FertiliTea da Fairhaven Health: O Chá Orgânico para a Saúde Reprodutiva da Mulher
O FertiliTea da Fairhaven Health é uma mistura especial de ervas orgânicas, projetada especialmente para mulheres que estão tentando engravidar. Este chá de folhas soltas apresenta um sabor leve de hortelã-pimenta, proporcionando uma experiência refrescante e agradável, sem adição de adoçantes artificiais, açúcar ou estévia. Versátil, pode ser consumido tanto quente quanto frio, adaptando-se ao seu gosto e ao clima.
A fórmula do FertiliTea é composta por uma combinação única de seis ervas orgânicas, incluindo vitex e folha de framboesa vermelha, conhecidas por suas propriedades que apoiam a saúde reprodutiva. Além disso, o chá é rico em antioxidantes, vitaminas e minerais provenientes do chá verde e da folha de urtiga, que contribuem para o bem-estar geral da mulher. Cada embalagem é selada a vácuo, garantindo a frescura e a qualidade do produto, e uma única bolsa oferece um suprimento para um mês.
Os ingredientes são cuidadosamente selecionados, garantindo que o FertiliTea não contenha trigo, glúten, milho, soja, levedura, laticínios, produtos de origem animal, corantes ou conservantes artificiais. Desde 2003, a Fairhaven Health é uma marca confiável, com produtos desenvolvidos em colaboração com um painel diversificado de especialistas médicos e testados por terceiros para verificar a qualidade e a potência.
– Apoio à Fertilidade: A combinação de ervas orgânicas ajuda a regular o ciclo menstrual e a promover a saúde reprodutiva.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Sem aditivos artificiais, garantindo uma escolha saudável e limpa.
– Antioxidantes e Nutrientes: Contribui para a saúde geral com vitaminas e minerais essenciais.
– Versatilidade de Consumo: Pode ser apreciado quente ou frio, adaptando-se ao seu estilo de vida.
– Confiança e Qualidade: Produtos testados e formulados por especialistas, assegurando eficácia e segurança.
Para preparar o FertiliTea, utilize uma colher de sopa da mistura de folhas soltas para cada 240 ml de água fervente. Deixe em infusão por 5 a 10 minutos, dependendo da intensidade desejada. Para um sabor mais refrescante, experimente adicionar gelo após a infusão. Recomenda-se consumir de 1 a 3 xícaras por dia, conforme necessário, para maximizar os benefícios à saúde reprodutiva. Armazene o chá em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
ColeTan –
I received this tea March 23rd.
I have had numerous miscarriages back to back and wanted to try one more time before I threw in the towel.
My last miscarriage was 12/2020
I changed a couple things so this COULD BE A COINCIDENCE.
-I began taking 5,000 iu vitamin D every day because my levels were low. I started taking this vitamin 12/2020 after my latest loss. We began baby making in January per drs advice and failed to get pregnant every month.
-I drank this tea ~2-3 times a week (much less than they recommended) starting a few days after I got it (March 25th ish). AF arrived on time 4/2 and occasional baby making occurred… we were actually quite busy this month and my husband had gotten a new promotion, so I wasn’t expecting anything to actually take BUT…
I got pregnant immediately. I am currently 5 weeks pregnant.
Now I could definitely still miscarry again since I’m SUPER early in pregnancy. But I will also say that I feel like absolute HOT GARBAGE. The fatigue and morning sickness are kicking my behind and with my miscarriages I had little to no symptoms.
I’m having a second set of bloodwork done some time today (if you’ve had miscarriages or issues conceiving you’ll know what I’m talking about) and I will definitely update this review with the results (good or bad) so far my doctor says labs are looking pretty good but I’m too early for an ultrasound.
Again, this does not mean this tea works BUT it definitely does not hurt to try it either!
It also tastes great. Only reason I didn’t drink it as directed was because it’s a VERY fine loose tea and the holes in my little tea defusers were too large so I’d get a lot of “bits” in my tea and I do not like that lol
So make sure you have a diffuser for fine teas if you don’t like “bits” of tea in your tea.
EDIT TO ADD: my 2nd set of blood work came back and my numbers MORE THAN DOUBLED. I am still cautiously optimistic but my fingers are crossed. Will continue to update as time goes on.
It is now almost August 21st 2021, almost 6 months after I got the tea!!! We conceived our baby mid April and got a positive test 5/4/21. I am happy to report I am officially 20weeks 1day pregnant so far experiencing a healthy pregnancy and feeling baby kicks.
Definitely TRY THIS TEA! It’s $20 well spent for me, I’d buy it all over again in a heartbeat 💓
Rebekah –
BEST CYCLE REGULATOR based on BBT (Basal Body Temp), Ovulation, LH Surge, & Progesterone levels. I began drinking 3 cups a day starting on CD9 (my acupuncturist ASSURED me if you drink anything less than 2 you will experience NO effect).
I have been on Femara already for 3 months, which did not change my BBT trends, my LH surge trends, nor my progesterone levels at all, just my ovulation day (consistently CD17 vs. CD20-CD24 range). This was my 4th month of Femara and my FIRST using FertiliTea.
Before Ferilitea – Really jumpy numbers before ovulation, after ovulation it takes full week to “creep” up to a top number.
After FertiliTea- Before Ovulation: Steady like a surgeon’s hand! My temp was exactly 96.8 for FOUR days (starting the day AFTER I began drinking the tea- I started it around CD9)! After ovulation (same cycle), my Temp spiked like a freakin champ! Took Two days to reach my top number!
Before Fertilitea- I ovulate on CD17 with Femara. For two months I saw I had maybe one Mature Follicle, the other month, my progesterone said I ovulated, but they didn’t find any mature follicles.
After Fertilitea-Still ovulated on CD17! But I had 3 FOLLICLES! 21-23 mm! and ready to pop! Tons of cramping and even back pain from them.
LH Surge
Before FertiliTea- I have very mild PCOS (not overweight, no hair growth) but I do get “mini” LH surges every few days starting at CD10, since that hormone is naturally higher in my body. This makes ovulation predictor kits really hard to use.
After FertiliTea- RIGHT away, the next morning, I had very low LH. My level stayed low until CD16 (the day before I ovulated). No “false” Surges!! With FertiliTea I can now use the Ovulation predictor kits without giant line mysteries!
Progesterone Levels
I get my levels tested 3 days after I ovulate (my doctor said it won’t be my peak, but they will know by then if I ovulated.)
Before FertiliTea- My Progesterone levels were ~12 (my Dr. wants numbers over 10) 3 days past my ovulation
After FertiliTea- My progesterone level was 24!!! 3 days past my ovulation. Double what it has EVER been! I have never had a progesterone level higher than 12.4 3 days past ovulation!
This is just the first month and I have to wait a week to take the pregnancy test, but I have tried everything to help regulate my LH levels and cycle in general. Juicing, no dairy, no wheat, yoga, new exercise, Vitex, B-Vitamins, I tried them all individually giving each a month or so, and some together. NOTHING works instantly and its impossible to tell if it made any difference at all!
The tea made a difference in just a matter of days. I feel so stupid for not buying this years ago!
Taste: It just tastes like tea. Pretty good if you like tea! I bought this AMAZING tea cup to make the experience more fun and I highly suggest it! Special Design Teacup Tilt Tea Cup Tipping Teacup Personalized Smart Tea Cup Tilt Mug With Tea Infuser (White)