Descrição do Produto: Secrets of Tea Toddler Magic Tea
Secrets of Tea Toddler Magic Tea é uma infusão especialmente desenvolvida para crianças pequenas, combinando ingredientes naturais que promovem o bem-estar e a saúde dos pequenos. Com um sabor suave e agradável, esta mistura é perfeita para introduzir o hábito de beber chá desde cedo. Contendo ervas como camomila, erva-doce e hibisco, o Toddler Magic Tea é livre de cafeína e aditivos artificiais, garantindo uma experiência segura e saudável. Além de ser uma opção deliciosa, este chá é ideal para ajudar na digestão, acalmar os ânimos e proporcionar momentos de relaxamento antes de dormir. A embalagem prática e colorida atrai a atenção das crianças, tornando o momento do chá uma atividade divertida e educativa.
1. Saúde Digestiva: Ajuda a aliviar desconfortos estomacais e promove uma digestão saudável.
2. Relaxamento Natural: Os ingredientes calmantes ajudam a acalmar as crianças, tornando-o ideal para momentos de estresse ou antes de dormir.
3. Sabor Agradável: A mistura de ervas proporciona um sabor doce e suave, que agrada ao paladar infantil.
4. Sem Cafeína: Totalmente livre de cafeína, é seguro para o consumo diário das crianças.
5. Fácil Preparação: A infusão é simples de preparar, permitindo que os pais ofereçam uma bebida saudável sem complicações.
Para preparar o Secrets of Tea Toddler Magic Tea, ferva 200 ml de água e adicione uma colher de chá da mistura de chá. Deixe em infusão por 5 a 7 minutos, cobrindo a xícara para preservar os aromas. Após a infusão, coe e deixe esfriar até atingir uma temperatura adequada para o consumo infantil. O chá pode ser servido morno ou frio, e pode ser adoçado com mel ou açúcar, conforme a preferência. Recomenda-se oferecer uma ou duas xícaras por dia, sempre supervisionando a ingestão da criança.
Marisol Ortega –
Ladies I can’t tell you how thankful I am for this tea. After months and months of my 18 month old suffering from constipation issues and I mean the bad ones no pooping for days and when it was the day it was so difficult for him very large hard stools 🙁 tried high fiber diet, prune juice, grape juice lentils oatmeal bla bla bla until I had no option to use míralax cause it was so bad and it hurt me so much to see him suffering so much. I bought the tea and really would only use it at night time every once in a wile and it wasn’t doing anything. So in my desperate attempt I decide to use the tea all day every day, my trick is every bottle I give him half tea half coconut milk cause I try to keep him off the dairy. and it has helped tremendously he went from hard humongous stools twice a week. To pooping every day even if it’s lil rabbit bean looking number 2’s it has helped tremendously!! Thank you magic toddler tea
R Voerg –
So far so good. My 4 year old son seems to like it. Our goal is for him to sleep longer in the morning! It tastes really good and I drink it sometimes as well. Not sure if it is a coincidence but he seems to be sleeping later the past few days. I like how the ingredients are all natural/organic, and really good flavor. Would definitely recommend.
MammaShopper –
My little one doesn’t like going #2 so much she will hold it until it becomes a constipation issue. Doc says she will grow out of it, but to provide daily food, drinks and supplements to help keep things moving. I discovered this tea in my search for natural reliefs. This tea is attractively packaged in a sealed tin. It’d be great as a gift as well as keeping it fresh for yourself. The tea itself is very fragrant- and smells fresh. I followed the instructions for the amount and used an infuses for a few minutes, added in some honey and gave it a taste…. It isn’t the best tasting, but with the honey my little one drunk some everyday for a week, sometimes warm, sometimes with ice. After a week, we ended up in the ER. This just didn’t work for us. 😕
Cv –
Good quality tea the taste is okay my kids seem to really enjoy it
Mubister –
First of I want to clarify I never believe in homeopathic methods I am a person who sided to science and medicine with open mind on other methods without judgement honestly. we have a few issues with my younger twin that I started researching what else can help him along with a few visits to a specialist… after reading tons of blogs and reviews on this I am sorry but absolutely nothing changed for my twins. we tried several days and effect that other reviews said didnt even happen for 10% of what I read… either I dont believe the reviews or maybe this product dont work for every one but funny thing I tried it on both of our kids and non of them felt ANY different. So after trying i several time I still contacted Amazon with this feedback and they just refunded me $ I want other to be aware that this may not help you. and Gratefully Amazon takes customers above the seller. thanks you for that!
Teresita lopez –
Si los recomiendo son buenos
Melody3435 –
Great tasting tea that my toddler/preschooler absolutely loves! It really helped with her constipation along with changing her diet. She drinks it every day and prefers it over fruit juice. I love that it’s all natural, safe, and has no sugar added. I drink it too because it also helps with keeping me regular. A definite must have in our household!
Jeni –
My 3 year old niece has had issues with constipation since shortly after her first birthday and nothing other than constant medication has helped so while looking for a more natural remedy I came upon this and for only $12 figured it was worth a try. She has only been using it for a little while but it already seems to help I definitely will be investing in more as long as it continues to help