Descrição do Produto: Secrets of Tea No to Morning Sickness Tea
O chá Secrets of Tea No to Morning Sickness é uma mistura cuidadosamente elaborada para proporcionar alívio e conforto às gestantes que enfrentam o desconforto da náusea matinal. Com uma combinação única de ervas naturais, como gengibre, hortelã-pimenta e camomila, este chá não só ajuda a acalmar o estômago, mas também promove uma sensação de bem-estar. A fórmula é livre de cafeína, garantindo que você possa desfrutar de uma xícara quente a qualquer hora do dia, sem preocupações. Além disso, o chá é 100% orgânico, sem adição de conservantes ou ingredientes artificiais, tornando-o uma escolha saudável e segura para futuras mamães. O sabor suave e refrescante torna a experiência de beber chá ainda mais agradável, ajudando a transformar um momento difícil em um ritual relaxante.
1. Alívio Natural das Náuseas: A combinação de gengibre e hortelã-pimenta é conhecida por suas propriedades antieméticas, ajudando a reduzir a sensação de enjoo.
2. Apoio ao Bem-Estar Digestivo: Ingredientes como a camomila promovem a digestão saudável, aliviando desconfortos estomacais.
3. Sem Cafeína: Ideal para gestantes, pois não contém cafeína, permitindo o consumo a qualquer hora do dia.
4. 100% Orgânico: Livre de aditivos químicos, conservantes e ingredientes artificiais, garantindo uma opção saudável e segura.
5. Sabor Agradável: O sabor refrescante torna o consumo do chá uma experiência prazerosa, ajudando a relaxar e a desestressar.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se preparar o chá Secrets of Tea No to Morning Sickness da seguinte forma: ferva 250 ml de água e adicione uma saqueta do chá. Deixe em infusão por 5 a 7 minutos, permitindo que os sabores e propriedades das ervas se liberem completamente. Para um efeito ainda mais calmante, pode-se adicionar uma colher de mel ou limão a gosto. Consuma até duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente pela manhã e à tarde, para um alívio contínuo das náuseas. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer novo suplemento durante a gestação.
Katie Grace –
These tea was very helpful, but like some other reviews said it is helpful when your actually drinking it. The effect does not last once your done drinking. I would keep smelling the container because even that made me feel better! I still give it 5 stars because when your desperate and so so sick any kind of help is welcome.
Martha –
Not only does this not help , it tasted so bad that it actually made my stomach worse. I tried on more then one occasion thinking it was just a really bad day and I should try it again but nope. 👎 I wish I could return it.
Angelica –
Great flavor, lasted forever, took care of my morning sickness so I was able to work!! Amazing. Wish it was still available.
Kristina –
The tea has a very mild taste. I did not have to add anything in it (sugar, cream). I did not notice any flavors in it that were stronger than others. There was a comment on here that said it had a strong mint flavor, I did not taste any of that at all. But anyways, I suffer from morning sickness all throughout he day so I tried this the instant I got it. It did seem to relieve nausea symptoms but only for an hour or two. Once I started feeling symptoms again, I just made another cup. Overall very pleased
Amazon Customer –
Tea tasted good but it didn’t help me with morning sickness at all. Based on other reviews for different teas from same company I thought I hit the jackpot but unfortunately it didn’t help me. It didn’t make it worse but it didn’t help either…
AnUrbanMa –
I tried a bunch of different prescription drugs. None of them worked as well as this tea. I made sure to steep it at least 5 minutes.. and I actually sipped on it throughout the day. That was the best way to keep my nausea at bay since mine wasn’t just morning sickness. At first I added honey but by day 2 I didn’t need it. I like strong tea so the stronger the better for me. I highly recommend this tea, especially for people who don’t find relief with some of the more popular prescription drugs.
MommyAlpaca –
It works!! I’ve tried everything short of medicine (not interested in taking pills I really don’t need). It took the nausea away instantly. It’s NOT the greatest taste- I let it seep for 5 minutes and drank it straight. Since I’m not drinking this for flavor- I can deal with the taste.
It’s loose tea. I must have missed that so I wasn’t prepared when I received it. It says to pour the water right over it but I don’t like stuff in my tea so I had to purchase a tea ball.
This stuff is a blessing.
Jessica –
Tea isn’t very strong and didn’t help with morning sickness. I think any peppermint tea would be the same.