Chá de Pau D’arco da Monterey Bay Herb Co.
Descubra o poder ancestral do Pau D’arco com o Chá Herbal da Monterey Bay Herb Co. Este produto 100% natural é uma verdadeira joia da natureza, oferecendo uma experiência única e revitalizante. Com aproximadamente 200 saquinhos de chá, cada um deles é feito com papel filtro não branqueado, garantindo que você desfrute de uma infusão pura e sem aditivos. O aroma terroso e a leve amargura do chá proporcionam uma conexão direta com a essência da floresta tropical, onde o Pau D’arco é tradicionalmente utilizado.
Para garantir a qualidade e a frescura do seu chá, é essencial armazená-lo em um local fresco e seco. Além disso, o produto é certificado kosher pela STAR-K, assegurando que atende aos padrões mais rigorosos de qualidade e pureza. Ao preparar uma xícara deste chá, você não apenas se delicia com um sabor autêntico, mas também se beneficia das propriedades que essa erva tem a oferecer.
– Propriedades Antioxidantes: O Pau D’arco é conhecido por suas propriedades antioxidantes, que ajudam a combater os radicais livres no organismo.
– Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: O consumo regular deste chá pode fortalecer o sistema imunológico, promovendo uma saúde geral melhor.
– Efeito Anti-inflamatório: O chá pode ajudar a reduzir inflamações, proporcionando alívio em condições inflamatórias.
– Apoio Digestivo: O Pau D’arco é tradicionalmente utilizado para auxiliar na digestão, promovendo um trato digestivo saudável.
– Relaxamento e Bem-Estar: A infusão do chá proporciona um momento de tranquilidade, ajudando a aliviar o estresse e a ansiedade.
Para preparar o Chá de Pau D’arco da Monterey Bay Herb Co., comece fervendo água em uma chaleira. Após a água atingir o ponto de ebulição, adicione um saquinho de chá em uma xícara. Despeje a água fervente sobre o saquinho e deixe em infusão por cerca de 5 a 10 minutos, dependendo da intensidade desejada. Após a infusão, retire o saquinho e desfrute do seu chá quente. Para um toque especial, você pode adicionar mel ou limão a gosto. Aproveite este momento de pausa e conexão com a natureza, enquanto se beneficia das propriedades únicas do Pau D’arco.
laura dawe –
I’m not really fond of the flavor and the tea is very mild and it says it’s 100% pure but I am not sure
Awesome Dave –
Great product but was not delivered
Sibelius –
Have been taking pau d’arco as tea for many years. This is good quality stuff with excellent taste and efficient use because of the fine cut. Teabags are convenient and kept sealed will last a long long time. Value can’t be beat. If you are using it for a more specific medical condition you might want to get an extract, or get in bulk and powder yourself, but I am not sure if this is really necessary. I do think the flavor is milder than with some of the other teas available in bulk; this may be partly due to its being all “inner bark” (not saying not the case with other brands), or the fine cut. But this is great stuff, about to order my second bag (first one lasted my a year or more).
Linda P –
I have bought this tea many times in the last year for myself and others. I had heard of this tea 2 times over the course of a year or so from people who had success with it shrinking Cancer. I had been using another more expensive Cancer cure as preventative measures and for overall health. However that product was often on back order. After not being able to get that product for several weeks I developed what I thought was the Flu but I did not have any cold symptoms . I had fever, a very uncontrollable dry cough, weakness, and hot and cold sweats. It was probably the most ill I had ever been It was relentless for 8 days and my back (3 herniated disks) was killing me from being in bed for so long. People said it was probably a virus and I knew of people who had it a year before. I didn’t go to the doctor because I didn’t have insurance. I went back on FB to see when the other product would be available. A woman told another person to get Pau D’Arco tea for her stage 4 breast cancer. This was now the 3rd time I heard this. I decided to give it a try. In less than 2 days of drinking this tea 3x a day all of my symptoms and back pain were gone!! I tested my acid/alkalinity and I was off the charts alkaline.
I have been drinking this tea daily 1-3 times a day for the past year and it not only keeps me healthy but I haven’t been to the chiropractor or need to ice or heat my back. I usually make a big pot and then drink it iced (sometimes with Stevia) and find it very refreshing. I’m hoping and expecting it to safeguard me from CoronaVirus.
PW –
I love the tea bags, vs the loose, ir makes it easier to make it in large quantities
Eva Alford –
I’ve never had this type of tea before, so cannot compare. Having said that, unlike some other reviewers, I find this tea plenty strong using a single tea bag per serving. I also enjoy the flavor, though I am naturally partial to earthy tastes like nettle, oatstraw tea, wheatgrass…
I bought this during a resistant cold that had kept my mother sick for over a month. When I managed to get sick too, I added this to my very high dose garlic, high dose vitamin C, Colloidal Silver, Lysine, and zinc dosing. What took my mother over a month and some residual to get over lasted about one week for me.
I have continued drinking it since getting well just as a nice tea to enjoy knowing it has positive medicinal benefits as well.
Debra Ann Montana –
Although some people are complaining of the strong taste, I have to say that it is the BEST remedy I have ever purchased. My mother has a very fragile immune system. I am writing this review in February. She started drinking a cup daily since I purchased it for her a few months ago (just before winter began). By now she should have had bronchitis, strep, a sinus infection, the flu…you name it! She has had impeccable health and I can only give the props to this tea! She has gotten used to the taste. She drinks it hot and without sugar. I am going to keep purchasing this tea for her to keep her healthy and strong. Thank you, Pau D’Arco!
Terry Weiland –
I liked the idea of using a tea bag was nice and convenient for traveling.