Descrição do Produto: Chike High Protein Iced Coffee Sampler Pack
O Chike High Protein Iced Coffee Sampler Pack é a escolha perfeita para quem busca uma combinação irresistível de sabor e nutrição. Cada pacote contém 6 porções individuais de café gelado, cada uma com 20 g de proteína, 2 doses de espresso e apenas 1 g de açúcar. Este produto é ideal para quem segue uma dieta cetogênica e é livre de glúten, proporcionando uma opção saudável e prática para o seu dia a dia. O Chike é feito com ingredientes de alta qualidade, garantindo um sabor rico e encorpado que satisfaz o paladar dos amantes de café. Com a conveniência das porções individuais, você pode desfrutar de um café gelado nutritivo em qualquer lugar, seja no trabalho, na academia ou em casa. Experimente a energia e a saciedade que o Chike oferece, sem abrir mão do sabor.
1. Alto Teor de Proteína: Com 20 g de proteína por porção, ajuda na recuperação muscular e na saciedade, ideal para quem pratica atividades físicas.
2. Baixo Teor de Açúcar: Apenas 1 g de açúcar, tornando-o uma opção saudável para quem deseja controlar a ingestão de açúcar.
3. Keto Friendly: Perfeito para dietas cetogênicas, ajudando a manter a cetose sem comprometer o sabor.
4. Praticidade: As porções individuais facilitam o consumo em qualquer lugar, tornando-o um aliado na rotina agitada.
5. Sabor Irresistível: Feito com espresso de alta qualidade, proporciona uma experiência de café gelado rica e deliciosa.
Para preparar o Chike High Protein Iced Coffee, basta misturar um pacote com 240 ml de água gelada ou leite de sua preferência. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para um sabor ainda mais intenso, experimente adicionar gelo ou misturar em um liquidificador. O resultado é uma bebida refrescante e nutritiva, perfeita para começar o dia ou como um lanche pós-treino. Aproveite a praticidade e o sabor do Chike em sua rotina diária!
Motek Fourtytwo –
Very convenient for travel. I love that each packet is a serving.
Lets you try all of the flavors, unlike every other protein shake coffee mix I looked at, which are all very expensive for large bags.
All of the flavors are sweet and smooth when blended wit ice and nonfat lactose free mik (how I tried them).
Each packet has a lot of caffeine – I felt more awake after this then after my usual 2 cups of coffee.
The vanilla flavor won for best tasting.
The peanut butter chocolate flavor also tasted good without bitterness, BUT it reminded me too much of a PB-C protein bar and was too sweet for me.
Too sweet for my husband who likes his coffee black. Even the original flavor tasted more like a latte, even when made with water.
Some of the flavors had a bitter after-taste – the original/plain packet would have been my favorite if not for the aftertaste.
The mocha flavor was not chocolatey and I did not like it.
The caramel flavor was surprisingly the worst because I could taste the protein powder throughout, despite making it smooth in a Ninja blender, and I could not finish it. I was surprised.
Yuji Jr. –
Just add water like the instructions say and it’s delicious. When added to Maxwell House coffee, it’s not so good. The piece is very reasonable when you consider a flavored coffee from a coffee shop. This product also has the added bonus of protein in it without being chalky.
Mary Jane Hughes –
I love this so much, drink it for breakfast and it is very satisfying. Holds my hunger. I’ve recently lost 70lbs and this shake is a great protien shake. I always drink protien shake for breakfast quick and easy. I mix it with 50 /50 fairlife milk, low fat and lactose free.
Bootsie –
love the drink but maybe one shot of expresso?
Maria –
These actually taste pretty good and I didn’t have high expectations for protein coffee. Some taste more protein-ish than others so here’s my take on the flavors (I had all of them iced)
Carmel: carmel is normally one of my go to flavors for coffee so I was excited for this one but I actually think it ranks as my least favorite because it had the strongest protein after taste
Mocha: same thing for mocha, I normally love it but this one had a fairly strong protein after taste
Vanilla: I normally hate vanilla coffee but I actually really liked this one. It did not have a protein after taste and was very smooth
Original: ended up being one of my favorites. It has a really good flavor and not too strong of an aftertaste. I expected to like it, but didn’t think it would be one of my favs so I was pleasantly surprised
Chocolate peanut butter : definitely my favorite and I ended up ordering a big bag of it. Very good and smooth with very little protein taste to it. It tastes like you’re drinking a Reese cup but not too sweet
Cinnamon: not terrible as far as an aftertaste goes, but I don’t personally love cinnamon so it just wasn’t for me
Overall I think Chike has a great flavor and does a good job about masking the protein. I look forward to drinking these every morning. Although I’m not too sure about the two shots of espresso because I never feel super energized afterwards. Either way I think they’re a great after workout drink to fill you up and get a little caffeine in. They’re easy to shake and take on the go which is also what I love about them. I also don’t think it’s too ridiculously priced compared to most protein products.
One thing I did with some of them is I ended up getting the torani sugar free syrups to add a little more flavor. I combined the original with torani sugar free pumpkin and it was very good.
Sarah Fetrow –
I love coffee but load up on creamer at times and needed to find a healthier option.I am so impressed with how good this blended and tastes! It is not chalky at all. I used fair life milk for an added 13gms of protein! It adds calories but it’s typically a meal replacement for me. Worth the buy!
Dear ladies and gents,
I brought this protein powder I read some bad reviews but decided to be optimistic – BELIEVE THE BAD REVIEWS. It has a horrible test – it doesnt mix at all. ABSOLUTE WASTE OF MONEY.
Debra Mays –
This coffee is a bit expensive but well worth the money it is delicious. Mixes well and very flavorful. I will definitely buy again.
mohammed –
Amazing test little sweet
Some flavours more sweeter than others
Overall recommended
Love the orginal and mocha
Samira Asad –
I recommend