadamente com as pontas dos dedos, incluindo a nuca, para garantir uma distribuição uniforme. Emulsifique o produto com um pouco de água e enxágue completamente. Para manter o couro cabeludo limpo e saudável, recomenda-se o uso regular do produto, ajustando a frequência conforme necessário para o seu tipo de cabelo e couro cabeludo.
Jennifer –
I love the feeling of the salt and it lathers up. I like that it does a great job. A small amount goes along way.
Alison C Shepherd –
I have very thick hair, but I was able to massage it into my scalp. I was really worried that I was damaging my hair, but in the end, my hair came out beautifully With only a small amount of conditioner.
so clean and fresh and smooth and my scalp was left feeling cooled Calm and collected!
Leena –
Wow this is a GREAT cleansing scrub … turns into a very silky shampoo left my scalp and hair feeling fresh … but OMG the salt crystals are kinda BIG and it felt like I was getting cut on my skin while washing out the scrub I would recommend having the hair very wet so the crystals can melt while your scrubbing ! the detangling after using this scrub is BRUTAL ! I would definitely recommend a detangling conditioner . I guess you have to find a effective way to use it maybe scrubbing down the shaft ? Left my hair in matted knots .. but once I got it all detangled it was extremely clean and soft …
Anna –
My hair really happy with this scrub, it makes me feel so clean and fresh. Some people complain about scent, but for me it’s just perfect and you feel it only while washing, after rinsing no smell stays. So I love it 👍🏻
Fernanda –
Lo descubrí por un regalo de Sephora en el que vienen productos pequeños para que pruebes. De verdad que es una maravilla, he usado muchos shampoos para controlar el sebo del cuero cabelludo pero nada como éste. Es cero agresivo y te deja una sensación súper limpia. Lo recomiendo sin duda.
anneleisag –
I have had a dry scalp for a long time, and this is the only product that I can use that takes away the itchiness and overall has my hair feeling really good I’ve come to find out that I haven’t been treating my hair properly so this product has really helped gain the strength to my damaged hair. I have recently discovered that I should not be using it a curling iron on my hair. I should just be putting product in it and scrunching it. I’m 35. I tried for so long to tame my hair but I’m finally giving into the waves and natural curl. I honestly have stopped looking for shampoos ever since I found this line.
Cheryl –
I look for a product that can cleanse my hair before coloring… this product completely cleans your hair, and you can actually feel it. I will never use any other!
The Rebecca Review –
If you are looking for a way to renew your scalp and give your hair super shine this is the product to use! I was amazed at how little is needed! This has some scrubby salt granules in it that help to exfoliate the scalp but really the suds do the deep cleaning. I just had my hair colored and it was not as shiny as after using this a week later! The softness of my hair is also really impressive. So my hair is glistening and my scalp is completely clean. The scent of the product is also pleasant. I do suggest a deep conditioner after using this. My hair was easy to comb through! I’m really impressed, I’ll get this again! This is going to be one of those products I can’t live without!!!!
~The Rebecca Review
P.S. After the third use I did notice some removal of coloring in some of my hair. So hair may become lighter than the color you have on your hair.
Sandra Knapp –
A dear friend of mine recommended this “wonderful” shampoo. I have to tell you, it’s incredibly! I love it!!! It leaves my hair so clear, shiny and full of volume! It’s not for an everyday use, but definitely once a week to do some serious cleaning on your hair. I highly recommend this great shampoo.
T –
I’ve been using this scalp scrub for a few weeks now. It definitely serves as a decent scalp scrub and leaves my hair very clean. I love the soft herbal scent it has. However, right after I rinse it out of my hair, I notice that my hair becomes dry and difficult to glide my fingers through. This is temporary, since I do follow with a conditioner, but it’s just something I noticed. For context, I have fine and straight hair.