Descrição do Produto: Chá Orgânico de Limpeza e Detox para Mulheres
Descubra o poder revitalizante do Chá Orgânico de Limpeza e Detox para Mulheres, uma mistura cuidadosamente elaborada que combina ervas naturais para promover um sistema claro e vital. Com 30 saquinhos de chá, esta infusão é perfeita para quem busca um detox suave e eficaz, sem abrir mão do sabor refrescante. A mistura inclui ingredientes como hortelã, raiz de dente-de-leão e raiz de bardana, todos 100% certificados como orgânicos pela CCOF, garantindo a pureza e a qualidade de cada xícara.
- 100% Certificado Orgânico pela CCOF
- A mistura de limpeza da Moontime Tea apoia um sistema claro e vital com uma combinação desintoxicante de ervas
- Ingredientes: hortelã orgânica, hortelã-pimenta orgânica, semente de feno-grego orgânica, raiz de bardana orgânica, raiz de dente-de-leão orgânica e cardo-mariano orgânico
- Sem cafeína, embalado em saquinhos de chá livres de cloro
- Infunda um saquinho de chá em 240 ml de água filtrada recém-fervida por 3-7 minutos. Aproveite!
Este chá não é apenas uma bebida; é um ritual de autocuidado que se encaixa perfeitamente na rotina diária. Ao saborear uma xícara quente, você não só se delicia com o aroma fresco das ervas, mas também proporciona ao seu corpo uma limpeza interna que pode ajudar a melhorar a digestão e aumentar a energia. Ideal para mulheres que buscam um estilo de vida saudável e equilibrado, o Chá Orgânico de Limpeza e Detox é a escolha perfeita para quem deseja se sentir leve e revitalizada.
1. Desintoxicação Natural: A combinação de ervas ajuda a eliminar toxinas acumuladas no organismo, promovendo uma sensação de leveza.
2. Apoio Digestivo: Ingredientes como a raiz de dente-de-leão e bardana são conhecidos por suas propriedades que favorecem a digestão.
3. Refrescante e Saboroso: O toque de hortelã proporciona um sabor refrescante, tornando o momento do chá ainda mais agradável.
4. Sem Cafeína: Ideal para qualquer hora do dia, sem o risco de interferir no sono ou causar agitação.
5. Praticidade: Com 30 saquinhos, é fácil de preparar e levar para qualquer lugar, garantindo que você possa desfrutar de um detox a qualquer momento.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Chá Orgânico de Limpeza e Detox, infunda um saquinho de chá em 240 ml de água filtrada recém-fervida. Deixe em infusão por 3 a 7 minutos, dependendo da intensidade desejada. Após a infusão, retire o saquinho e desfrute do seu chá quente. Para um toque extra de frescor, você pode adicionar gelo e um pouco de limão, criando uma bebida refrescante para os dias quentes. Consuma regularmente como parte de uma rotina saudável para maximizar os efeitos desintoxicantes e revitalizantes.
Alexa Z –
You get a good amount for the price and it’s also ebt approve, organic and tasty!
Marrinie –
I am truly impressed with this tea. I bought it because I didn’t want to be on birth control anymore. I have been on it for years, and I felt as if I was gaining too much weight. I had irregular period before going on birth control, which was a primary reason to be on it, so I was scared if I stopped birth control I was going to go back to having irregular periods again, which are not fun. Mind you I also have PCOS. When I got off the birth control beforehand I was always in pain and I didn’t get my period for 3 months, my doctor said it was because of the ovarian cysts that were growing so she encouraged me to go back on the pills. I did and again my period was back to regular. So needless to say I was skeptical about this tea working. I wanted to try it out for a whole month before i kept buying it. When I got my period I was surprised and happy because now I feel like I don’t have to go on birth control if I don’t want to. I have not been in pain except for monthly cramps of course, but this tea WORKED! It is organic and its regulating my period. I am just impressed honestly. I drink it twice a day. No, the taste is not amazing. I hate it, but then again I hate tea. I just got use to the taste after a while now.
I have been trying for 6 months to get pregnant with my second and it wasn’t working. I bought this tea because why not, it doesn’t hurt. It worked within the first month of drinking it. I drank it a couple times a day ( if I could remember). It has a great taste, just like mint. I was just about to get my hormones tested because I couldn’t figure out why I wasn’t getting pregnant. But then I turned out to be pregnant! It doesn’t hurt to try it
Katie Kurrent –
So far so good the taste is good but I’ve only been drinking before my ovulation and during so it’s too early to tell
Amazon Customer –
The taste is so so horrible, and even the smell is horrible. Sweeteners don’t help. It is a strong taste and smell of a bitter root, like celery or something with mold. I tried tried tried to like it, more than once, with syrup or honey or anything that might lessen the flavor without luck. It might be a legit great remedy. I gotta toss the whole bag, though.
Cindy –
Currently TTC. No results yet after a month but will be buying more. Great packaging and such a wonderful taste of tea!
Cindy –
Tastes like a bunch of herbs it reminds me of chamomile herbal tea something like that but is better it relaxes your body I like it very warm and yes I do add a bit of sugar it’s just depends your liking I been drinking it for a month and it really helps with my menstrual pain, and discomfort try it
Daisy –
I am around 30 years old wanting to detox from eating too much processed food. I drank 2 cups and I already have adverse affects. I was excreting extra saliva so it may be an allergy to me. Sad to say that I bought 2 packs and they were expensive. I will not be drinking this again but it may work for others. Which means I will not purchase from here again. I will probably use it for cleansing hair, etc. Thanks for the Ethical services. Everyone stay Ethically Secured and Ethically Prosperous.
Matthew chase –
The taste is nice and smooth
Juliet chilcott –
I was skeptical about this product but decided to give it a try after reading reviews. And let me tell you ladies, this tea worked for me! I had an irregular short cycle and this tea fixed it from 23 days to 26 days. I continued to drink it and got pregnant in the third month after years of trying to conceive.
Obviously the tea doesn’t do miracles, but I strongly believe that it boosted something in my hormones and things just happened.
Definitely recommend trying, and it tastes good 🙂