O Chá para Cólica do Bebê Secrets Of Tea é uma solução natural e orgânica, especialmente formulada para proporcionar alívio a bebês e recém-nascidos que sofrem com cólicas, gases, refluxo ácido e desconforto abdominal. Este chá, livre de cafeína, é ideal para promover um sono tranquilo e reparador, permitindo que os pequenos se sintam confortáveis e relaxados. Cada embalagem contém até 40 porções, garantindo que você tenha sempre à mão um recurso eficaz para o bem-estar do seu bebê.
O produto é elaborado com ingredientes 100% orgânicos, certificados pelo USDA, e é totalmente vegetariano e vegano. Isso significa que você pode oferecer ao seu filho uma solução segura e natural, sem adição de açúcares, álcool, corantes ou sabores artificiais. Os sachês biodegradáveis são práticos e podem ser utilizados duas vezes, maximizando o custo-benefício. Com o uso regular, os resultados são visíveis em apenas 1 a 3 dias, proporcionando alívio eficaz para problemas digestivos comuns em bebês.
Profissionais da saúde, como ginecologistas e herbalistas, além de celebridades, recomendam o Chá para Cólica do Bebê Secrets Of Tea, que já foi destaque em publicações renomadas como People e Women’s Day. Essa validação de especialistas reforça a confiança na eficácia do produto.
1. Alívio eficaz para cólicas e problemas digestivos em bebês e recém-nascidos.
2. Ingredientes orgânicos certificados pelo USDA, garantindo uma solução natural e segura.
3. Resultados visíveis em apenas 1 a 3 dias de uso regular.
4. 40 porções por lata, proporcionando um ótimo custo-benefício.
5. Aprovação de profissionais renomados e celebridades, aumentando a confiança no produto.
Para obter melhores resultados, recomenda-se utilizar o Chá de Cólica para bebês e recém-nascidos da Secrets Of Tea de 3 a 4 vezes ao dia. Ferva água e coloque um sachê de chá em uma xícara. Despeje a água quente sobre o sachê e deixe em infusão por 5 minutos. Após a infusão, retire o sachê e deixe o chá esfriar até atingir a temperatura ambiente. Administre ao seu bebê 1 a 2 colheres de chá do chá de cólica a cada 2 horas, conforme necessário. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de usar em bebês menores de 6 meses.
Leo –
Very expensive fennel tea. I bought this because my wife insisted, but you can just go to just about any grocery store and purchase a $4 fennel tea which will work exactly the same way. There is nothing special about this tea, except a great marketing idea for mothers. Needless to say that this tea didn’t really work for us, but I’m not upset up about the result as babies are different and what works for one doesn’t work for the other. It’s the fact that they mark this to those who want to do something for their young ones without offering anything special.
7/18/2016 REVISION
After originally leaving a negative feedback, I was contacted by the owner of Secrets of Tea. He was surprised that the product wasn’t successful for us and offered a full refund. This kind of attention to the customers deserves top marks in my book. He also explained that raw fennel tea is not the same thing as the fennel-based baby tea they offer due to extra processes their product undergoes during preparation. Every baby is different. Many other products recommended by other parent didn’t work for us, so by no means do I want to say that Secrets of Tea is selling a poor quality product. Just be aware that it may or may not work.
AMc1029 –
This tea is properly named because it is truly magic! It was recommended to me by a friend who’s child severely suffered from colic symptoms and would cry and scream for hours on end. Although my baby didn’t display such extreme symptoms, he would scream at night from gas discomfort and it would break my heart! I tried gas drops and gripe water to no avail! But THIS tea works! The directions say to give it to baby in a bottle but since I usually exclusively breast feed, I would just drink the tea between lunch time and 3pm so it would hit my system for his evening feedings – which was right when he got fussy every night! On the occasion when I had to give him a bottle, I would mix the tea with breast milk. It’s unfortunately too bitter for him to drink alone so I’ll do like 3oz breast milk and 2oz tea in his bottle – and then I’d drink the remaining tea that’s left (6oz). Sometimes he hesitates because he notices the different taste but eventually drinks the whole bottle. I usually never write reviews. I’m one of those people who relies on everyone else’s reviews but never writes them myself. However, I decided to write this because as I’m typing, it is 3:32am and usually he would be up whining from discomfort but he now sleeps through the night and he’s only 2mo old. I am VERY thankful I was told about this tea.
Sena Ovcharova –
This product does not relieve the colics of my baby but it is very good quality. It is pleasure to drink, lovely taste.
Yo –
The good thing is that it’s organic!
But in my experience, the tea doesn’t help at all.
After a week of taking 2 teabags a day myself, no any improvement – my 6 mo still has reflux and passes a lot of gas, and wakes up quite often. He’s exclusively breastfed on demand. And as it is not recommended to give tea/water directly to a breastfed baby, I would not try it.
I find the statements and promises on the package(“your baby will sleep” etc) too exaggerated and not correct.
A.J. Oa –
I can’t rave enough about Babies Magic tea!!!This tea has saved me & my baby from endless nights of not sleeping. Before this tea I felt so helpless. I bought so many other products that were organic that claimed they worked for colic and gas & that wasn’t the case. My baby would still cry nonstop. I didn’t like the ingredients that were in them anyway. Even though they were organic, why in the world would they put SUGAR in babies products. Nonetheless, God led me to this AMAZING product, Baby Magic tea. I thought, well I have to try it, I have to find something that can help my baby & me. I’ve been having to eat the blandest diet & she was still miserable & crying nonstop. That was until I found your tea. Your tea is absolutely marvelous! My baby doesn’t have acid reflux anymore & the first night I had gotten the tea I drank two glasses. I breastfeed my baby & she fell asleep & stayed asleep until it was time to feed her again. That never happens. Thanks to this product my baby is sleeping more, has less painful gas, her acid reflux is gone & no more colic! I can’t thank you enough for making such a great product with three simple ingredients that are organic. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! I will be sharing this product with my friends, family, Co-ops, & chiropractor. This product needs to be on store shelves everywhere because IT WORKS & has ingredients that people can trust to give to their baby.
Araceli Villalobos –
To be honest at the beginning I was scared to buy and because my baby is barely 1 month and I didn’t know if to give it to him or not for being so little. But I was reading the reviews and I was reading about it and did my research I like the tea a lot and I’m not going to lie with just two days of giving my baby the tea OMG I charge a lot, by baby now burps, passes gas more, poops and mostly he don’t cry so much like he’s in pain. Also he sleep more. Wow I never wrote any review on anything but I had to do it for this product becuase it really does work; also follow the instructions just how it says and it will make MAGIC JUST HOW it says in the name. Thank you so much for having this product because my baby is feeling a lot better. And I will be posting later on after my Baby had A week or two of using to see how is been working. But right is working. Amazed
samantha –
I had this delivered on Tuesday and started on Wednesday. Oh my word Wednesday night my 17month old daughter slept for a 9 hour stretch without waking up! She self settle. Normally id be in 10 times settling her. We now get from 6.30 until 3.30-4am and then she needs mummy cuddles.
You have saved my sanity! Thank you!!!
rafaella –
My baby had bad colic for weeks… nothing worked. I tried infacol and gripe water which made no difference. Thought I’d give this a go… works a treat. Baby drinks it and falls asleep instantly and her colic seems to have gone! 🙂 happy mama! My only advice.. don’t give it in the daytime otherwise baby will sleep all day and keep you up all night ! Best to give it before bed. I also find that giving it straight works better then mixing it with formula.
Fariya –
I have used this for my colicky baby it’s gone worst nothing worth of money. Didn’t work for my baby send wrong product