Descrição do Produto: Chá Tradicional Medicinals Orgânico Nighty Night Extra com Raiz de Valeriana para Relaxamento, 16 Saquinhos de Chá (Pacote de 1)
O Chá Tradicional Medicinals Orgânico Nighty Night Extra é a escolha ideal para quem busca uma noite de sono reparadora e tranquila. Com a poderosa raiz de valeriana, este chá promove um relaxamento profundo, ajudando a acalmar a mente e o corpo antes de dormir. Cada saquinho de chá é uma combinação perfeita de ervas que trabalham em sinergia para proporcionar um efeito calmante e relaxante.
- Poder Herbal: Promove uma boa noite de sono com o poder extra da raiz de valeriana.
- Sabor: Terroso, mentolado e satisfatoriamente herbal.
- Fórmula: Para criar nossa fórmula de sono mais forte, misturamos valeriana com ervas complementares como flor de maracujá, erva-cidreira e hortelã-pimenta, para acalmá-lo e ajudá-lo a dormir facilmente.
- Certificações: Orgânico certificado pelo USDA, verificado como não-OGM, kosher, livre de cafeína, saquinhos de chá compostáveis, formulado por herbalistas.
- Sustentabilidade: Primeira fábrica de chá nos EUA movida a energia solar e certificada como TRUE Zero Waste. Como uma B-corp certificada, priorizamos e medimos nosso impacto ambiental, social e econômico.
- Embalagem: 1 cartucho contendo 16 saquinhos de chá individualmente embalados.
1. Sono Reparador: A combinação de valeriana e ervas relaxantes ajuda a combater a insônia e promove um sono profundo e restaurador.
2. Sabor Agradável: O perfil de sabor terroso e mentolado torna a experiência de beber chá não apenas relaxante, mas também prazerosa.
3. Fórmula Potente: A mistura de ervas complementares potencializa o efeito calmante, tornando este chá uma escolha eficaz para momentos de estresse.
4. Sustentabilidade: A produção em uma fábrica movida a energia solar e a certificação como B-corp garantem que sua compra contribui para um mundo mais sustentável.
5. Praticidade: Os saquinhos de chá individualmente embalados facilitam o preparo e o transporte, permitindo que você desfrute de um momento relaxante em qualquer lugar.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Chá Tradicional Medicinals Orgânico Nighty Night Extra, ferva água e despeje-a sobre um saquinho de chá em uma xícara. Deixe em infusão por 10 a 15 minutos, permitindo que as ervas liberem seus compostos ativos. Para um efeito ainda mais relaxante, considere beber o chá cerca de 30 minutos antes de se preparar para dormir. Evite adicionar açúcar ou adoçantes, pois isso pode interferir na eficácia das ervas. Desfrute de um momento de tranquilidade e prepare-se para uma noite de sono reparador.
Hair sheds alot , not very impressed with the quality –
The tea is very good , definitely helps to relax and promote sleep. Definitely is made of valerian root
delia hemmingway –
I’ve been using another sleeping tea for many years and most certainly worked. I actually take prescribed sleeping medication and when I’m all out I resort to the teas. However, I was in the need for a tea that would put me to sleep, with ease, not much frequent trips to the urinal and sleep pretty much throughout the night. Welp, just so happen by chance standing on the check-out line there was a box(just for lil ole me) lol and I purchased it. That night I boil water and followed the instructions on the box. Oh and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the inspirational words on the tabs…just warms me up while I’m drinking the tea. So once I let the tea cool down for just seconds, I took a few sips that proceeded to take more. Mid way down my cup a wave of calmness came over me that had me sooo mellow so by the time I finished my tea I good and ready for la,la land. And I didn’t wake up groggy pr lightheaded. Just FYI:when you open up the tea bag there is a pungent aroma from all the nature herbs that one my not be used to smelling and could be put off by and not want to drink it. Don’t worry because once you put your favorite sweetener in in…the aroma dies down a little (lol). But just know your drinking this tea for relaxation and sleep amd to smell good.
GamerGirl –
I have moderate to severe adrenal fatigue and I have insomnia of epic proportions. I have been using Benedryl/diphenhydramine occasionally, which I hate because it’s a drug and not a real solution, so I’ve been looking for something that can make me sleepy without side effects like grogginess. The first time I used this I felt it kick in right away. I would compare the strength to taking a standard 25mg dose (single tablet) of Benedryl. It helped me have a good night’s sleep. Feeling encouraged, I continued to drink 1 cup of tea each night before bedtime.
However, over the course of about 3 days it became less and less effective and I ended up combining it with 1 Benedryl to sleep. After a few days of this regimen they both lost their effectiveness. So I have to stop for a few days before drinking it again in order to feel the potency. You might experience diminishing returns if there’s a build up in your system. It’s the same way I have diminishing returns with Benedryl or drugs unless I up the dose or stop taking it. When it works, the tea is better than a drug aid because it doesn’t leave me with that groggy feeling.
The instructions say to drink 2-3 cups daily leading up to sleep, which to me is some bull. That sounds like a great way to experience nausea. If I need 2-3 cups of this then it doesn’t work and if you’re dealing with an issue like adrenal fatigue, which a large percentage of people are, then you really shouldn’t be downing excessive amounts of herbal tea so close to bedtime anyway. If you just need a gentle nudge to go to bed and 1 tablet of Benedryl consistently does it for you, then this tea could definitely help you. But if you are a MEGA INSOMNIAC like me that can go days without sleeping unless there’s intervention, then you might want to try this (I believe in trying everything), but have very low expectations.
It tastes bland, but I don’t drink it for taste. Some people on Amazon think it’s tasty, others nasty, me, I just feel like I’m drinking a cup of hot smelly water with no taste. I didn’t have any issues with getting it down. Overall, it’s by no means a terrible product, I might buy it again, I might not.
Amazon Customer –
This product works really well. It relaxes you and you really get a good night’s sleep
Boise Babe –
Valarian root is the ingredient that makes this work! $4 box of tea is about the same price at the store, except my store doesn’t even carry the regular Nighty Night- so it’s a good value. Felt irresistibly sleepy within 30 minutes. Good product! As for it tasting “vile”, as one commenter put it…tastes rather lovely with some honey and much better than nyquil.
Other complained their box was smashed, but mine wasn’t smashed at all, probably because they did NOT mark it fragile.
Jennifer –
If you are tired of getting the same old chamomile and want to switch it up this is a good way to do that. It doesnt smell amazing but it tastes good and does the trick by making you sleepy.
Max –
I used this Organic Nighty Night Extra Tea with Valerian Root, and it’s been really effective in helping me relax before bed. The flavor is pleasant and not too strong, which I appreciate. I’ve noticed a calmer mindset and improved sleep quality since I started drinking it. The only reason I’m giving it 4 stars instead of 5 is that it takes a little longer to feel the effects compared to some other teas I’ve tried. Overall, it’s a great option for a natural, relaxing bedtime routine!
This tea has a very calming effect. But, you have to follow directions. Let it steep for 15 mins. I add a little honey and drink about 30 mins before bed. Very mild taste and I can easily drink without the honey. Will buy again. Enjoy!!
ghadeer –
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Good product –
Works really well with melatonin. I use two or 3 bags. Needs to come with more