Descrição do Produto: Essiac Tea Powder Original Tea Powder – 1.5 oz Bottle
O Essiac Tea Powder Original é uma poderosa mistura de antioxidantes que promove a saúde geral e o bem-estar. Este pó herbal natural, conhecido como Essiac, é um remédio tradicional que ajuda a normalizar o corpo, facilitando a desintoxicação eficaz do sangue, fígado e linfonodos. Com uma formulação que remonta a 1922, o Essiac é composto por uma mistura exclusiva de extratos de raiz de bardana, extrato de azeda de ovelha, extrato de casca de ulmeiro escorregadio e extrato de raiz de ruibarbo indiano, todos 100% à base de plantas.
Cada frasco de 1,5 oz de Essiac Herbal Tea Powder é capaz de produzir até 72 fl oz de um chá curativo forte, repleto de nutrientes vitais. As ervas utilizadas são cultivadas especialmente para a Essiac Canada International e são colhidas em momentos ideais para garantir a máxima potência botânica. A autenticidade do produto é garantida, pois a fórmula original foi passada pela enfermeira Rene Caisse, que recebeu o conhecimento de um curandeiro Ojibwa canadense. Caisse dedicou sua vida a cuidar de pacientes com sua poderosa fórmula, que é o nome dela escrito ao contrário.
– Desintoxicação Eficaz: Auxilia na limpeza do sangue, fígado e linfonodos, promovendo um corpo mais saudável.
– Rico em Antioxidantes: A presença de antioxidantes poderosos ajuda a combater os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular.
– Baseado em Plantas: Com uma fórmula 100% natural, é uma opção segura e saudável para quem busca remédios alternativos.
– Fórmula Tradicional: A autenticidade e a tradição da Essiac garantem um produto de qualidade, com um legado de mais de 100 anos.
– Fácil Preparo: Um frasco rende uma quantidade significativa de chá, tornando-o prático para o uso diário.
Para preparar o chá Essiac, adicione 1 colher de sopa do pó em 8 fl oz de água fervente. Deixe em infusão por 10 a 15 minutos, coando antes de servir. Recomenda-se consumir 1 a 2 vezes ao dia, preferencialmente em jejum ou entre as refeições, para maximizar os benefícios de desintoxicação e absorção dos nutrientes. Armazene o pó em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua potência.
K. Hull –
In Jan 2013 our cairn terrier was diagnosed with osteosarcoma. she was 10 yrs old and otherwise super healthy so a good candidate for limb amputation. I immediately began researching alternative treatments and came accross Essiac Tea. So here is what we did. Amputation of rear limb. 3 chemo treatments. Vet wanted to do 6, but we elected to stop after 3 as her white cell count was down. I was anti-chemo to begin with, but they scared us with the statistics. I didn’t want to kill off any more of her healthy cells with chemo. We started giving her the Essiac tea (with chicken broth) 2 times a day as instructed. We also feed her a breakfast of cottage cheese and flax oil (look that up as a special cancer diet). she loves it. We feed her a raw freeze dried dog food with some chicken broth for dinner. We are at 10 1/2 months and recently had both x-rays and ultra sound. So far so good – no sign of cancer anywhere! She acts healthy and energetic. She gets around great on 3 legs. Statistics say she had a 50% chance of surviving 10 months. We are thrilled and totally believe in the Essiac Tea. I would not hesitate to drink it myself if I had cancer. Honestly the tea is stinky and looks like mud, but my dog does not give us any problem drinking it as long as it is mixed with chicken broth. Our dog weighs 12 lbs so we can get 6 doses (12 weeks) out of one order of Essiac Tea. I have also read that you should only buy the original. Some of the copies have additional herbs which may or may not interfere with cancer fighting agents. I didn’t want to take any chances. Good luck!
gayle –
I bought this for my husband who has LLC. When his white count began to climb again (he has had a round of chemo) I got him on Essiac tea. This formula has powdered leaves of sheep sorrel. I have read that the original formula used the root, and that it was important for efficacy. Since I had already ordered this one, I found sheep sorrel root in a capsule and my husband took a capsule each time he took 2 ounces of the tea (twice daily as recommended). He has been on the tea for 6 weeks, and had bloodwork yesterday. His white count has gone higher, but the climb has slowed substantially. All other blood results were good. His energy level is much better, as well. I have found a place to purchase in bulk, that has the root and a better value for the money. I will compare with this brand.
Lisa Wolsey –
This product is exactly as described
It tastes god-awful but it does the job
LifeFlow –
I’ve been brewing the powder formula for tea for about 3 months, after having being diagnosed with lymphoma 5 months prior. Within a few days I noticed having more energy, and this continues as long as I take the tea regularly (I take 4.5 ounces 2xday, per the recommendations). I haven’t needed any medical treatment yet, and according to my blood tests, my Dr. says it might be a long time before I might need them. (I also take a whole lot of other natural cancer-healing products and wholistic health products, and eat a strict anti-cancer diet. There’s a lot of information online, and many good books written on natural ways to heal cancer, just google). I actually like the taste. Brewing the tea from the powder formula is a bit time-consuming, but certainly much better than not healing! (and I make double batches, so it only happens once every two weeks), but the powder is much purer than the capsules or tincture, which have additives that weren’t part of the original formula. So if you’re really serious about healing yourself or someone you love, I suggest brewing the powder from scratch — it’s an act of love. Also, customer service at this company is really great, they’ve answered any question I ask.
Judy –
This product comes in two different forms, one is capsule and the other is a powder and makes into a tea. The tea powder is a large amount and you can store it in the refrigerator and use daily for improving your immune system.
Joanna –
I am on my 3rd month of giving this to my 9 year old boxer. She is getting 1oz 3xday. She is coughing less, her eyes are clearer than they have ever been (even as a puppy they were a bit beige in the whites of her eyes, they are now white!). She also has kidney disease and has had it for about 4 or 5 years.
Things I have noticed since she has been taking it: her eyes are clear and bright as I mentioned before, she is coughing much less, her appetite has returned, she has much more energy and spunk, her breathing is MUCH less labored and shallow. Each breath is deeper and she seems to be able to sleep better. She’s also begging again 🙂 Her bark has returned, she has been hoarse and could barely whine-her way of talking, her whine is back too.
I have asthma and allergies (to everything in nature!)and one of the herbs in this tea helps to reduce mucous production, a key component in asthma symptoms. I decided to try it. I took 2 oz at night for about a week. 3 days in, my allergies were unbearable. But then they seemed to almost disappear. My voice was clearer (never has been due to the mucous on my vocal chords-yuck I know). I stopped taking it only because I was getting low and my dog is priority. I will be ordering more and start taking it myself again. Can’t wait to see what happens! Highly recommend this to anyone dealing with tumors or mucous! Research Caisse, the RN from Canada who developed this product with the help of a native American. Very interesting!