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Chá Orgânico Pink Stork para Enjoo Matinal na Gravidez – Quente ou Gelado – Suporte para Azia, Indigestão e Prisão de Ventre na Gestação – Necessidades Essenciais no Primeiro Trimestre – Gengibre

*R$247.02 Em até 6x de R$41.17 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$41.17 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$247.02 sem juros2x de R$123.51 sem juros3x de R$82.34 sem juros4x de R$61.76 sem juros5x de R$49.40 sem juros6x de R$41.17 sem juros

O Pink Stork Organic Morning Sickness Pregnancy Tea é um chá orgânico projetado para ajudar mulheres grávidas a aliviar os sintomas de náuseas matinais, azia, indigestão e constipação durante o primeiro trimestre da gravidez. Feito com gengibre, o chá oferece suporte digestivo e alívio natural, proporcionando uma opção saudável e segura para as gestantes.

(9 avaliações de clientes)
Chá Orgânico Pink Stork para Enjoo Matinal na Gravidez - Quente ou Gelado - Suporte para Azia, Indigestão e Prisão de Ventre na Gestação - Necessidades Essenciais no Primeiro Trimestre - Gengibre *R$247.02 Em até 6x de R$41.17 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$41.17 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$247.02 sem juros2x de R$123.51 sem juros3x de R$82.34 sem juros4x de R$61.76 sem juros5x de R$49.40 sem juros6x de R$41.17 sem juros

70% das mulheres grávidas relatam sentir enjoos matinais – qualquer mulher grávida lhe dirá que muitas vezes dura o dia todo e pode ser desencadeado por qualquer coisa! O Chá Pink Stork para Enjoo Matinal apresenta dois ingredientes simples e orgânicos para suporte natural e eficaz: gengibre e folhas de Rooibos. Combine com nossos itens essenciais para o início da gravidez: Doces Pink Stork para Enjoo Matinal – nossos doces de gengibre com sabor e vitamina B6. Adicione a qualquer pacote de cuidados durante a gravidez!

O gengibre é um superalimento para mulheres grávidas! Ele contém antioxidantes e enzimas digestivas, que quebram os alimentos no corpo para apoiar a saúde gastrointestinal e aliviar azia e constipação. O Chá de Gengibre é uma alternativa saborosa e natural às pulseiras e adesivos para enjoo de movimento – e ajuda a promover a hidratação durante toda a gravidez.

O Chá de Rooibos Vermelho é um essencial do primeiro trimestre da gravidez e o segundo ingrediente em nosso chá orgânico para gestantes. É naturalmente livre de cafeína, baixo em taninos e rico em antioxidantes para apoiar o bem-estar pré-natal. Prepare fresco e armazene na geladeira para beber ao longo do dia para aliviar o mal-estar e acalmar o estômago.

Herbalistas certificadas do sexo feminino criaram nosso chá com ervas usadas há séculos para apoiar a digestão saudável – sem OGM, glúten, soja ou laticínios. Para o melhor suporte contra enjoos matinais, adicione nossas Vitaminas Pré-natais e Probióticos à sua rotina pré-natal para equilíbrio da saúde intestinal.

Propriedade de mulheres, administrada por mulheres! Nossa fundadora e CEO, Amy Suzanne, é mãe de seis filhos e sabe como é importante oferecer às novas mães produtos em que você possa confiar. Mais de 80% de nossos funcionários são mulheres, e criamos produtos limpos, confiáveis e eficazes para cada estágio da jornada de uma mulher. Estamos em uma missão de fornecer esperança às mulheres e impactar positivamente todos que entram em contato com a Pink Stork.

Dicas de preparo: deixe o sachê de chá em formato de pirâmide em água quente por 5 minutos – deixe em infusão até mais 2 vezes para obter mais benefícios! Para uma jarra de chá, deixe 4 sachês em 2 litros de água e armazene na geladeira. Você pode adoçar, se desejar. Cada sachê de chá normalmente rende 2 xícaras de chá de 240 ml.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

  1. Suporte natural e eficaz para enjoos matinais durante a gravidez
  2. Ingredientes orgânicos de alta qualidade: gengibre e folhas de Rooibos
  3. Ajuda a aliviar azia, indigestão e constipação
  4. Produto livre de OGM, glúten, soja e laticínios
  5. Empresa de propriedade e administração feminina, criando produtos confiáveis para mulheres em todas as fases da vida

– Sugestão de Uso:

Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Chá Pink Stork para Enjoo Matinal, coloque um sachê de chá em uma xícara de água quente e deixe em infusão por 5 minutos. Se desejar, você pode reutilizar o sachê para mais duas infusões. Para uma opção gelada, coloque 4 sachês de chá em 2 litros de água quente, deixe em infusão e depois armazene na geladeira. Adoce conforme seu gosto. Cada sachê de chá rende aproximadamente 2 xícaras de chá de 240 ml.

9 avaliações para Chá Orgânico Pink Stork para Enjoo Matinal na Gravidez – Quente ou Gelado – Suporte para Azia, Indigestão e Prisão de Ventre na Gestação – Necessidades Essenciais no Primeiro Trimestre – Gengibre

  1. Shadowcricket

    I’m not pregnant! I ordered this because I use ginger tea to help a condition which produces frequent nausea as well as other stomach ailments. I drink a lot of herbal tea, and it’s important to me that not just the tea, but the other components, are healthy as well. That’s one of the reasons I tried Pink Stork Tea. The sachets are biodegradable and there are no staples, labels or other things which I don’t want in my body. Each pretty sachet is filled with a higher quality, fresher grade of ginger than I find even at health stores. I’m very sensitive to caffeine, and generally don’t buy anything other than herbal tea. I felt no caffeine effects whatsoever, so I trust the process by which the caffeine is removed from the black tea. Even though it’s more fresh and plentiful than other ginger teas, when used as directed it doesn’t taste any stronger. If you’re like me and don’t like spicy things, don’t worry. Also, if you haven’t used ginger, or are just getting used to the flavor, it’s definitely worth trying. It won’t burn your mouth like raw ginger can. You can always add some sweeteners, but I never do. The peach flavor gives it a little sweetness, but it’s not overly strong, and it tastes fresh, not artificial like some other ginger-peach teas I’ve tried. Also, if the taste is too strong, adding another herbal tea, such as mint, will balance that out, while also adding probiotic benefits. Since I’m the only one in the house who drinks herbal tea, and only one cup at a time, I agree that smaller bags might be beneficial, but there’s more tea for the money, and doesn’t have to be made as often, so it’s worth it. When brewing only one cup, I’ve had to remove the bag within an hour after steeping. I can leave some herbal tea bags for longer, but I think because these herbs are so fresh, a black tea bitterness develops. If that happens, I just add some extra water! I imagine when used in a larger amount of water than just one cup, that probably wouldn’t happen. The Pink Stork people genuinely care about what they make and who they make it for, which is not easy to find in our mass market culture. The research is extensive, so I know it’s safe. I highly recommend this tea to anyone with stomach problems, pregnant or not!

  2. A. Pearce

    Trying to plan a wedding and obtain my nursing degree when my fiancé and I discovered we were expecting our first child!! Though excited, I have entered my sixth week of pregnancy and it has been rough (for me). No vomiting, but constant all day nausea and feeling like dog crap. It’s been so diabilitating that school to a short extent has suffered.

    This product has the best reviews out of any i’ve seen on the market, and since my morning sickness has not been as bad as most of my friends (vomiting uncontrollably) I wanted to try and avoid going on prescription strength medication. I just received this tonight and had only ONE cup and let me tell you just how great I feel!

    I was able to eat an actual meal without any food or smell aversion (of which I have not been able to do for over a week). My nausea is GONE, my dog poop feeling is GONE. I was actually able to do something besides lay in the bed and be miserable. I was able to focus on school work!! Only one cup ladies and it recommends up to three a day. It’s been almost two hours since the one cup and i’m feeling great, pre pregnancy great! Also, the smell and taste of the tea is amazing. I was nervous with my smell and food aversion that I may not be able to even try this tea, thank goodness this was not the case.

    Now, my morning sickness I would assume is considered mild (no vomiting) compared to most. I believe those with milder symptoms may have the best results with this. HOWEVER if your pregnant and sick and your doctors approves giving this a try, do it! It’s an affordable option to test out before moving on to the next thing.

  3. Minerva

    Even though the taste is not awesome, the benefits are. I was able to eat something and felt better after drinking it. I will highly recommend it

  4. Rebecca

    I had TERRIBLE morning sickness. Like took 6 weeks off of work and laid in bed all day. I was desperate to find anything that would help. I stumbled upon this tea and decided to give it a try. The taste was ok. When you’re pregnant and nausea you can be pretty picky on tastes and smells.
    I would drink as instructed and saw no noticeable difference. Still sick as a dog. Perhaps my nausea was too strong for this tea. If you have a more mild sickness perhaps this tea would work for you.
    Would I recommend? no
    Would I repurchase? no

  5. Becca

    I had really bad morning sickness for about two months at the beginning of my pregnancy. My doctor prescribed me medication to help. I tried this tea instead and it helped so much and I was happy I didn’t have to take a pill for it. I was able to eat breakfast if I had a cup of this!

  6. Amazon Customer

    Bought this for my daughter who was struggling with nausea and morning sickness. She was losing weight instead of gaining weight. Help ease the nausea so she could eat a meal.

  7. Dayna

    First off, this tea tastes amazing! I’m not a tea drinker, the most I drink is iced peach sweet tea with some lemon. Surprisingly, this tastes really close. I brew 2 cups of water with 1 satchel the night before I need it, add some tru-lemon and some allulose (sugar free sweetener). I then stick it in the fridge for use the next day. If I need it the day of, brew with only 1 cup of water and add 1 cup of ice.

    So to the true review. I can’t honestly tell if this is working yet, but I’ve tried everything else and it seems to have a quick impact. I am sick 24/7 with heaving nausea since 4 weeks. I have tried the nausea candies from 3 different brands, I’ve tried magnesium and Epsom salt baths, ginger teas (which are very gross in comparison), and Vitamin B6 and Unisom. The vitamin B6 really helps me to feel normal during the midday, but I’m still debilitatingly nauseous when I first wake up and when trying to go to bed. I keep this around for the moments the nausea seems to creep back and it seems to work. Before the tea, I would try to fight the nausea with water, crackers, or other bland foods. It would make things much worse.
    This is the first thing I’ve tried that I can get instant relief with, and there’s no sugar which is a plus to me!

  8. Kristina Brown

    This stuff really helps! I’m suffering from the first trimester all day sickness and this does take the edge of and settle my stomach. Highly recommend for any other struggling mommas trying to get thru the first trimester.

  9. Daniela

    Tastes really good, but did nothing for my morning sickness.

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