Descrição do Produto: EsseHerbal Tea 8 Herb Formula
Descubra o poder da natureza com o EsseHerbal Tea 8 Herb Formula, uma infusão única que combina 8 ervas totalmente naturais, cuidadosamente selecionadas e preparadas para oferecer um detox eficaz e revitalizante. Este chá é elaborado com ingredientes de alta qualidade, incluindo Cat’s Claw, Slippery Elm Bark, Burdock Root, Sheep Sorrel, Watercress, Ginseng, Red Clover Blossoms e Turkey Rhubarb, todos infundidos em água destilada e armazenados em garrafas de vidro âmbar de 16 ou 32 oz. A escolha do vidro âmbar não é apenas estética; ele protege os ingredientes sensíveis à luz, garantindo frescor e potência.
Este produto é livre de cafeína, cores ou sabores artificiais, permitindo que você desfrute de uma bebida saudável e natural. As 8 ervas são preparadas de forma meticulosa e combinadas para formar um concentrado de chá, que é então vertido fervendo em garrafas de vidro quartzo, preservando assim suas propriedades benéficas. Além disso, a fórmula é enriquecida com uma mistura de 72 minerais quelados naturalmente, extraídos de uma mina única em Utah. Esses minerais são essenciais para a saúde, e sua eficácia é potencializada pela presença de altos níveis de ácidos fúlvicos e cítricos, que facilitam a absorção pelo organismo.
A origem deste remédio herbal remonta aos Ojibway Indians, que o transmitiram à enfermeira Renee Caisse. Com anos de estudos clínicos e a colaboração do Dr. Charles Brusch, Caisse aperfeiçoou esta fórmula de 8 ervas, que visa promover a limpeza natural do corpo e o bem-estar geral.
– Desintoxicação Natural: Ajuda a eliminar toxinas acumuladas no organismo, promovendo uma sensação de leveza e bem-estar.
– Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: As ervas contidas na fórmula são conhecidas por suas propriedades que fortalecem o sistema imunológico.
– Melhora da Digestão: Ingredientes como o Turkey Rhubarb e o Slippery Elm Bark auxiliam na saúde digestiva, aliviando desconfortos.
– Equilíbrio Energético: O Ginseng presente na fórmula é famoso por suas propriedades energizantes, ajudando a combater a fadiga.
– Rico em Minerais Essenciais: A mistura de minerais quelados contribui para a saúde óssea e metabólica, promovendo um corpo mais saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir o EsseHerbal Tea 8 Herb Formula diariamente. Agite bem a garrafa antes de abrir para garantir a homogeneidade dos ingredientes. Dilua 1 a 2 onças do concentrado em água quente ou fria, conforme sua preferência. Pode ser consumido puro ou adoçado com mel, se desejado. Para um efeito detox mais eficaz, recomenda-se o uso contínuo por pelo menos 30 dias, aliado a uma dieta equilibrada e à ingestão adequada de água.
Coach C. –
Esseherbal Tea is a potent formula and I am on my 4th bottle. This product has become part of my morning routine but one warning … its a quality & potent formula so drink LOTS of water when you use. Enjoy! Very happy with this product and have recommended it to others.
Coach Cline
Eric Feijo –
Was looking for an all natural gluten free supplement that did not contain caffeine…found this and very happy with it.
Paul Karp –
I have been taking this herbal cleanse for years. So happy to have it available on Amazon. Great product, I use it daily for overall health and well-being! Definitely 5 stars!
E –
This is a great product. I’m really big into teas – and this is one of kind from my experience. Considering how important it currently is to be boosting our immune systems I like that I get Burdock root and Cats Claw in a single product (not to mention everything else).
Coach C. –
This seems to be a decent product & is easy & convenient for on the go. i feel it could be more concentrated, however. i do appreciate the glass bottle
Debra Fetzer –
LOVE the taste though!! I actually really enjoyed drinking it but it was really expensive and I didn’t notice any difference as to my health for feelings and if the price wasn’t so high I would buy it just for the taste.
Vonnie gowing –
While this doesn’t have the greatest taste , you have to remember this a natural herbal tonic passed down from our native American heritage and improved upon by Iron Faith . I had a skin condition on my arm that would not clear up and had heard of this . I started taking 1 oz, 4 times per day , and the condition started breaking up and is almost completely gone !!! As these are natural herbs, our body can use them like food, unlike synthetic chemicals.
Sounds good to me !!!
Mitzi –
Firstly, yes I really believe these are great ingredients for detox. But also the price is pretty high for non-organic. And, you can buy most of these ingredients independently for much much less. Trace minerals are inexpensive (my favorite brand is 40,000 volts). Fulvic acid is widely available in drop form, very inexpensive. And all the herbal ingredients are available in bulk form, you can just mix your own tea.
In terms of taste, this is a concentrate. It tastes kindof like a bland tea with some hints of root flavor. It’s not bad at all, no aftertaste, and no problem at all just to take a 1 ounce shot of this. But if you would prefer to mix with tea, it mixes well with just about anything (I like peppermint), just make sure not to boil the ingredients, you don’t want to compromise any of the nutrients in these carefully selected herbs. I would add 1 ounce to your cup of tea after it’s steeped, and ready to drink.
One final suggestion, you may want to talk to a functional doctor or functional nutritionist about detoxing. Everyone would certainly benefit from a periodic detox, but if you have a specific goal in mind, talk that over with a professional (especially one with real functional training, such as CFMP). For example, I see people talking about taking detox things daily, and this is NOT good for you, it will flush all the vitamins and minerals out of your body. The average person would take supplements for 7 – 14 days, then maybe 2-3 days of flush, in that kind of rotation.