A Chlorella Orgânica BioChlorella é um superalimento que se destaca por suas 3 certificações orgânicas, garantindo a pureza e a qualidade do produto. Esta alga azul-verde, cultivada ao sol em uma região ambientalmente limpa do sul da Índia, é apresentada na forma de parede celular quebrada, o que maximiza a absorção de seus nutrientes. Com um perfil nutricional impressionante, a Chlorella é rica em vitaminas, minerais e fitonutrientes, além de conter o Fator de Crescimento da Chlorella (CGF), que é conhecido por suas propriedades únicas que promovem a saúde celular e o rejuvenescimento.
Os comprimidos de Chlorella Orgânica BioChlorella atendem aos rigorosos padrões de qualidade estabelecidos por órgãos certificadores como o USDA, Naturland e EU. Esses padrões garantem que o cultivo da Chlorella siga práticas sustentáveis e livres de contaminantes. A alga é testada por terceiros para assegurar que não contenha metais pesados, mofo, E. coli, microcistinas e outros contaminantes, oferecendo assim um produto seguro e eficaz.
Além de ser um poderoso aliado na desintoxicação do organismo, a Chlorella também promove a saúde cerebral, cardiovascular e imunológica. Estudos demonstram que ela pode ajudar a neutralizar o estresse oxidativo e a inflamação, contribuindo para uma saúde celular otimizada. Com seu alto teor de nutrientes e propriedades benéficas, a Chlorella Orgânica BioChlorella é uma escolha ideal para quem busca melhorar sua saúde de forma natural e eficaz.
- Fonte mais pura e ideal de Chlorella orgânica do mundo, garantindo qualidade superior.
- Três certificações orgânicas que asseguram a pureza e a segurança do produto.
- Conteúdo nutricional potente, rico em vitaminas e minerais essenciais.
- Fator de Crescimento da Chlorella que promove a saúde celular e o rejuvenescimento.
- Auxilia na desintoxicação do corpo e na promoção da saúde total ao nível celular.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de X comprimidos de Chlorella Orgânica BioChlorella por dia, preferencialmente acompanhados de refeições para otimizar a absorção dos nutrientes. É aconselhável consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação, garantindo assim que o uso do produto seja adequado às suas necessidades individuais.
Deborah Taylor –
OMG! This was one of the worst nights of my life. I took this chlorella as part of a detox I wanted to do. I did not take anything along with this supplement. I took the recommended amount around 7pm with water. Was laying on my couch having a movie night and by the time 11pm rolled around I was literally kicking the sheets. I was having severe aches and pains all over. My legs felt like fish out of water. I had a nervous tension with cold sweats. I know I don’t have a sensitivity to chlorella. I used to take sun chlorella everyday. I DO NOT know what happened. But honestly I almost made my hubby take me to the ER. That’s how “bad” I felt. I know sourcing chlorella has a lot to do with quality. I thought I did my research and I thought I weighed my Amazon options pretty well. Well, I guess not cause I was completely miserable. I felt like a scared child. 36 yrs young and in tears over being so uncomfortable. I almost felt “drugged”and wonky like I was having mini hallucinations. I knew going into it I may experience mild issues but this was over the top. So weird! I wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy. Please be careful doing any type of detox! Honestly, I do raw green juices every day, magnesium and clay baths and coffee enemas. I’ve had awesome results. Tres carefully with this chlorella
Sherry L Rodriguez –
This is a great product. Tablets are easy to swallow with no aftertaste. I bought them to help with detoxification, but they seem to be helping to keep my blood sugar balanced.
JRo –
I have been using this chlorella for a couple of years. I love it and can tell it works. I use it to detox mercury from eating tuna fish, from pollutants in the air/environment. There are times I don’t take them and I can tell the difference. Usually I will take 2 tabs with my vitamins then 2 more later if I feel I exposed myself to fish or chemtrails are heavy that day. I can tell it works because the toxins come out through the skin on my face. Not a big deal. It’s just the way my body deals with toxicity. There are detox baths and other things that can be done to speed up the process.
Lori L –
Definitely a uplift in energy, that’s what I look for in a supplement.
Very Pleased product is what i expected gives me energy makes me vibrant great boost through the day very helpful I feel a lot healthier
BellaLuna –
Nutritional value is excellent.
Diana –
I buy way too many supplements, but I’m always up for trying something new! After taking these, I feel more energized and that my immune system is stronger. My entire family got sick one after another and I didn’t get sick! I will definitely buy another bottle as soon as I run out. They don’t smell very good, but I’m ok with that. Ideally I wouldn’t have to take 4 at a time, but they’re easy to swallow. I think it’s a great value and I spent quite a bit of time researching to choose the right chlorella!
Diana –
I just got this today so I’ll have to update on how the supplement makes me feel later. But I just wanted to say that the supplement does dissolve in water. I don’t know why the top review says the pills don’t dissolve. I am no chemist but put one pill in normal Poland Springs water and it dissolved immediately. I included a photo for proof. The photo was taken within a minute of putting the pill in the water.
I’ve been vegan for 6 years now and haven’t taken a supplement with any kind of regularity. I haven’t noticed any B12 deficiency symptoms but figured I’d better start taking some because apparently the liver stores B12 for up to 3 years and I am moving away from fortified vegan foods that have B12 (which are all processed) and towards more of a whole food diet (whole meaning as it comes right out of nature- no cooking) so better safe than sorry. I chose to get my B12 from Chlorella because don’t like the idea of taking “isolates” and would rather take herbs and algae so that all the vitamins and minerals and nutrients are in proper proportion according to the proportions set out by god and nature, not the RDA or some chemist in a lab at a supplement company.
I appreciate that this Chlorella has lots of B12, is raw, and has vigorous 3rd party testing.
Yes the bottle is plastic. I get it, it’s bad for the environment and can allegedly leech toxins. But on the bright side, plastic is lighter than glass which probably reduces carbon emissions from shipping by a little bit. If the supplement works then I guess the paralytic is worth it- just be sure to recycle the bottle when you’re done.