Descrição do Produto: Chá Mágico para Bebês – N1 Colic, Gás e Refluxo Ácido
O Chá Mágico para Bebês é uma solução inovadora e eficaz para aliviar o desconforto causado por cólicas, gases e refluxo ácido em recém-nascidos e bebês. Este produto é especialmente formulado com ingredientes naturais que promovem o bem-estar do seu pequeno, proporcionando alívio rápido e seguro. Cada embalagem contém 3 pacotes do Chá Mágico, garantindo que você tenha sempre à mão uma alternativa prática e eficaz para o cuidado do seu bebê.
- Pack de 3 do Chá Mágico para alívio de cólicas, gases e refluxo ácido em bebês.
O Chá Mágico é desenvolvido com uma combinação de ervas que são conhecidas por suas propriedades calmantes e digestivas. A fórmula é livre de aditivos químicos e conservantes, tornando-a uma escolha segura para os pais que buscam o melhor para seus filhos. Além disso, o chá é de fácil preparo e pode ser administrado diretamente ao bebê, garantindo que ele receba todos os benefícios de forma prática e rápida.
1. Alívio Rápido: Proporciona alívio imediato para cólicas e gases, ajudando o bebê a se sentir mais confortável.
2. Ingredientes Naturais: Composto por ervas naturais, sem aditivos químicos, ideal para a saúde do seu bebê.
3. Fácil Preparo: Simples de preparar, permitindo que os pais administrem rapidamente quando necessário.
4. Versatilidade: Pode ser utilizado em diferentes situações, como cólicas, gases e refluxo ácido, tornando-se um produto multifuncional.
5. Apoio ao Sistema Digestivo: Ajuda a regular o sistema digestivo do bebê, promovendo um desenvolvimento saudável.
Para preparar o Chá Mágico para Bebês, siga as instruções abaixo:
1. Ferva 200 ml de água em uma panela limpa.
2. Adicione uma colher de chá do Chá Mágico e deixe em infusão por 5 a 10 minutos.
3. Coe o chá para remover as ervas.
4. Deixe esfriar até atingir uma temperatura morna antes de oferecer ao bebê.
5. Administre de 1 a 2 vezes ao dia, conforme necessário, ou conforme orientação do pediatra.
Certifique-se de armazenar o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Arianna –
Since he start to drink this Tea in the evening he sleeps all night. It also helped a lot when he was very little and he had colic. Now he is a toddler but he still enjoy drinking this tea 🙂
Veronica WK –
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I think this tea has helped my baby some with his tummy issues. I try to remember to drink it every night and I nurse him a little while after. Sometimes I’ve given him a bit in a syringe as well as he’s gotten older (8 months now). I’ve been doing this for a few months now. I wish I’d discovered it with my first baby as he has tummy issues as well. I can’t say it’s helped with sleep as my babies tend to be horrible sleepers BUT at least I know he’s not waking from his stomach problems. I think the taste isn’t fantastic but it’s worth it. Plus I just enjoy a warm drink in the evening. I plan to purchase again.
Ryan –
I really think this tea works. This is my second time ordering the tea. I originally just bought one container to see how it worked. My baby is 4 weeks old and in the last two weeks I started to notice symptoms of colic and reflux. Before using the tea I did everything…cut out dairy, coffee, spicy foods, hold him upright after feedings, use gas drops and gripe water…You name it and we’ve tried it. We are exclusively breastfeeding, so I just started to drink two cups of this tea. One in the morning and one before bed, then before each feeding during the day I just give him 0.5ml of the tea in a syringe. I noticed improvement after the first day! In a couple of weeks we are going to introduce a bottle, so by then I will mix some of the tea with my breastmilk. Hopefully that helps even more!
adrian a. –
This product defiantly helps!! My 9 month old has NEVER slept through the night, not kidding…the first night I gave him 8oz mixed with formula he slept from 8:30pm-8am!!!!
DragonStone –
We could not have survived the colic period without this!!!
James W –
This tea was taken by my wife and then passed on to our baby via nursing. We have seen a significant difference in our baby’s gas and reflux symptoms. The flavor is an acquired taste but it is worth it if you are looking for a safe and natural remedy to aid in your baby’s digestion. The owner of the company, Samah, is extremely passionate about helping her customers. She will personally provided you with tips and dosage suggestions that will aid in the successful use of the product. I highly recommend this tea and will continue to purchase.
Queyonta –
My preemie is 3 months/2 months corrected and has horrible reflux. We have tried everything imaginable even meds from the peds office. Nothing seemed to work he would just vomit up everything. I purchased baby magic tea and it works wonders. It keeps all his feeds down and he sleeps likeva baby, lol. I don’t recommend giving it to your baby in the day hours it keeps them up all day. I love this tea. I purchased two cans last week and purchased three more yesterday. I put all my gripe water and other products in the trash. I’m so relieved
Jordan Rice –
Babies Magic Tea helped my baby with acid reflux sleep better all night long. He sleeps 10-11 hours all night long. Without the tea he wakes up crying in the night.